Adventuring Gear
Adventuring Gear
Adventuring Gear

Profession Gear
Profession Gear is specific sets of objects intended to complete a designated job. Some actions require you to have the correct Profession Gear to use them.
Advanced Profession Gear
You can double the cost and increase the Craft Tier by 1 of any Profession Gear up to 3 times to get an advanced version. If the gear has Tools in the name, also double the Bulk. For each time you do, gain +1 on the effect of any action you use the gear for.
Improvised Profession Gear (1 Minute Per Bulk Improvised - Tools)
You can roll Tools, DL 9, to use objects as improvised Profession Gear. This cannot replicate advanced gear. You must provide appropriate material of equal Bulk. Have -3 on rolls using the improvised objects.
Profession GearCostBulkCraftDescription
Brewer's ToolsCost 58.5033 GlassUsed for crafting alchemical objects, potions, and poisons.
Carver's ToolsCost 146.2551 SteelUsed for crafting and breaking wood, bone, and stone objects.
Charlatan's ToolsCost 6.0021 WoodUsed for crafting disguises.
Chef's ToolsCost 150.0042 SteelUsed for cooking. While cooking, you can Aid yourself with Tools. For each 3 you exceed the Aid DL, gain an additional +2 on your roll.
CrowbarCost 36.0031 BronzeUsed to break hinges, locks, or fasteners.
DrillCost 24.0021 BronzeCreates holes with a screwing motion.
Enchanter's ToolsCost 292.5054 SteelUsed for crafting Artifacts, Inlays, tattoos, etchings, and objects made of living elements or Soulshards.
Fishing RodCost 3.0011 WoodA sturdy stick and ample supply of string used for catching fish.
Flint and SteelCost 8.78N31 SteelUse with both hands to light a flammable object.
Gatherer's ToolsCost 9.0031 WoodUsed for finding food. Gain +1 on Survival to find food rolls.
Gemcrafter's ToolsCost 75.0022 SteelUsed to craft gems to improve their quality.
Glass CutterCost 17.5012 BronzeUsed for breaking specific parts of glass without shattering the whole.
Grappling HookCost 17.5012 BronzeUsed to hook onto a ledge. Has a loop to easily connect a rope.
Groomer's ToolsCost 6.0021 WoodEverything you need to stay well-groomed.
Hack SawCost 18.75N52 SteelA serrated piece of metal for making cuts in metals.
HammerCost 4.80N41 BronzeA heavy head at the end of a stick. Used for many purposes.
Healer's ToolsCost 94.5023 SteelUsed for treating wounds.
KnifeCost 2.40N21 BronzeA sharp cutting device. Used for breaking string, cloth, fur, and leather.
LadderCost 23.0042 WoodA wooden ladder with steps that crosses 2 spaces.
Ladder, RopeCost 4.8041 FiberA simple rope ladder that crosses 4 spaces.
Locksmith's ToolsCost 47.2513 SteelUsed for picking and crafting locks.
MagnetCost 2.85N21 StoneUsed to help find metal objects. Can lift a up to an N5 object.
ManaclesCost 75.0022 SteelUsed to bind a creatures hands. Does not include a lock. It has Unsecure DL 15.
Mechanic's ToolsCost 468.0084 SteelUsed for crafting mechanical gear.
Metallurgist's ToolsCost 300.0082 SteelUsed for breaking and crafting metal objects.
Miner's PickCost 36.0031 BronzeUsed for breaking stone.
Molder's ToolsCost 112.5032 SteelUsed for crafting and breaking clay, cloth, fiber, glass, leather, and paper objects.
QuiverCost 3.7511 LeatherA simple case worn over the shoulder that holds up to 20 bolts, arrows, or other small sticks. Its contents do not count towards your Bulk limit.
Ram, PortableCost 15.0051 WoodA large, ironshod piece of wood with handholds cut in for breaking walls and doors.
RopeCost 4.8041 FiberRope that spans 10 spaces. Can be broken by a single attack from any Chopping damage. Can support 2,000 Bulk. Can be used as a Tier 1 melee weapon with Grab. If dropped, the rope becomes the Holder.
