Technology is limited, but those that know it can create amazing tools. The Craft Tier of these objects is squared when determining the amount of progress needed to craft them.
Vehicle | Cost | Bulk | Craft | Description - Controlling a vehicle is done with Tools. |
Armored Cover | 382.50 | 30 | 2  | Armor that can attach to any cart, wagon, or sled to provide protection and cover on vehicle. Each piece can protect the wheels, passengers, or the draft team. |
Balloon Cart | 12,420.00 | 60 | 5  | A cart that moves through the sky by being attached to a balloon. Needs a crew of 1 and can transport up to 6 creatures. The crew can control elevation, but can only move in the direction and speed of the wind. |
Bicycle | 3,967.50 | 10 | 6  | A 2-wheeled vehicle that allows a single person to move at up to 10 miles per hour. Requires an Athletics roll, DL 6, each round or you fall. Riding counts as Dashing. |
Carriage | 1,950.00 | 50 | 3  | A vehicle covered on the top and all sides with 4 wheels that is pulled by 2 animals. |
Cart | 90.00 | 30 | 1  | A sturdy 2-wheeled vehicle for transporting up to 100 Bulk of goods. A harness is included so an animal can be hooked on. |
Galley | 517,500.00 | 2,500 | 5  | Needs a crew of 200 and can transport up to 150 tons of cargo or 250 soldiers. |
Glider | 931.50 | 3 | 4  | Allows 1 creature to fly as with wings, except every round you must lower your elevation by at least 1 and cannot increase your elevation. |
Longship | 38,700.00 | 400 | 4  | Can move up to 120 creatures. Sails or rows at 3 miles per hour. |
Removable Cover | 18.00 | 6 | 1  | Cloth attached to wooden planks that can attach to any cart, wagon, or sled to cover the top of the vehicle. |
Rowboat | 1,275.00 | 100 | 2  | Must be rowed with oars and can carry up to 4 creatures over gentle waters and moves 1 1/2 miles per hour. |
Sled | 60.00 | 20 | 1  | A shaped plank of wood with runners to be pulled by small animals over snow or ice. |
Wagon | 180.00 | 60 | 1  | Can move up to 200 Bulk of gear. Fitted to be pulled by 2 animals. Can be made with with runners instead of wheels so it can be pulled over snow or ice. |
Wagon, Sturdy | 1,020.00 | 80 | 2  | This wagon can move up to 400 Bulk of gear. Fitted to be pulled by 4 animals. |
Warship | 1,388,625.00 | 3,500 | 6  | Needs a crew of 60 and can transport up to 200 soldiers but does not leave room for supplies. Comes with cannons. |
Mechanical Parts
Technology can replace lost body parts or even add additional parts to gain new function. Once a part is obtained, any crafter capable of crafting the part knows how to perform the installation. Installation takes 6 hours, during which the creature is left unconscious. Adding a limb you did not have before is an additional cost of

2,500 each and the installation takes twice as long. These parts can only be healed as objects.
Cog Life
For a standard rate of

500, any Cog can perform a Tier 1 Ritual on you after the part is attached. Once they do, the part becomes a living part of your body and can be healed by all normal means of magic. If you have added multiple parts, a single Ritual will affect them all.
Part | Cost | Bulk | Craft |
Arm | 234.00 | 4 | 2  |
Beak / Fangs | 155.25 | N5 | 4  |
Claw | 58.50 | 1 | 2  |
Eye | 968.40 | N8 | 6  |
Foot / Hoof / Horn / Stinger | 29.25 | 1 | 1  |
Leg | 936.00 | 6 | 2  |
Nose | 124.20 | N4 | 4  |
Hand / Pincer / Talon | 137.25 | 1 | 3  |
Tail | 411.75 | 3 | 3  |
Tentacle | 175.50 | 3 | 2  |
Wing | 1,923.75 | 3 | 5  |
Built-In Objects
Each limb can be modified to have a single object of up to half their Bulk built into it for

250 + the cost of the object. The object is attached to the limb by moving parts that can be controlled as an limb. If the object is 1/3 the limb Bulk or less, it can be stored inside the limb.
Part Upgrades
For an additional

500 each, certain parts can be upgraded to gain an effect. If applied to an Eye, gain Nightsight or Darksight. If applied to a leg, gain +1 on Jump rolls. If applied to a nose, gain Scent.
Mechanical Workers
Parts can be added onto a non-living mechanical body. Each size 0 form is 12 Bulk of steel, Craft Level 2, includes a torso and head, and costs

500. Parts must be bought to complete the form. For each size larger than 0 the form is, the cost is triple the last size. Workers cannot speak and do not need to sleep. Consumes 1 + double sizes over 0 Energy per day. Can store 10 + 10 x size Energy.
Forms and Parts
Each form has 4 mounts for arms, legs, wings, tail, or tentacles. Additional form mounts can be added for

500 each. Each head has 2 ears and a mouth and 3 mounts for a beak, eyes, horns, or a nose. Additional head mounts can each be added for

