The World Tree | Grinning Demon Games
Complete, soul-saturating peace fills the shade beneath the branches of the World Tree. The towering tree has existed since before recorded history. Living creatures feel healthier and more connected to those around them while under its branches. Hundreds of feet tall, with sturdy branches, it provides shade to over twenty acres in a grove deep in the ancient woods. It is said that the breed of tree has changed at least once in the history of the world, though the event has never been witnessed.

The great tree was a destination for pilgrimages until the kingdom of Keridwyn established a city among the branches. The city grew vertically along the tree as it expanded. The very branches of the tree support buildings which sit atop them, hang from them, and are shaded beneath them. Bridges connect various sections of the city. Organically, the spread of the city mixed with the local foliage.

The people who dwell within the influence of the World Tree are diverse and peaceful. The culture in The World Tree is that of a slow lifestyle. Interests, education, and training are approached with calm leisure. Growth can be achieved at whatever pace is natural. Almost no formal structure exists for work, play, or education. All concerns are dealt with democratically, with elections selecting people to address specific problems. Once the problem is solved, all return to their normal lives, which usually means relaxing or pursuing hobbies and interests. Games are enjoyed without gambling. Food is enjoyed without gluttony. Power is exercised without greedy ambition. Day to day life is filled with contentment and mutual interest.

Imbuing energy while within the reaches of the leaves of the World Tree is easier. Skilled workers can work more efficiently, and even unskilled crafters can produce effective artifacts. During the reign of Keridwyn, The World Tree was the largest supplier of magical artifacts to the realm. Particularly among items of utilitarian purpose.

Not all accept the influence of the tree without suspicion. Those who oppose the World Tree fear that the effect of the tree is malevolent or addictive, or the denizens must be delusional. The contentment and sense of connection fades with distance from the tree, making some feel duped and resentful.

The breaking of the alliance was the chance for the trees opposers to address the threat of the tree without the crown of Keridwyn to stop them.
From her time as the Lore Master in Clan Bato of the Goblins, Wis has generations of knowledge and insight at her disposal. Wis, called Hixli at the time, used this insight to warn the Clan Master about the danger of ForkLeaf. Although the plant is useful for food and alchemical agents, both of which Clan Bato needed, it also grows extensive roots that secret acidic wax that eats away at the rocky terrain in which it grows. The Clan Master ignored her protests and set the Clan to planting copious amounts of ForkLeaf throughout the alpine region their camp sat upon. When the ensuing landslide carried away half the clan, Hixli was blamed. The Clan claimed that she used sorcery to curse them. She was chased into the foothills where she eluded her vengeful kin by hiding in caves and improving her divination magic to circumvent their patrol.

She learned much by surviving off the land without a clan to support her. But that life was a lonely one. She was wary of entering a city, afraid of being condemned for her tribal background, but when the isolation became too much, she traveled beyond the foothills into the lush forests. She encountered a merchant laden with a wagonload of magical tools. After pleasant conversation, he directed her toward the World Tree. Not only was she allowed but was welcomed with open arms. The leader of the city’s defense, Yuyizi, immediately saw her potential and gave her a purpose. The peaceful shade of the World Tree’s branches covers her new life where she belongs.

Now she uses her culmination of knowledge to assist in the planning and defense of her city where her word is both trusted and appreciated.
Yuyizi is a Foxfused who is as wily as any of her animal kin. In a war-torn land, it isn’t easy being small. Yuyizi makes up for her stature by having a backup plan to the backup plan of her backup plan. Her tawny fur is edged with grey. Her easy canine smile stands in contrast to her dark, calculating eyes.

Before finding the proper path of the gods, Yuyizi ran the criminal underground in Symtar. For decades, she befuddled the enforcers of Keridwyn’s law and profited off misfortune. Her companion thief and protector, Izi, a near constant shadow, until one day her extensive planning failed her. A near death experience caused her to reconsider her life choices. She left the greed and ambition for a life of peace in the World Tree. Crime and selfishness she left behind in Symtar. But knowledge of how criminals and the selfish behave, she kept with her. She still lays plans within plans, backups to backups with her impressive mind.

Though her mind is impressive, her ability with a blade is poor, and age is beginning to take its toll. Even in her youth, she was never as impressive with a sharp blade as her sharp mind. Instead, she relies on other means to defend the city. Together with her new right hand, Wis, she lays traps for her enemies of physical, magical, and political varieties.

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