
Creatures come in many varieties. All living beings count as creatures, including people, monsters, and plants. Beasts can be used to help in daily activity, as mounts, in combat, or kept as pets. View the Beast species to learn how Beasts work. Certain abilities cause a creature to become a monster. Players may not have a monster as their character.
Train Creature (1 Hour - Nature)
Creatures can be Trained to allow them to follow commands. The amount of training a creature has is their Trained Tier and can be 0 to 4. Each creature has a Training Rating that determines how challenging it is to train. Creatures with at least Nature Tier 1 can attempt to train a creature to Tier 1. Higher Tiers requires learning Expert Train. To train a creature, you must reach an amount of progress based on the Trained Tier to be obtained. When you reach the needed progress, the creature gains the Trained Tier and you begin at 0 progress for the next Tier. Roll Nature to make progress equal to your roll, DL 3 + the creatures Training Rating + the creatures Trained Tier. You cannot make more than 20 progress on a single creature in a day. Double the progress you make and progress you can make each day if the creature is Bonded to you.
Tier 0
At Tier 0, the creature is wild.
Tier 1 - 150 Progress
At Tier 1, the creature will be friendly with people and not flee if left unattended.
Tier 2 - 500 Progress
At Tier 2, the creature allows creatures to mount it. It gains 1 Nimble and Endure Tier.
Tier 3 - 2,000 Progress
At Tier 3, the creature will not flee from danger. It gains 1 Zeal and Athletics Tier.
Tier 4 - 5,000 Progress
At Tier 4, the creature will fight at your command and does not take commands from other creatures unless you have told them to or you are incapacitated and they are familiar with the creature. It gains 1 Martial and Endure Tier.
Sway Animal (Minor Action - Nature)
Convince an animal that can see and hear you to follow your commands during its next turn, DL 12 - double Trained Tier. If it has Grit Pips or is in Conflict, increase the DL by 2 for each. If a new creature tries to command an animal, they must also exceed the result of the previous command. If you are its normal master, reduce the DL by 6. In the presence of its normal master, increase the DL by 6. The animal will attempt to take the same actions on future turns until they can no longer be performed.
Obtaining Creatures
Creatures can be purchased for 25 x (trained Tier squared x training Rating squared + rarity cubed + sizes larger than 0 squared) / (sizes smaller than 0 + 1) Souls. Eggs that can be hatched or newborns can be bought for 1/10 the cost.
Creature Cost Calculator:
Size Rarity
Trained Tier Training Rating
Egg/Newborn Cost: Cost 25.00
Certain creatures are mindless, limiting what they can do. They cannot speak, be Trained, gain Resolve Pips, pay Resolve costs, or use Knowledge. Their Charisma and Magic Skills are always Tier 0. They are Immune to Mind effects, Frightened, and attacks against Charisma Skills. They will accept gear given to them and use it, but cannot activate magical objects.
The Curse of Lycanthrope is tied to a specific type of animal. Animalfused Species can only be afflicted by their own animal type. A creature can become cursed by consuming blood of a cursed creature or by taking a Serious Injury from a Chopping or Stabbing Unarmed Strikes of one. In either case, the victim rolls Nature defense, DL 9. On failure, they gain the curse and have Tier 12 Sickened until after their first transformation or the curse is removed. Once cursed, the creature cannot gain another Curse of Lycanthrope.
With proper action before their first transformation takes place, the curse can be removed. If the creature is affected by Wolfsbane within 24 hours of gaining the curse, they roll the same Nature defense again to remove the curse after the effect has worn off. On failure, they can try again any number of times within 72 hours of gaining the curse before their first transformation. The curse begins with 12 Dispel Defense, gains +1 after your first transformation, and +1 after each passing year.
The Change
At moonrise of each of the 3 nights of a full moon and each hour after until sunrise while in their natural form, the creature must roll Zeal defense, DL 9 + prior successes. On failure, they painfully transform into their animal form, taking 4 Body damage. Any worn and carried gear falls to the ground while clothes are destroyed. The creature returns to their natural form at sunrise, suffers Tier 1 Exhausted, and rolls Poise to not forget the time spent in this form, DL 12.
All creatures with the Curse of Lycanthrope gain traits after their first transformation. They can speak with animals of their type as if they shared a language, have those animals begin with 1 higher Social Opinion Tier towards them, and grow hair faster and thicker. They gain 6 Physical Reduction unless the weapon is silver, and +2 on defenses against disease.
Because of the traits gained, onlookers can use Knowledge: Creatures to identify the creature has the curse while in their natural form, DL determined as a rarity 15 creature. For each 6 AP assigned to abilities that requires Lycanthrope, reduce the DL by 1 as the traits become more prominent. Increase the DL by 6 for creatures that are an Animalfused Species.