Rope, SilkCost 35.2523 BoneRope that can support 3,000 Bulk.
Seamstres's ToolsCost 24.0021 BronzeUse to craft clothes.
ShovelCost 36.0031 BronzeCan displace 10 Bulk each minute. Harder or softer ground modifies the amount.
Trapsmith's ToolsCost 150.0042 SteelUsed for crafting and breaking traps.
Wood SawCost 8.75N52 BronzeA serrated piece of metal for making cuts in wood.
Writer's ToolsCost 3.0011 WoodUsed for crafting drawing and texts. Includes a slate for writing on, a signet seal, and an inkpen.
Consumable GearCostBulkCraftDescription
BandagesCost 2.5620 ClothUsed with Treat Injury 50 times.
ChalkCost 1.43N11 StoneA pack of 50 pieces of chalk that can leave marks on most surfaces. Each piece can write 50 pages of text or 5 Craft Tiers of ritual circle.
FirewoodCost 3.0011 WoodDry wood that holds a flame without taking damage from Burning for an hour and is consumed. Increases the 1 Tier in an Aura 2. Area value becomes 5 in an enclosed area.
GlueCost 1.11N12 BoneCan be used to fasten up to 1 Bulk of objects in place. Additional glue can combine for higher Bulk. Requires 1 minute in heat to prepare it for use.
GreaseCost 11.1312 BoneA container of flammable grease. Coat an object with N1 Bulk to cause Tier 1 Slippery. Coat a surface with 1 Bulk to cause Tier 1 Slick.
InkCost 8.00N22A vial containing 1 ounce of black ink. Can write 50 pages of text. Other colors can be bought for double the cost.
JournalCost 4.5013 PaperA blank book of 50 paper pages.
MakeupCost 17.6313 BoneUsed to change a person's appearance with disguises. Can be used 50 times.
Medical HerbsCost 10.0014Used with Attack Disease or Poison 50 times. Takes 1 round to prepare this for use and is wasted if not used within 1 hour.
OilCost 5.6311 BoneA container of flammable oil. Coat an object with N1 Bulk to cause Tier 1 Slippery. Coat a surface with 1 Bulk to cause Tier 1 Slick. Reduce the Tier of Slippery and Slick caused by 1 after each minute.
Paper, PageCost 0.29N12 PaperA 12" x 9" sheet of paper ideal for writing on with ink and for binding into a book.
Ritual CanvasCost 5.6331 ClothThis cloth is large enough to draw a ritual circle and has ties to help roll and store it easily.
Sealing Wax Cost 1.13N21 BoneRed wax used for sealing 50 envelopes.
SoapCost 1.13N21 BoneChemicals to use with water to clean a person or object. Can be used 50 times.
SpicesCost 0.35N31Flavor for 50 dishes.
StringCost 0.12N11 FiberA simple piece of string that spans 6 spaces.
Trail MixCost 0.2512Long lasting, simple food. Great for long journeys.
WireCost 1.20N11 BronzeVersatile wire that can stretch across a single space.
Survival GearCostBulkCraftDescription
BedrollCost 2.5620 ClothA simple sleeping bag to make sleep more comfortable while traveling. Can roll up for easy transport. Treat the temperature as 20 degrees higher.
BlanketCost 1.2810 ClothA thick blanket for cold nights. Treat the Temperature as 10 degrees higher.
CandleCost 0.33N10 BoneHolds a flame without taking damage from Burning. A candle is consumed after burning for one hour. Suitable for a candelabra.
ClothesCost 3.8430 ClothSimple clothes for civilized people.
CotCost 18.0061 WoodA simple, portable bed. Takes 5 minutes to set up or put away.
Ear TrumpetCost 1.20N11 BronzeTreat Physical Reduction of objects you try to listen through as 1 less.
EarplugsCost 0.15N11 ClayCount as having Magnitude 2 Concealment from sounds.
HammockCost 1.8230 FiberCan be hung from 2 trees or pillars for sleeping off of the ground.
