
Certain environment effects take place during conflict. The Soulweaver triggers these effects in any order they choose on their turn. Attacks and damage from Environments count as coming from a size 0 creature. Environmental effects that do not specify a duration continue until the Soulweaver determines they end.
Light and Vision
Light and darkness play a large part in how effectively you can move and fight. Light can come from fire or other sources. Light from fire is Tier 1 + 1/3 the sizes the source is above -9 while other sources each determine their own Tier.
Fire sheds light in an Aura 2 while other sources each specify their own Area. If a light source is above Tier 1, outside the area of the light, for a number of spaces equal to the value in all directions, it creates light that is 1 Tier lower. This repeats again until the additional light reaches Tier 0.
  • Tier 0: The area is completely dark. You cannot see.
  • Tier 1: There is minimal light causing Tier 9 Concealment against sight.
  • Tier 2: There is dim light causing Tier 6 Concealment against sight.
  • Tier 3: There is decent light causing Tier 3 Concealment against sight.
  • Tier 4: There is good light.
  • Tier 5: There is bright light reducing Concealment against sight by 2 Tier.
  • Tier 6 or higher: The light is exceedingly bright causing all creatures to have Tier 3 + Tier over 6 Blinded.
Obscurement represents effects like mist, fog or sand in the air and can be Tier 1 to 12. It causes Concealment against sight equal to Tier and can be moved by Wind of an equal or greater Tier. Effects with a Tier 2 or higher area or that target multiple spaces and deal Elemental damage of certain types also damage Obscurements, lowering the Tier by half the damage. Sand is damaged by Water, Air, and Gravity. Fog and mist is damaged by Fire and Air. Dust is damaged by Air and Gravity. Ink in water is cleared by Water. Obscurement will naturally reduce by 1 Tier after a number of rounds equal to double the Tier. Reduce this number of rounds by the Wind Tier, though it cannot be reduced below 1 round.
Environmental Factors
Temperature and air quality can affect your ability to perform.
Most creatures are comfortable when the Temperature is between 60 and 80 degrees. While in Temperature outside of your comfort range, you have a Temperature Penalty equal to the degrees the Temperature is away from where you are comfortable / 10. You suffer your Temperature Penalty on Overexertion rolls and must roll for Overexertion after each hour / Temperature Penalty.
If you have Reduction to Cold, treat Temperatures 10 degrees x the Reduction lower as comfortable. If you are Vulnerable to Cold, you must roll for Overexertion twice as often against cold temperatures. If you are Immune to Cold, ignore cold Temperature. If you have Reduction to Heat, treat Temperatures 10 degrees x the Reduction higher as comfortable. If you are Vulnerable to Heat, you must roll for Overexertion twice as often against hot temperatures. If you are Immune to Heat, ignore hot Temperature.
Humidity in the air can be Tier -12 to 12. Treat the temperature as 5 x Tiers above 0 degrees higher. Increase the amount of water you need to consume by 10% for each Tier below 0.
Poor Breathability
Certain conditions in the air can make breathing hard, Tier 1 to 12. Tiers 1 - 6 cause a penalty on Overexertion rolls equal to Tier. Above Tier 6, you must also roll for Overexertion after each hour / (Tier - 6).
Any space can be Slick, Tier 1 to 12. Moving into this type of environment causes Balance, DL increased by Tier. Standing while in a Slick space costs 1 Minor Action in addition to any other cost.
Elemental Infused
A Cracked Realm Barrier or massive amounts of magical use can cause the environment to become oversaturated with elemental energy, Tier 1 to 6. While in the area, the DL to Manifest abilities of the Element and their Energy cost is reduced by the Tier. Benefiting from the reduction can eventually reduce the Tier. Abilities of the opposing Element are instead increased. After each minute, deal damage to creatures that are Vulnerable to the Element equal to Tier.
This sometimes causes noticeable changes in the area, being more likely at higher Tiers. Effects such as visual color in the air, modified temperature, or spontaneous magical effects can occur.
Water falling from the sky can make adventuring a challenge. It interferes with the senses and can make moving on the ground more difficult.
Water falls from clouds in the sky. Rain can be Tier 1 to 12 and causes a penalty on Awareness rolls equal to Tier. At Tier 3 or higher, the ground becomes Slick equal to half Tier. Each round, rain uses Soothe with 1/4 Tier d12 against all Burning and it deals 1/4 Tier Continuing Water damage to Fire.
Snow falls from clouds in the sky and can be Tier 1 to 12. It causes a penalty on Awareness rolls equal to Tier. Snow piles up 1/4 Tier inches per hour and melts in temperatures above 32 degrees. If Wind Tier is 4 or higher, double the rate that snow piles up.
Many things can block your path and make moving difficult. Obstructions cause Encumbered Tier equal to Tier and Slowed Tier equal to half Tier.
