Gear and Bulk
Gear and Bulk
Gear and Bulk

Custom object cost calculator
Craft TierBulk / SizeMaterialExceptionalTechnologyCost
/ Cost 29.25
Purchasing Gear
Soulshards are the common currency in civilized society where 1 Soul is worth 100 Shards. A cost shown as Cost 11.66 is 11 Souls and 66 Shards. Normally, you must pay the listed cost in order to obtain gear. It is not always possible to find what you want sitting on a shop shelf, but a capable crafter will often allow you to commission an object to be made.
This cost indicates a standard version of the object without additional intricate or ornate design or other special features. Such extras can be added by increasing the Craft Tier by the hands of an expert crafter. Use the calculator above to determine new resulting cost of the object.
There are Abilities that allow modifications to certain types of objects. It will be exceedingly rare to find objects with these modification on a store shelf, rather they are almost exclusively made to order.
Inlay Limit
An object's material limits how many Inlays can be Melded into it. Artifacts have Inlay Limit 2 unless made of a specific material that has a different Limit.
Each object has Bulk that represents the difficulty to carry it. 1 Bulk represents about 2 pounds of weight or 1 foot of length. The smallest objects are instead measured as Negligible. These objects are shown as N followed by how many Tiers of Negligible the object is. 10 Tiers of Negligible equals 1 Bulk. Do not round Bulk or Bulk Limit values.
Each material has a density modifier for how dense it is for the same size as other materials. When determining Bulk by an object's physical size, modify the size by this value. Objects with 0 or less density can float.
When you need to determine the Bulk of an object the players encounter, you can use density to determine the object Bulk based off of the dimensions of the object.
Carried Bulk Limits
You can carry up to your Bulk Limit without penalty. Treat creatures and objects you drag as 1/5 their Bulk towards the amount you carry. Clothes you wear do not count towards your Bulk Limit.
While carrying more than your Bulk Limit, you must roll for Overexertion after each hour. While carrying more than double your Bulk Limit, you must roll for Overexertion after 10 minutes. For each time the gear you carry exceeds a multiple of your Bulk Limit, gain Tier 1 Encumbered and Slowed. You cannot move while carrying more than 4 times your Bulk Limit.
Durability and Defenses
Objects are Mindless, Immune to attacks against Endure, and have Tier 0 in each Skill. An object is unattended while no creature is Gripping or carrying it. Unattended objects treat the result of Finesse skills, Athletics, and Martial defenses as 0. An attended object uses the defense of the creature Gripping it when attacked. Objects that fall or are thrown take Collision damage.
Objects have Physical Reduction, Durability, and base thickness based on their material as shown below. If the thickness of an object is thicker than the base thickness of the material, it gains 1 Physical Reduction for each time the base thickness is doubled. Physical Reduction is instead reduced by 1 for each time the thickness is halved. Objects do not have a Grit Pool. If an effect would deal Grit damage to an object, for each multiple of its Durability the Injury is, the object gains Broken Tier 1.
Shows the amount of Physical Reduction the material has. Indicates that the material is flammable. Indicates that the material is conductive.
While an object has Broken Tiers equal to double its Bulk or higher, it no longer functions. When Broken Tiers equal or exceed 4 x its Bulk, it is destroyed and cannot be Repaired. Objects under 1 Bulk count as 1/2 Bulk.
If an object would be affected in a way that must target a body part, an object counts as a torso. If the object occupies more than 1 space, each space counts as another torso.
Objects of Different Sizes
Objects presented are for size 0 creatures. When using an object made for a creature of a different size than you, take a penalty on rolls to use it equal to the size difference. When targeting an object, you can target a specific part of the object to have it count as the size of that part and only affect that part.
For each size larger than 0 an object is made for:
  • Increase the cost of non-magical objects, Bulk, and the amount of Bulk that can be carried in an object by 50% from the previous size.
  • Increase physical damage of weapons by 1 from the previous size.
  • Increase Extend by 0.5 from the previous size.
For each size smaller than 0 an object is made for:
  • Reduce the cost of non-magical objects, Bulk, and the amount of Bulk that can be carried in an object by 25% from the previous size.
  • Reduce physical damage of weapons by 1 from the previous size. This cannot reduce damage below 0.
  • Reduce Extend by 0.5 from the previous size.
Changing Weapon Materials
Non-magical weapons can be crafted of materials other than what they are normally made of to grant additional effects when used as a weapon. Some materials apply additional effects when applied to weapons as shown in their details. Ammunition grants its material effects to attacks when launched. Weapons that have Load gain no benefit from changing materials.
Indicates standard materials that can be found easily.