Hand BellCost 3.50N22 BronzeA handheld bell that can be used for a signal. Makes a Magnitude 3 sound.
LanternCost 12.0011 BronzeHolds a flame without taking damage from Burning. Consumes 1N Bulk of oil every 3 hours.
Lantern, BullseyeCost 17.5012 BronzeHolds a flame without taking damage from Burning. Area becomes a Cone with double the value. Consumes 1N Bulk of oil every 3 hours.
Lantern, HoodedCost 17.5012 BronzeHolds a flame without taking damage from Burning. The light can be hidden or revealed as a Minor Action. Consumes 1N Bulk of oil every 3 hours.
MirrorCost 13.0012 GlassA handheld reflective surface.
Mirror, Silver BackedCost 160.0012 SilverA mirror with a silver backing. While properly polished, it grants +2 on defenses against Projections seen in it.
PoleCost 1.8110 WoodA simple stick with Extend 1.
Shield SconceCost 1.20N11 BronzeAllows you to attach a torch to the back of a shield so the torch can be carried without a hand.
Signal HornCost 5.6311 BoneMakes a Magnitude 8 sound when blown.
Sturdy SpikeCost 9.6310 BronzeIdeal for hammering into any solid surface to hold a rope or block an object.
TentCost 23.0042 WoodA tent for 1. Takes 5 minutes to set up or take down.
TorchCost 1.20N41 WoodHolds a flame without taking damage from Burning. After 1 hour, you must add 1N Bulk of oil as a Major Action or it stops Burning.
Travel GearCostBulkCraftDescription
Backpack, AdventurerCost 14.6333 ClothA standard backpack that is immune to fire and keeps water out. 6 Bulk of objects placed inside do not count towards your Bulk limit.
Backpack, StandardCost 3.7521 ClothA simple pack to wear over the shoulders. It can store up to 30 Bulk of objects within its various pockets.
BagCost 1.2810 ClothA canvas bag able to hold up to 20 Bulk of objects. A drawstring allows it to be tied shut.
BarrelCost 24.0081 WoodA sturdy wooden barrel. Often used to hold about 480 glasses of ale.
Belt PouchCost 0.38N21 ClothA small pouch that attaches to a belt and can hold 1 Bulk of objects.
BottleCost 3.75N51 GlassA glass bottle with a cork that holds 2 Bulk of liquid.
BoxCost 5.7512 WoodA simple, small, wooden box with a lid that can be latched. Slots on the inside allow adding planks to set divided sections for small objects. Holds 3 Bulk.
BucketCost 3.0011 WoodA wooden bucket with a rope handle that can hold up to 6 Bulk of liquid.
CanteenCost 17.5012 BronzeCan hold 2 Bulk of liquid.
ChainCost 24.0021 BronzeA string of metal rings that can be used to tie up objects or creatures and spans 2 spaces.
CrateCost 36.00121 WoodHolds 150 Bulk of objects.
FlaskCost 2.25N31 GlassA glass bottle that holds N5 of liquid.
JugCost 1.5011 ClayA clay jug able to hold 2 Bulk of liquid.
Mess KitCost 6.0041 ClayA single set of dishes and simple cooking supplies used for preparing food and eating on the road.
MugCost 0.18N20 ClayA simple cup.
ParachuteCost 32.50102 ClothIf worn, activate as a reaction while falling to fall only 25 spaces per round and not take damage from Colliding with the ground from the fall. You are moved in the direction of the wind each round a number of spaces equal to the wind Tier. Cannot be used again until repacked. It takes 12 minutes to repack.
TeacupCost 0.29N12 ClayA fancy cup with a handle and a saucer plate.
VialCost 2.60N22 GlassA small, sturdy glass container that can hold 1 ounce of liquid. Does not take Collision damage from being Tossed or Dropped. Can be used as a Tier 2 physical Lightweight ranged weapon with 3 range. When used in this way, it is destroyed.
WaterskinCost 1.13N31 LeatherA bag that holds 2 Bulk of liquid and is easy to drink from.

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