Ground Softness
Soft dirt, mud, snow, sand, and other hazards can make walking on them exceedingly difficult. Ground Softness can be Tier 1 to 12 and causes Balance. Liquids counts as Tier 13 Ground Softness and cannot be walked on.
Uneven Ground
Hills, rocks, rubble, and other materials can add challenge to maneuvering the land. Uneven ground can be Tier 1 to 12 and causes Balance. If you become Prone while in an area of Uneven Ground, the ground attacks you as if attacking Blind and gains d12 on the roll equal to Tier. If Attacking Blind succeeds, the ground attacks with an Improvised Weapon based on the Bulk of the cause of Uneven Ground with Martial Tier equal to Tier.
Plant life can grow almost anywhere and get in your way. Overgrowth can be Tier 1 to 12 and causes 1 + 1/3 Tier Concealment against sound.
Surroundings and Currents
When at least 1/4 of your body is within these surroundings and currents, their effects take place.
Liquid pressure can be Tier 0 to 8. Each round, Liquid will Reposition each target with a number of d12 equal to Tier as if it is a creature of the same size to move the target a number of spaces equal to double Tier -1 in the direction the Liquid is flowing and on the next success, increase the spaces Repositioned equal to the number of times this attack has succeed against that target, though the total spaces Repositioned cannot exceed Tier squared. While holding onto something that cannot move, gain +1 on your defense, and if you succeed your defense, the increased spaces of Reposition is reset.
While in Liquid that is not calm and during conflict when you enter or start your turn while in Liquid deep enough that you cannot stand, roll Swim to not sink, DL 3 + 1 for each 4 Bulk of gear you wear or carry. When you sink, reduce your elevation by 1 space immediately. While sinking, reduce your elevation by 1 + 1 for each 4 Bulk of gear you wear or carry at the start of each of your turns. You can roll Swim as a Minor Action to stop sinking, DL 3 + 1 for each 4 Bulk of gear you wear or carry.
While completely submerged, treat the Bulk of your gear as tripled to determine your carried gear, have Tier 2 Encumbered, increase the DL to Manifest Fire abilities by 3, Fire damage is reduced by 1/2, and non-Aquatic creatures cannot breathe or comprehend speech. Weapons cannot be thrown while submerged and attacks using weapons with Load suffer -1 on the attack roll for each space the ammunition travels through. Your total Bashing and Chopping damage is reduced by 1/2 before applying reduction and Vulnerable. If falling into Liquid, double the damage reduced with Soften Collision.
While in Wind, the pressure can be Tier 0 to 8. If upwind of a smell, reduce the Tier of the smell by 1/2 Tier to determine range. If downwind, increase smell Tier by 1/2 Tier to determine range. Wind makes a sound equal to 1/2 Tier. Benefiting from Guard with a shield requires an Athletics roll as part of the action, DL equal to double Tier. Flying creatures take a penalty on Mobility rolls equal to 1/2 Tier. Move obscurements a number of spaces equal to Tier in the direction of the Wind.
Certain effects take place each round while the Wind is strong enough. Apply each in order, starting with the lowest Tier. If you are smaller than Size 0, treat the Wind as a number of Tiers higher equal to the number of sizes smaller than 0 you are to determine when these affect you.
  • At Tier 4 or higher, if there is dust or similar material in the area, it is blown up to create obscurement equal to Tier.
  • At Tier 5 and higher, attack Athletics of targets with d12 equal to Tier to deal 1 Bashing damage and cause Tier 1 Encumbered for 1 round. Cause creatures to Balance at the start of their turn and when moving in the area, DL increased by half Tier.
  • At Tier 7 and higher, use Reposition having no size limit with d12 equal to Tier as the attack roll.
  • At Tier 8, use Reposition having no size limit with d12 equal to Tier as the attack roll and they move an additional 2 - size spaces and attack Nimble with 3d12 to increase the targets elevation by 1 - size and then the target does not fall for 1 round.
The hottest natural material makes quick work of most creatures. Lava can be Tier 1 to 12 and has Ground Softness equal to half Tier. Each round, deal 12 x Tier Fire damage to targets and cause Burning Tier equal to double Tier. Fumes above the surface of lava cause Poor Breathability of Tier equal to Tier. The fumes may also be poisonous depending on the area. Lava can be flowing to also have all effects of water with +3d12 on attack rolls.
The world has many hazards that can prove treacherous.
While fire is on the battlefield, each turn, it may grow or die down. For each area of contiguous Fire, the Soulweaver rolls 1 + 1/2 the number of spaces on Fire in that area d12, DL 9 + Humidity Tier - Temperature Tier - Wind Tier. For each dice that succeeds, a space from that area will cause Tier 1 Fire to an adjacent space that contains anything flammable or increase Tier by 1. For each dice that fails by more than 3, a space from that area decreases by 1 Tier.