Animal Form
While in animal form, the creature shapeshifts into the animal and gains the Dire Beast ability, except Enraged is increased to Tier 6. After each hour, they roll to reduce this Enraged like would be normal at end of turn.
Undead creatures are corpses that are animated by a soul that greatly diminishes or halts the decaying process or skeletal remains held together with magic. Creating an undead creature does not guarantee that it will be friendly towards those that grant it life and does not necessarily restore memories or abilities. Because of the physical changes they undergo, onlookers can use Knowledge: Creatures to identify a creature is undead, DL determined as a rarity 6 creature.
Undead creatures can only gain Necrotic and Decay Affinities based on their total AP. Any Affinity they had attained in this way before becoming Undead must be replaced with these. Undead cannot gain Grit Pips. They are Mindless, have -1 Movement Pool, and gain Darksight and Vulnerable to Radiant. Undead are Immune to Trauma, Sickened, Unconscious, Exhausted, diseases of the body, and non-magical poisons. They do not feel temperature, need to eat, drink, rest, or breathe, and do not heal or reduce Wounded from Recovery. The soul leaves the body if their head or torso is destroyed. The type of undead created is based on what is left of the body used.
Zombies are created from corpses. They gain 6 Necrotic Reduction damage, Vulnerable to Fire, and have an additional -1 Movement Pool. Consuming 2 Negligible Bulk of living or freshly dead flesh immediately heals 1 Energy and 1 Resolve. Each 1 Bulk consumed also immediately reduces a random Wounded Tier by 1.
Skeletons are created form skeletons. They cannot consume anything, gain Immunity to Stabbing damage except from a Called Shot and Necrotic damage, and Vulnerable to Bashing damage. Increase the Magnitude of sound made by movement by 1. They can see and hear as if they have eyes and ears. Skeletons can reattach parts severed at a joint as a Major Action.
Ghosts are created from souls failing to return to the Umbral Realm after their body dies. They gain Immunity to Body and Necrotic damage and effects and mutation effects. Ghosts are always Phasing and reduce the Temperature Tier by 2 in an Aura 6. Ghosts do not keep gear from their original body, but often attain gear that was part of them as part of their appearance, though it cannot be used in any way. Ghosts are often disoriented and normally have very few, if any, of their memories from before becoming a ghost. After each hour in Tier 1 or lower light, reduce a random Wounded Tier by 1.
Swarms are many hundreds or thousands of like creatures that are sized -4 or smaller working together. After moving into an occupied space, they make a melee attack against each target in the space. The attack always succeeds and often has an additional effect. After attacking, it stops moving for the turn. Swarms do not cause or suffer Crowded.
For all purposes, the swarm is treated as a single creature. Swarms sized -4 or -5 have 6 Reduction against any attack that targets them. Swarms sized -6 or smaller cannot be targeted except by Bashing weapons. Swarms are Vulnerable to effects with area Tier 2 or higher. Swarms are Immune to Devastating and effects that specify a part and cannot be Ambushed. If a swarm is Burning, its melee attacks gain Burning. Swarms ignore Physical Reduction from armor of creatures at least 6 sizes larger than them. If a swarm would become Unconscious, the creatures in it disperse.
Sentient Objects
Objects can be granted sentience by being given a soul, gaining their own personality. Each is imbued with a purpose that can be simple or complex. When prevented or otherwise unable to fulfill this purpose, it becomes discontent. View the Sentient Object species to learn how these work.
Mount GearCostBulkCraftDescription
Animal FeedCost 0.0120Food to keep a size 0 creature fed for 1 day.
Bit and BridleCost 17.5012 BronzeAllows you to direct a mount with ease.
Saddle, PackCost 32.5052 LeatherAllows you to store a large amount of gear on your mount, but does not hold a rider. A pack hangs on each side that can each contain up to 30 Bulk.
Saddle, RidingCost 15.0041 LeatherAllows you to ride a mount with ease.
Saddle, TiltingCost 58.5063 LeatherAllows you to ride a mount with ease. You can secure or remove yourself from the saddle as a Major Action. While secured, you do not fall of the mount if you become unconscious, and cannot dismount or be removed from the mount.
SaddlebagCost 11.2531 LeatherCan be placed on a mount along with a saddle. A pack that hangs to 1 side and can contain up to 12 Bulk.
Beast Abilities Animal
These are the only abilities beasts can learn.
Documented Creatures
Below is a list of creatures that have been documented. They are organized by the amount of XP the are normally encountered with, excluding any amount they gain from Hindrances.

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