
Poisons can wreak havoc on the body. They can be long term and challenging to treat. Poisons can be stored in vials.
There are 4 method of exposure that cause the poison to begin attacking after the Onset Time passes. Inhaled poisons are absorbed through normal breathing. Ingested poisons must be consumed. Contact poisons affect a creature that contacts the affected area. Injury poisons affect a creature the takes Injury from an object coated with the poison.
Effect Method
There are different methods in which the toxin affects the body. Each method requires a different kind of antidote. Antidotes are substances that can end the duration of a poison, allowing their effects to be healed.
Corrosives destroys tissue directly. Irritants inflame tissue by direct action. Neurotoxins act on the nerves or affect some of the basic cell processes. Hemotoxins act on the blood by depriving it of oxygen or destroying it. Each also has a magical version.
This effect determines the harm done, how many attacks are made, and the time between attacks. Ailments from poison cannot be reduced or removed while the poison is attacking. Poisons attack on the Soulweaver's turn. While multiple doses of a poison affect a single creature, only the first attacks and each other grants +1d12 to that attack. While affected, the creature has symptoms that indicate the affliction that have a Tier representing how easy they are to identify.
Using Poisons
Poisons are stores in vials. Inhaled poisons can be Thrown into a space to fill the space. Ingested poisons may be placed into foods or passed off as potions. Injury and contact poisons can be placed on a weapon as a Major Action. Once applied, it remains on the weapon until exposure, a new poison is applied, 8 hours pass, or 3 rounds are spent cleaning the weapon. After applying a poison, roll Nimble to avoid exposing yourself to the poison, DL 9.
Creating Poisons
There are 3 ways to create poisons. Magical poisons are crafted as Alchemical objects. Poison's that come from a creature must be harvested from that creature by someone that knows how and cost 25 Shards x the normal AP of the creature x the creature's rarity. Other poisons are crafted using Ancient Bone material and the Craft Tier of these is squared when determining the amount of progress needed.
Cost 0.02
Craft Tier Plant
Ingested - N2 Bulk
This poison is Smell Magnitude 4.
At onset and after each onset of another dose, attack Endure with 1d12 to cause -1 penalty on Skill rolls for 6 hours. For each attack dice beyond the first that would succeed, increase this penalty by 1. If their defense is lower than 1, they become Unconscious. When this effect ends, attack Endure with a number of d12 equal to the penalty caused to cause Tier 1 Starving.
The creature has poor balance, dizziness, and flush skin. Tier 1.
Onset: 10 Minutes Rarity: 1 Method: Neurotoxin
Craft Tier Animal
Injury - N2 Bulk
This poison feels sticky to the touch.
At onset and after each minute for 6 minutes, attack Endure with 3d12 to cause Tier 1 Weakened.
The creature has numbness spreading from the exposure site. Tier 3.
Onset: 3 Rounds Rarity: 4 Method: Neurotoxin
Craft Tier Plant
Contact - N2 Bulk
This poison can be identified by its material.
Only affects creatures vulnerable to Cold Iron Poison. At onset and after each minute while in contact, attack Endure with 2d12 to deal 1 Necrotic damage and cause Tier 1 Dazzled, Sickened, and Unsteady. If Exposed by Injury, Inhaled, or Ingested, double the attack dice and effect and attack each minute for 6 minutes.
The creature has waves of pain and spreading black vein like lines on the skin and eyes. Tier 2.
Onset: Instant Rarity: 7 Method: Corrosive
Craft Tier Plant
Injury - N2 Bulk
This poison has Tier 6 Concealment against sight.
At onset and each round for 6 rounds, if the creature has Trauma, attack Endure with 3d12 to cause Tier 1 Trauma.
The creature has a stinging sensation at the exposure sight and their blood is unusually thin. Tier 7.
Onset: 1 Round Rarity: 3 Method: Hemotoxin
Craft Tier Animal
Inhaled - N2 Bulk
This poison looks like dust.
At onset and each round for 6 rounds, attack Endure with 1d12 to cause Tier 1 Paralyzed.
The creature twitches uncontrollably.
Onset: Instant Rarity: 6 Method: Irritant
Craft Tier Animal
Inhaled - N2 Bulk
This poison is Smell Magnitude 6.
At onset and each round for 6 rounds, attack Endure with 2d12 to cause Tier 1 Frightened.