Each player rolls 1d12 to attack the Soulweaver. The Soulweaver rolls d12 equal to the number of players for defense. Whoever succeeds decides what spaces of the fire spread or change Tiers. Each space can only spread once per round in this way.
Increase the Temperature in an Aura 1 by 1/3 Tier. When a creature enters a space of Fire and while a creature is in the Fire during the Soulweaver's turn, Fire attacks Nimble of the creature with 1 + Tier d12. For each dice that succeeds, cause Tier 1 Burning. Each round, Fire deals Heat damage to each subject in it equal to half Tier.
A creature can reduce the Tier of a space in Reach by 1 as a Major Action if they can douse it in water or smother it. For each 3 Water damage dealt to a space, reduce Tier by 1. At any time a space has nothing flammable remaining, the Fire in it is extinguished.
When a structure is destroyed, it begins to collapse. The falling rubble can be Tier 1 to 12. Each round, attack Elude of targets a number times equal to Tier with 1d12 to deal Bashing damage equal to the Physical Reduction of the falling material. Each attack counts as a weapon with Tier equal to 1/2 Bulk and on success, attacks Athletics with a number of d12 equal to its Bulk to cause the objects to stack on top of you. Objects pile up 1 foot per Tier each round and may block passageways. If the ground beneath you is collapsing, you fall with it.
Shaking ground can be Tier 1 to 12. The ground shakes for 1d12 rounds and causes Uneven Ground equal to 1/2 Tier. Each round, deal damage equal to Tier to each space of structures and cause Balance to creatures in the area. Each round, the Soulweaver may decide the ground splits open into a collapse.
Lightning can be Tier 1 to 12. Roll a number of d12 equal to Tier each round to determine if lightning occurs, DL 12. When lightning occurs, it may strike creatures or objects in the sky and roll 1d12 to determine if it may strike a creature or object on the ground, DL 12. When lightning strikes the ground, cause Tier 2 Deafened in a size 24 Aura. Each creature that could be stuck rolls Luck. On a Fumble, the creature is struck. If no creature would be struck, it strikes a random unattended object. Lightning deals 1d12 x 3 Lightning damage. Injury caused against a Flammable object also causes 1/3 Injury Tier Burning.
Hail falls from the sky with Tier 1 to 12. Each round, attack Elude of targets a number times equal to Tier with 1d12 to deal 2 Basing damage.
Flood, Avalanche, Mudslide
Flowing water, snow, or mud can have pressure Tier 1 to 12. The flow is a number of feet tall equal to double Tier. Trip targets as if it is a creature size 1/2 Tier with Athletics Tier equal to Tier. On success, the creature gets caught up as if in water with Tier equal to Tier up to Tier 8.
Each round, the flow rolls Luck against each creature and object in it, Luck Tier equal to half Tier. On success, it deals Bashing damage equal to the amount it exceeded your roll.
Strong rotating winds can have pressure Tier 1 to 6. Tornadoes create Wind Tier equal to 8 + Tier and can exceed the Tier 8 Wind limit. This wind counts as coming from a creature of size equal to Tier. When the wind increases a target's elevation, it is instead increased by double Tier - the target's size. When the wind causes Encumbered, increase the Tier by 1 + 1/2 Tier.
Each round, the tornado rolls Luck against each creature and object in it, Luck Tier equal to half Tier. On success, it deals Bashing damage equal to the amount it exceeded your roll.
The size can be Tier 1 to 12. The width of the path is 100 spaces x Tier. Each tornado has a direction. After each minute, roll 1d12. On face value 1, 2, or 3, it changes direction 1 space left. On 4 to 9 it continues straight. On 10, 11, or 12, it changes direction 1 space right. Speed can be Tier 1 to 15. At the beginning and after each minute, roll a number of d12 equal to Speed Tier. For each face value 6 or higher, it will move 7 spaces each round.
Each round, the tornado rolls Endure with Tier 2. On a Fumble, it ends. On triumph, if it is not Tier 6 Endure, it gains 1 Endure Tier.
Cracked Realm Barrier
Breaks between our world and the Umbral Realm allow magic and souls to flow freely making magic difficult to control. Cracks can be Tier 1 to 12 and cause several effects in an Aura with value equal to Tier squared. For each Tier the crack is above 1, outside the area of the effects, it creates the effects as if the crack is 1 Tier lower than the previous area for a number of spaces equal to the area value in all directions.
The crack causes an Umbral Elemental Infused area with Tier equal to half Tier and can cause various disturbances with the natural environment, even triggering environmental disasters. After each minute, deal Umbral damage equal to Tier to targets in the area. If more than 1 damage dice was face value 12, a soul forms at the crack. When a creature Manifests a magical ability, they roll Zeal, DL equal to Tier. On failure, the ability fails.

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