Enviro, named after a renowned general from the kingdom’s history, was a centrally located training camp of the Keridwyn Military. During the days before the collapse, recruits from across the kingdom came to train with Keridwyn’s finest. Set in the foothills, this camp had an excellent view over the surrounding plains and a beautiful range of mountains as a backdrop. The camp was centered around an open sparring ground and grew to accommodate the needs of the hungry Keridwyn military. Eventually, a grand coliseum was erected, for which the current city is known.
Boasting eight entry gates to the sparring grounds and stands that can hold up to 100,000 people, the Coliseum can sport a large variety of games from one-on-one fights to multi-sided battles and sporting contests to chariot races. The Coliseum rests on a network of cells beneath the grounds where contestants can prepare, monsters or prisoners can be restrained until needed, and items of value can be secured. Some cells have been constructed of lead to restrain magical monsters or spellcasting prisoners.
After the great gates of the city of Keridwyn closed, many turned to Enviro as the perceived authority in the great city’s absence. Refugees flocked to Enviro in droves in search of security. The fortified camp expanded outward with a wave of residential buildings to accommodate the influx of people. Soon, Enviro found itself as a burgeoning city. To supply a city of people, the coliseum shifted from merely a training ground to a major entertainment attraction. Tickets, concessions, and the renting out of lead cells rake in the souls needed to keep the city running.
Enviro attempted to maintain order by providing secure grounds for negotiations. Their central location and militant security facilitated negotiations among the other cities. When the bonds of the alliance deteriorated, they declared neutrality and continued to provide mediation for cities wishing to pursue peace.
Their neutrality didn’t last forever. After Crossroads was declared as the culprit behind the theft of the Grey King’s Sword from one of the secure lead cells, Enviro marched to inflict retribution. With their neutrality broken, the trading of food slowed. The people began to starve, and Enviro resorted to raiding supply lines of other cities. It now finds itself mired in the conflict it tried so desperately to avoid with no route back to the peaceful trade it enjoyed.
Even in the midst of war, Enviro declares the city limits as neutral grounds, and all are forbidden from violence outside of the coliseum. Punishment for disobeying this law is being sent to the coliseum to fight. The minimum number of fights to survive depends on the severity of the transgression.
All citizens of Enviro are well trained fighters. Non-citizens enjoy many of the same privileges as citizens, minus the right of free healing after battle and the right to challenge others to combat in the arena over transgressions. The social environment in Enviro is very civil and polite.
Tharn was the runt in his large family of Lionfused. Competition was a constant of his childhood as he grew up in the cliffs of Danrow – competition with both his stronger siblings and the local terrain simply to survive. Life itself was a competition, and Tharn was determined to win. He studied multiple languages and fighting styles. Hard work instilled by the harsh life in the cliffs instilled a diligent work ethic.
Eventually, his hunger for renown outgrew the severe culture of Danrow and he set out into the surrounding forests, leaving the caverns but taking with him his competitive nature and the Danrow sense of concern for those in need. Among the trees, he learned how to survive in the wilderness and best dangerous beasts. His journey continued past the woods where he was picked up by a band of nomads. He traveled with them for a time, learning all he could and tackling every day with the same level of competition that he was accustomed to.
It was when the band arrived at Enviro, shortly after their coliseum opened for entertainment, that Tharn finally felt at home. Instantly he was enamored by the sport and spectacle. Bidding farewell to the nomads, he signed up for his first fight. His martial prowess earned cheers, and his mercy earned shock when he healed every opponent he had bested. His fame grew steadily as he overcame challenge after challenge, driven by the adoration of the crowd until he became the standing champion of Enviro and their most prized fighter.
His presence is a major boon to morale when he enters the battlefield, approaching with the same competitive nature as the rest of his life.
Snuggles was a lion without, captured and transported to be entertainment in the Enviro Coliseum. He was sent into battle and bested by the champion, Tharn. Instead of souls, Tharn demanded that the lion become his reward, feeling an innate connection to it. Afterward, he bonded the lion and gave him the name Snuggles.
Their pack of two is now legendary in the arena. They enter the arena as a duo, announced as ‘The Pride of Enviro.’ Snuggles reflects his bonded companion with the stark capacity for both aggression and mercy: a whirlwind of tooth and claw in combat but approachable by young children outside the field of battle-truly abnormal for an animal born in the wild.
Snuggles was known only in association with Tharn until the great fire. A fight with a flaming ooze went awry as the monster escaped and wreaked havoc among the spectators. During the fight to contain the monstrosity, Snuggles displayed remarkable restraint and keenness of mind as he saved the lives of non-combatants. He protected those who fell unconscious from split-offs of the ooze and dragged them from the smoke into safety. Since then, he has repeatedly displayed this protective instinct by saving the lives of soldiers when he and Tharn enter the battlefield against other cities.