Represents materials are considered exotic and are far more difficult to obtain.
Standard Materials
Cost 0.75 per bulk
Reduction 2Standard
1/4" Thickness with Durability 2
Bone from common creatures. Also represents objects made from animal byproducts. Has 6 Necrotic Reduction.
Density: 0 Inlay Limit: 2 Craft Modifier: 2
Cost 5.00 per bulk
Reduction 3ConductiveStandard
1/8" Thickness with Durability 4
A simple metal that can break down over time.
Density: 2 Inlay Limit: 1 Craft Modifier: 2
After an attack with this Fumbles, it gains Tier 1 Broken.
Cost 0.25 per bulk
Reduction 0Standard
1/16" Thickness with Durability 1
Double any Broken Tiers this suffers.
Density: 0 Inlay Limit: 1 Craft Modifier: 0.5
Cost 0.50 per bulk
Reduction 0FlammableStandard
1/4" Thickness with Durability 2
Is Vulnerable to Chopping and Fire and Immune to Bashing.
Density: -2 Inlay Limit: 1 Craft Modifier: 0.5
Weapons cannot be changed to this material.
Cold Iron
Cost 50.00 per bulk
Reduction 3ConductiveStandard
1/8" Thickness with Durability 4
When this makes contact with a primarily Fae creature, it inflicts Cold Iron Poison.A once common metal that has been almost wiped out due to its hazardous properties. When this makes contact with a Fae creature, it inflicts Cold Iron Poison.
Density: 2 Inlay Limit: 1 Craft Modifier: 2
Cost 0.01 per bulk
Reduction 1Standard
1/8" Thickness with Durability 1
Directly from the ground. Reduce Physical Reduction by Ground Softness Tier.
Density: 0 Inlay Limit: 0 Craft Modifier: 0.5
Cost 0.05 per bulk
Reduction 0FlammableStandard
1/16" Thickness with Durability 1
Is Vulnerable to Chopping and Fire and Immune to Bashing.
Density: 0 Inlay Limit: 1 Craft Modifier: 0.5
Weapons cannot be changed to this material.
Cost 2.00 per bulk
Reduction 0FlammableStandard
1/4" Thickness with Durability 2
Is Immune to Bashing.
Density: -1 Inlay Limit: 1 Craft Modifier: 2
Weapons cannot be changed to this material.
Cost 2.00 per bulk
Reduction 0Standard
1/16" Thickness with Durability 1
Double any Broken Tiers this suffers.
Density: 1 Inlay Limit: 1 Craft Modifier: 2
Cost 100.00 per bulk
Reduction 0ConductiveStandard
1/8" Thickness with Durability 4
A soft, decorative metal. Is Vulnerable to Fire.
Density: 3 Inlay Limit: 1 Craft Modifier: 2
Cost 75.00 per bulk
Reduction 3Standard
1/8" Thickness with Durability 4
A sturdy wood that compares with iron.
Density: 1 Inlay Limit: 1 Craft Modifier: 3
Cost 1,500.00 per bulk
Reduction 1FlammableStandard
1/8" Thickness with Durability 4
This once common material has become rare from being hoarded by those in power for its ability to ward magic. Is Vulnerable to Fire and Immune to magic.
Density: 2 Inlay Limit: 0 Craft Modifier: 2
Cost 1.00 per bulk
Reduction 1FlammableStandard
1/4" Thickness with Durability 2
Is Immune to Bashing.
Density: 0 Inlay Limit: 2 Craft Modifier: 1
Weapons cannot be changed to this material.
Cost 0.25 per bulk
Reduction 0FlammableStandard
1/16" Thickness with Durability 1
Is Vulnerable to Fire, Bashing, and Chopping.
Density: 0 Inlay Limit: 1 Craft Modifier: 0.5
Cost 100.00 per bulk
Reduction 1ConductiveStandard
1/8" Thickness with Durability 4
A rare metal often used as decoration. Is Vulnerable to Fire.
Density: 2 Inlay Limit: 1 Craft Modifier: 2
Cost 15.00 per bulk
Reduction 4ConductiveStandard
1/8" Thickness with Durability 4
The most commonly used metal when quality and cost matter. Has 6 Air and Chopping Reduction.
Density: 2 Inlay Limit: 1 Craft Modifier: 3
Cost 5.00 per bulk
Reduction 3Standard
1/8" Thickness with Durability 4
Has 6 Air, Earth, Fire, and Time Reduction.
Density: 2 Inlay Limit: 1 Craft Modifier: 3
Cost 75.00 per bulk
Reduction 2FlammableStandard
1/4" Thickness with Durability 2
A rare wood that naturally holds poison well.
