Fights pit characters against monsters and each other. Players not in the fight cannot affect any part of the fight. As monsters cannot roll dice for themselves, anyone may roll dice for the monster when needed. A fight continues until either side is defeated by all participants on that side having less than 1 remaining Grit

Most actions and effects within the game require rolling 12-sided dice. Skills and rules define how many dice to roll when needed. Some effects may grant bonuses on specific rolls. When this happens, treat the number rolled on each die as increased by the amount of the bonus. For example, if a roll has +1 and the dice show 11, 7, and 3, the resulting roll is 12, 8, and 4. Similarly, when afflicted with a penalty, each die is treated as that much lower. Some effects allow dice to be rerolled. Once a die has been rerolled, it cannot be rerolled again in any way.
When a character or monster rolls, they roll a number of dice equal to their Tier in the used Skill. The effect will specify if only the highest number rolled matters or if each of the dice has an effect. Never add the values of individual dice together. The game also has rules for determining monster escapes and actions. These have you roll only a single die and are rolled by the player, not a character or monster, so are not affected by any cards.
After any roll, characters with Fame may choose to manipulate the dice before the results are determined. Each character, beginning with the one in turn order after the roller, takes turns deciding if they will expend 2 of their Fame to cause a single die of their choice from the roll to be rerolled. Characters continue in turn order until all characters in sequence choose not to expend Fame or until all the dice have been rerolled.
Fights are completed by each participant using actions over the course of numerous rounds. To win the fight, participants must deal damage by attacking to defeat their foe. Attacks are each represented by an ability of the participant or cards that have been obtained from the game board. There are 3 types of attacks; base attacks

, spells

, and gear

. The attack type determines what other effects can apply to them. Each attack indicates on the card what Skill to roll for using it and which defense must be beat for it to take effect.

A fighter’s defense is equal to 3 + double their Skill Tier. The attacker must roll that number or higher, otherwise the attack does not affect the target. Some attacks also include a benefit that only applies to the attacker, and that part always takes place even if the attack fails.
An attack's damage may be increased or decreased by effects. All rolls made to attack grant Accuracy to effects that deal damage. Accuracy increases the attack's damage by 1 for each 8 or higher rolled. When an effect reduces the difficulty of Accuracy, instead of needing a 8, the number is reduced by that amount. Similarly, if the difficulty is increased, the number needed is that much higher.
If the victim of an attack has any applicable Block, reduce damage by the amount of the Block. If they have multiple effects of Block, each of them applies. Damage cannot be reduced below 0. The amount of damage that is not Blocked becomes Injury. Injury reduces the victim's remaining Grit

by that amount.
There are also many Spells and Gear that can be used for support effects. When using a Spell that does not attack, roll Wit. If you do not attain 6 or higher, the Spell has no effect. Gear cards that do not attack do not require any roll, they simply grant their effect.

Spells that do not attack create ongoing effects. Each Spell will specify if the effect is for 1 round or not show a duration. If the duration is not shown, the Spell remains ongoing for the entire fight. Other effects may specify they have a duration of 1 round. All such effects count as ongoing effects.
Ailments cause a penalty to fighters. When causing an Ailment, it is added to any amount already afflicting the victim. Ailments can be fully removed as a single ongoing effect. When removing an Ailment from yourself or an ally, that effect works even if other parts of the action require an attack. While Ailments afflict a fighter, they suffer the listed effect:

Burn: Suffer 1 Injury at the beginning of each round.

Dazzle: Suffer -1 on rolls.

Slow: Suffer -6 Priority.

Weak: Deal -1 damage.
Before beginning the fight, each player with their character in the same zone, in turn order, may choose to join the fight.
As a character enters a fight, if they have more than 1 Worn

, Gear, they must choose only 1 that will apply during the fight, while all others will have no effect. Worn Gear automatically provides protection against each attack.
During a fight, each player uses a hand of cards. Players begin each fight with 2 Base Attack, 1 Lure, 1 Balance, and 1 Focus as well as all cards that have a Priority they have obtained in hand. These cards are the actions used during the fight. Players may look at all cards in their own hand, but should keep them concealed from other players during the fight. How these cards are used will be explained in the Rounds and Actions section.
If there is a monster in the fight, choose one person to run the monster, ideally one who does not have their character participating in the fight. They use the bestiary booklet and follow the steps for running a monster in the Monster section.
As the fight begins and each time after Fame changes, the participant with the highest Fame gains the Priority token. Monsters have Fame equal to their Rank. If winning participants are tied, those participants each roll Finesse

. The highest roll gains the Priority token, comparing second highest and lower dice if higher values match, rerolling if needed on a tie. During the fight, the participant with the Priority token acts first in turn order.
Each round of a fight consists of participants completing actions. Players determine their actions by playing cards from their hand. Each action has a Priority

value to determine the order these actions are completed, with higher numbers occuring earlier during the round.
Each round, each player chooses their actions by placing up to two cards from their hand face-down in front of them in reverse turn order. After all cards are placed, each player turns their cards face-up in reverse turn order. As a player reveals their cards, if they chose Base Attack, they declare if they are using their attack or taking the Priority token. If taking the token, they take it immediately, and for each other action, they place an action token on the Priority track at the actions Priority.
After players have made their selections while fighting against a monster, the monster chooses its action by following the directions shown in the Monster section.

All actions occur in order of Priority. If multiple actions have the same Priority, those actions occur in turn order. If an action used by a character deals damage, the character has -2 on the roll if they have already used an action that round that deals damage. While there are tokens on the tracker, remove the highest number token and complete that action, then continue to the next action.
As actions are removed from the track, if the effect is ongoing, place the card face-up on the table near your character. Otherwise, put it in a discard pile for your character.
When the track becomes empty, reduce the duration of all ongoing effects and Ailments by 1, discarding cards that have their effect end, complete the effect of any Focus card played, and begin the next round.
If a character is ever at 0 remaining Grit

, they are Recalled and removed from the fight. If all characters are defeated by a monster, the monster fully heals and can be fought again later. When the fight ends, all ongoing effects and Ailments also end.