100. Ears, eyes, and nose each grant 2d12 on Awareness with their sense, and the worker cannot uses other senses.
Each arm can have a claw, hand, or pincer attached. Each leg can have a foot, hoof, or talon. Each tail or tentacle can have a stinger, pincer, eye, horn, or fangs.
Mechanical workers have functions to define their movement, actions, and abilities. When assembled, workers have 12 points to be assigned to functions. Additional points can be added for

250 each. Up to 3 points can be assigned to a specific function. You can add a fourth point to a function that has 3 points for

375. Each point beyond that costs 50% more than the last point added. Points can be added after the worker is assembled. The worker will follow their creator's commands for any function it has points in. Additional creatures can be added to accept commands for 1 point each.
A point can be placed in a Movement Type the body is capable of to gain it as a Secondary Movement type. A second point makes it a Primary Type.
Points can be placed in specific actions. When taking the action, the Tier is used as the Skill Tier for taking the action. Points can be assigned to Melee Strike, Ranged Strike, Soothe, evade incoming attack, Perform, Search, Find Food, Grab, Disarm, Impede, Reposition, Trip, Diversion, Craft, each hinder reaction, Catch, Strength, or Throw Object. They can aid an action they have 2 points in.
Each point can also be spent as an AP on Aspects or Talents. The worker must meet all prerequisites and has no Skill Tiers.
Secret Doors
Each secret door is a unique way to hide areas of a structure. The DL to find the door can be as high as 18. The Craft Tier of the door is half the DL. The cost of the door is 100 Souls x the DL. The second half of time spent crafting a secret door must be at the location the door is to be placed.
Traps can be placed on the battlefield to catch your opponents off guard and give you an advantage. Each trap has a trigger condition that, when met, causes the trap to activate its effect. Most traps will only work once and then must be reset. Each trap has its own Bulk defined.
Creatures aware of a trap may attempt to disarm it with Tools or trigger it and avoid the effect with Elude. Each trap has its own DL.
When a trap is in visual range, creatures can notice the trap with Observe. The DL equals the Camouflage + Guile roll that was made to hide the trap. Traps as part of the adventure are DL 6 + Camouflage. If the creature is not specifically searching for traps, the DL is increased by 3. While searching for traps, the creature gains Tier 1 Encumbered.
Setup is how long it takes to place a trap. You must succeed Tools, DL equal to the trap DL, or the time is wasted. Reset is how long it takes to reset the trigger of the trap after it has gone off and again requires the same Tools roll. None reset means the trap only works once. Constant means the traps is always active and does not need to be reset. Auto will reset itself after the set amount of time.
Mechanical - 1 Bulk
Place barbs on a surface such as a door knob and cover it with poison. The first creature that touches the barbs is attacked by the poison if unless they are wearing gauntlets. Poison not included. Reset by placing new poison on the barbs.
DL: 7
Camo: 2
Setup: 1 minute
Reset: 1 round
Magical - 2 Bulk
Magical gems set into the wall often as part of artwork burst with flames when a creature attempts to pass down a hall that unless they carry an enchanted stone that can only be made by the trap maker and marks one as authorized. While the flames will be emitted when halfway down the hall, they fill the entire hallway, often catching whole parties. Deal 10 fire damage and attack Nimble with DL d12. On success, cause tier 4 Burning.
DL: 12
Camo: 9
Setup: 1 day
Reset: Auto 1 round
Mechanical - 1 Bulk
Cause Balance to creatures that enter the space. On failure, this deals 1 damage to them. On Injury, cause Tier 1 slowed.
DL: 1
Camo: 6
Setup: 1 round
Reset: None
Mechanical - 400 Bulk
This giant round boulder rolls from the ceiling and down a long passageway at a rate of 10 spaces per round when a creature steps on a set pressure plate. It will stop rolling at the entrance of the hallway, sealing off that direction. Any creature it contacts is harmed. Deal 20 bashing damage.
DL: 10
Camo: 6
Setup: 2 hours
Reset: 1 hour
Mechanical - 6 Bulk
Attach a wire to a door that releases when the door is open attacking Elude of the creature that opens the door with DL d12. On success, deal 10 Bashing damage and knock the creature Prone.
DL: 7
Camo: 4
Setup: 10 minutes
Reset: 1 minute
Magical - 1 Bulk
Growing in old, deep forests, this fern gives away that mortals have entered the wood for hunting fey. The plant dies and turns red if touched by any metal or mortal.
DL: 6
Camo: 3
Setup: 1 round
Reset: None
Mechanical - 40 Bulk
A log or other massive object is suspended high in the air behind foliage. When a creature enters the space with a connected tripwire it releases to fall or swing into the intruder. Attack Elude with DL d12. On success, deal 9 Bashing damage and knock the creature Prone.
DL: 6
Camo: 3
Setup: 10 minutes
Reset: 6 rounds