The creature has a pale cast to the skin and a yellowing of the eyes. Tier 2.
Onset: Instant Rarity: 3 Method: Magical Irritant
Imp Toxin
Cost 37.02
Craft Tier Animal
Injury - N2 Bulk
This poison is Smell Magnitude 2.
At onset and each round for 6 rounds, attack Endure with 3d12 to cause Tier 1 Unsteady.
The creature has red dots appear on their skin and a slight ringing in their ears. Tier 4.
Onset: 3 Rounds Rarity: 3 Method: Neurotoxin
Craft Tier Magical
Injury - N2 Bulk
This poison has Tier 5 Concealment against sight.
At onset and each minute for 6 minutes, attack Magic with 3d12 to cause -1 on defense against magical effects. After 6 minutes, reduce the penalty by 1 after each 5 minutes.
The creature has repeated static shock events and their eyes spark intermittently. Tier 8.
Onset: 2 Rounds Rarity: 8 Method: Magical Neurotoxin
Lich Rot
Cost 1,000.00
Craft Tier Magical
Injury - N2 Bulk
This poison looks and feels gross.
At onset and each round for 6 rounds, attack Nature with 6d12 to deal 4 Necrotic damage. Cause Wounded Tier equal to Injury to the exposed part. If no part was targeted, roll for a part.
The flesh blackens and dies spreading from the injury site. Tier 1.
Onset: Instant Rarity: 9 Method: Magical Corrosive
Mage Bane
Cost 171.75
Craft Tier Plant
Ingested - N2 Bulk
This poison is Smell Magnitude 2.
Cannot be exposed again for 4 hours. At onset and each 5 minutes for 6 hours, attack Magic with 5d12 to increase the DL to Manifest magical abilities by 1. After this effect is over, reduce the penalty by 1 after each 5 minute.
The creature has mild disorientation and headache. Tier 7.
Onset: Instant Rarity: 6 Method: Neurotoxin
Craft Tier Magical
Ingested - N2 Bulk
This poison has Tier 4 Concealment against sight.
At onset and each round for 6 rounds, attack Dispel Defense of a random magical effect ongoing on the creature with 2d12 to Dispel it.
Occasional small discharges of magical energy. Tier 3.
Onset: 1 round Rarity: 7 Method: Magical Corrosive
Night Oil
Cost 61.35
Craft Tier Plant
Injury - N2 Bulk
This poison is Smell Magnitude 2.
At onset and each round for 12 rounds, attack Endure with 3d12 to cause Tier 1 Blinded.
The creature has a dark film on their eyes. Tier 4.
Onset: 3 Rounds Rarity: 4 Method: Neurotoxin
Pixie Dust
Cost 74.04
Craft Tier Animal
Inhaled - N2 Bulk
This poison looks like glitter and sticks to every
At onset and each minute for 6 minutes, attack Endure with 2d12 to cause Tier 1 Unaware.
The creature laughs easily and sees sparkles near light sources. Tier 9.
Onset: Instant Rarity: 6 Method: Hemotoxin
Rage Root
Cost 481.35
Craft Tier Plant
Ingested - N2 Bulk
This poison is Smell Magnitude 3.
At onset and each round for 30 rounds, attack Endure with 3d12 to cause Tier 1 Enraged and Unsteady.
The creatures breathing and heart rate speed up and their eyes become bloodshot. Tier 3.
Onset: 1 Minute Rarity: 2 Method: Neurotoxin
Red Dart
Cost 100.20
Craft Tier Plant
Contact - N2 Bulk
This poison is Smell Magnitude 2.
At onset and each minute for 6 minutes, attack Endure with 4d12 to cause Tier 1 Dazzled and Unsteady.
The creature has pain in the upper and lower abdomen and nausea. Tier 1.
Onset: 1 Minute Rarity: 4 Method: Irritant
Cost 42.60
Craft Tier Plant
Injury - N2 Bulk
This poison has Tier 6 Concealment against sight.
At onset and each minute for 6 minutes, attack Endure with 3d12 to cause the creature to treat the temperature as 10 degrees lower for 1 hour.
The creature becomes cold and clammy to the touch and shivers. Tier 2.
Onset: 3 Rounds Rarity: 1 Method: Hemotoxin
Craft Tier Plant
Ingested - N2 Bulk
This poison is Smell Magnitude 5.