Density: 0 Inlay Limit: 2 Craft Modifier: 3
When a poison is applied to this, it remains in effect until it damages a creature 12 times. If a new poison is applied, the first is removed. The poison takes -2 on attack rolls and cannot be cleaned off the weapon.
Cost 0.50 per bulk
Reduction 2FlammableStandard
1/4" Thickness with Durability 2
Is Vulnerable to Fire.
Density: 0 Inlay Limit: 2 Craft Modifier: 1
Exotic Materials
Cost 1,000.00 per bulk
Reduction 8ConductiveExotic
1/8" Thickness with Durability 4
This sturdy metal is known for being virtually indestructible.
Density: 2 Inlay Limit: 2 Craft Modifier: 5
Weapons deal +1 damage and treat reduction of objects they Damage as half.
Ancient Bone
Cost 100.00 per bulk
Reduction 3Exotic
1/4" Thickness with Durability 2
Bone from an ancient creature. Has 6 Necrotic Reduction.
Density: 0 Inlay Limit: 4 Craft Modifier: 3
Cost 250.00 per bulk
Reduction 1FlammableExotic
1/4" Thickness with Durability 2
Leather made from an angel. Has 6 Radiant Reduction. Is Immune to Bashing.
Density: 0 Inlay Limit: 3 Craft Modifier: 4
Cost 250.00 per bulk
Reduction 1FlammableExotic
1/4" Thickness with Durability 2
Leather made from a demon. Has 6 Necrotic Reduction. Is Immune to Bashing.
Density: 0 Inlay Limit: 3 Craft Modifier: 4
Cost 250.00 per bulk
Reduction 1FlammableExotic
1/4" Thickness with Durability 2
Leather made from a dragon. Has 6 Reduction against its Element. Is Immune to Bashing.
Density: 0 Inlay Limit: 3 Craft Modifier: 4
Living Element
Cost 500.00 per bulk
Reduction 1Exotic
1/4" Thickness with Durability 2
A chunk of living air, earth, Fire, or water. This magical material can be used in various ways. Is Immune to its own Element.
Density: -1 Inlay Limit: 3 Craft Modifier: 5
Weapons lose any previous Element Property and gain this Element.
Living Wood
Cost 200.00 per bulk
Reduction 2FlammableExotic
1/4" Thickness with Durability 2
This rare plant can be used as wood and does not need to be rooted to live. It is most commonly found as the hide of a Flora. Has 6 Radiant Reduction. Each 12 hours in sunlight or water removes 1 Broken Tier from each Bulk of this. Can be affected as a Mindless living creature.
Density: 0 Inlay Limit: 4 Craft Modifier: 3
Cost 200.00 per bulk
Reduction 4ConductiveExotic
1/8" Thickness with Durability 4
As exceedingly rare metal. Also counts as silver.
Density: 1 Inlay Limit: 3 Craft Modifier: 4
Weapons have a Minor Action Pool of 1. You can use the Pool as your own for actions using this.
Cost 100.00 per bulk
Reduction 2Exotic
1/16" Thickness with Durability 1
Sharp and fragile. Has 6 Fire Reduction. Cannot be maintained or healed except by magic. Double any Broken Tiers this suffers.
Density: 1 Inlay Limit: 2 Craft Modifier: 3
Weapons gain Devastating.
Cost 250.00 per bulk
Reduction 3Exotic
1/8" Thickness with Durability 4
This rare stone helps the flow of magic. Has 6 Magic Reduction and doubles duration of magical effects on it.
Density: 2 Inlay Limit: 4 Craft Modifier: 4
After causing Injury, cause -1 on defenses against magical effects for 1 round.
Cost 200.00 per bulk
Reduction 2FlammableExotic
1/4" Thickness with Durability 2
A rare wood that contains spores that can put most creatures to sleep.
Density: 0 Inlay Limit: 3 Craft Modifier: 2
After you trigger Devastating or your target Fumbles their defense against your attack, attack Endure with half Injury d12 to cause Tier 1 Exhausted.
Cost 10,000.00 per bulk
Reduction 0Exotic
1/4" Thickness with Durability 2
Using raw Soulshards as a material is rarely done due to the cost. It is Immune to magic.
Density: -1 Inlay Limit: 4 Craft Modifier: 6
Cost 500.00 per bulk
Reduction 1FlammableExotic
1/8" Thickness with Durability 4
Harvesting and crafting Spidersilk is an extremely delicate practice. Is Immune to Bashing and Vulnerable to Fire.
Density: -2 Inlay Limit: 3 Craft Modifier: 3

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