Mechanical - 3 Bulk
Attack Nimble with DL d12 of any creature that enters the space. The catch shuts around a foot. On success, the creature cannot move as long as it is Held. Can be released as a Major Action.
DL: 3
Camo: 1
Setup: 2 rounds
Reset: Auto On Escape
Mechanical - 6 Bulk
This looks like level ground to the untrained eye, but is a pit large enough to swallow several creatures as they pass through. When over 300 pounds is in the +2 sized area, attack Nimble with DL d12. On success, each creature falls into a 4 space deep spike pit and deal 10 Stabbing damage.
DL: 9
Camo: 3
Setup: 1 hour
Reset: 1 minute
Mechanical - 4 Bulk
An inhaled poison is loaded into a container. When a creature steps on a pressure plate, the poison puffs into the air filling up to 25 spaces. Poison not included.
DL: 11
Camo: 3
Setup: 1 day
Reset: 2 rounds
Mechanical - 1 Bulk
This alchemical plate is used by creatures with Darksight to detect if intruders who may be carrying light have been there. The moment light shines on the plate it changes in such a way that only a creature with Darksight can detect. The plate changes when exposed to light, and changes back after 1 week in darkness.
DL: 6
Camo: 3
Setup: 2 rounds
Reset: None
Magical - 12 Bulk
This locked chest is easy enough to open and no traps will be set off by opening it. When a creature reaches in and tries to remove any object, the chest snaps shut, crushing their arm, and trapping them in place. Grab with DL d12 and deal 4 Stabbing damage.
DL: 12
Camo: 4
Setup: Instant
Reset: Auto On Escape
Mechanical - 120 Bulk
When a creature moves within 3 spaces of this trap, pull all metal objects within 5 spaces toward this column until the trap is turned off. Attack Endure of creatures wearing or holding metal with DL d12. On success, the creature is moved adjacent to this column and cannot move while they have metal gear. Creatures may use a Major Action to Escape, DL equal to the attack roll.
DL: 9
Camo: 3
Setup: Build
Reset: 1 minute
Mechanical - 5 Bulk
A heavy crossbow is mounted to fire into a space that is set with a tripwire. Attack Elude of a creature that trips the wire with DL d12. On success, deal 8 Stabbing damage.
DL: 3
Camo: 1
Setup: 5 minutes
Reset: 1 round
Mechanical - N2 Bulk
When a creature steps into the space, a metal bar snaps shut onto their foot. If the creature is not wearing footwear, attack Endure with DL d12. On success, the creature yelps out, reveling their presence. This also deals 1 Bashing damage to creatures size -6 or smaller.
DL: 1
Camo: 1
Setup: 1 round
Reset: 1 round
Mechanical - 1 Bulk
A hole covered with a cloth. When a creature steps into the space, attack Nimble with DL d12. On success, they fall into a 1 space deep hole.
DL: 3
Camo: 1
Setup: 10 minutes
Reset: 1 minute
Mechanical - 3 Bulk
Opening the door starts a delay that slams the door shut and jams it the next round to cut off a character from their allies. Opening the door requires Athletics, DL 12.
DL: 5
Camo: 3
Setup: 5 minutes
Reset: 3 rounds
Magical - 2 Bulk
A pile of slightly glowing embers sits until 1 round after a creature stops to inspect it. The pile explodes and attacks Endure of targets in a 2 range burst with DL d12. On success, deal 4 fire damage and cause tier 2 Burning.
DL: 9
Camo: 9
Setup: 1 minutes
Reset: None
Mechanical - 4 Bulk
Attack Nimble of any creature that enters the space. The trap shuts around a foot like a called shot. On success, deal 7 Stabbing damage, cause Tier 2 Trauma, and the creature cannot move as long as it is Held. Can be released as a Major Action.
DL: 5
Camo: 1
Setup: 2 rounds
Reset: Auto On Escape
Mechanical - 1 Bulk
This bucket is filled with a contact poison and mounted on a surface above a tripwire. Poison not included.
DL: 3
Camo: 3
Setup: 2 minutes
Reset: 2 minutes
Magical - 50 Bulk
If a creature that is not on an allowed list tries to pass through this magical gate, the stone of the floor forms spikes that shred the intruder's legs. Attack Nimble with DL d12. On success, deal 8 Bashing damage and maim their legs. On failure, deal 3 Bashing damage.
DL: 13
Camo: 5
Setup: 3 hours
Reset: 3 rounds
Mechanical - 100 Bulk
A mechanical trigger releases a concealed spring loaded wall of spikes that swings into the intruder. When a creature steps on the pressure plate, attack Elude with DL d12. Deal 15 Stabbing damage with Devastating.
DL: 8
Camo: 5
Setup: 10 days
Reset: 1 round
Mechanical - N1 Bulk
Half a toothpick broken off in a door as you shut it. You keep the other half. If the pick has fallen or does not match with the half you have, somebody was in your room.
DL: 5
Camo: 5
Setup: 1 round
Reset: 1 round
Mechanical - N5 Bulk
A wire stretched across a path. Attack Elude of any creature that enters the space DL d12. On success, trip the creature.
DL: 1
Camo: 4
Setup: 1 minute
Reset: 1 round
Mechanical - 30 Bulk
These spikes are disguised as part of artwork in an embossed mural that spans 6 spaces across a wall. When a creature steps in front of the wall, pressure plates in the floor cause the spikes to spring out and attack Elude with DL d12. On success, deal 10 Stabbing damage.
DL: 7
Camo: 6
Setup: 3 days
Reset: Auto 1 minute