At onset and each minute for 6 minutes, attack Endure with 3d12 to cause -1 Grit Pool. After each hour, reduce the penalty by 1.
The creature becomes mildly nauseous and their breath smells of rot. Tier 8.
Onset: 10 Minutes Rarity: 4 Method: Hemotoxin
Craft Tier Magical
Ingested - N2 Bulk
This poison feels like gel.
At onset and each round for 6 minutes, attack Endure of with 5d12 to cause Tier 1 Sickened.
The creatures eyes and nails change color. Tier 6.
Onset: 1 Round Rarity: 6 Method: Magical Irritant
Craft Tier Plant
Inhaled - N2 Bulk
This poison looks like dust.
At onset and each round for 6 rounds, attack Endure with 3d12 to cause Tier 1 Strangled.
The creature has dry coughs and runny eyes. Tier 2.
Onset: 1 Round Rarity: 3 Method: Irritant
Cost 171.75
Craft Tier Plant
Injury - N2 Bulk
This poison has Tier 6 Concealment against sight.
At onset and each minute for 6 minutes, attack Endure with 4d12 to cause -1d12 on skill rolls and increase Minor Action costs by 1 for 1 minute.
The creature will move in a jerky manner and stutter slightly. Tier 5.
Onset: 3 rounds Rarity: 5 Method: Neurotoxin
Craft Tier Plant
Contact - N2 Bulk
This poison is Smell Magnitude 1.
At onset and each minute for 6 minutes, attack Endure with 2d12 to cause Tier 1 Dazzled. Until this Dazzled is removed, the creature only rolls to reduce Dazzled after a Recovery and this Dazzled cannot be treated with Soothe.
The creature has swelling and a rash that spreads from the exposure site. Tier 2.
Onset: 1 Minute Rarity: 4 Method: Irritant
Vespid Venom
Cost 61.35
Craft Tier Plant
Injury - N2 Bulk
This poison is Smell Magnitude 2.
At onset and each round for 6 rounds, attack Endure with 2d12 to cause Tier 1 Dazzled.
The creature has slight difficulty breathing and the exposure site becomes swollen. Tier 4.
Onset: 1 Round Rarity: 3 Method: Hemotoxin
Widow Bite
Cost 37.02
Craft Tier Animal
Injury - N2 Bulk
This poison is Smell Magnitude 2.
At onset and each minute for 6 minutes, attack Endure with 2d12 to deal 1 Body damage. When total Injury from this becomes enough to cause a Serious Injury, it does by using the total Injury. Further Injury from this causes Tier 1 Wounded to the same part.
The injection site becomes red and swollen and the tissue begins to dissolve. Tier 2.
Onset: 3 rounds Rarity: 3 Method: Corrosive
Cost 481.35
Craft Tier Plant
Injury - N2 Bulk
This poison is Smell Magnitude 1.
At onset and each minute for 18 minutes, attack Endure with 3d12 to cause Tier 1 Paralyzed. If Paralyzed becomes Tier 24, the creature dies. Against a lycanthrope in animal or hybrid form, also attack Zeal with 1d12 to cause the creature to respond as if it were sunrise.
Irregular heartbeat, nausea, and clammy skin. Tier 3.
Onset: 1 Minute Rarity: 5 Method: Neurotoxin
Wolfsbane Goo
Cost 762.60
Craft Tier Plant
Contact - N2 Bulk
This poison looks and feels like gel.
At onset and each minute for 18 minutes, attack Endure with 1d12 to cause Tier 1 Paralyzed.
Irregular heartbeat, nausea, and clammy skin. Tier 3.
Onset: 1 Hour Rarity: 5 Method: Neurotoxin
Wolfsbane Tea
Cost 481.35
Craft Tier Plant
Ingested - N2 Bulk
This poison is Smell Magnitude 1.
While wolfsbane is in a creature's system, reduce the DL to gain Curse of the Lycanthrope by 3. At onset and each minute for 18 minutes, attack Endure with 3d12 to cause Tier 1 Paralyzed. If Paralyzed becomes Tier 24, the creature dies. Each dose reduces the DL for a Lycanthrope to resist shifting by 3.
Irregular heartbeat, nausea, and clammy skin. Tier 3.
Onset: 1 Hour Rarity: 5 Method: Neurotoxin

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