
Weapons normally deal Grit damage and can include secondary effects. Each weapon has a Usage Tier representing how difficult it is to use properly. Melee weapons are related to Martial and ranged weapons are related to Nimble. Suffer a penalty on your attack roll and Guard value equal to the amount the weapon's Tier exceeds your related Skill Tier.
Most weapons require 1 Free Limb to Grip them. For each Free Limb more than required used to Grip a melee weapon, it deals +1 damage. Limbs used to attack with a weapon cannot be used for other actions for 1 round.
Strike Types
Each weapon specifies the type of damage it deals. When a weapon has multiple strike types, choose what type of strike to use as you declare each attack.
Weapons with a listed property have these effects when they are used as part of your action.
Gain +1 on attack rolls.
After succeeding an attack with a Mystical strike type weapon or causing Injury equal to or greater than the targets size with other weapons, cause Tier 1 of the listed Ailment.
Demoralize, Disarm, Grab, Reposition, Trip
You can use the listed action with the weapon as if it is a Free Limb. Apply Accurate and Extend if the weapon has them. Gripped weapons gain +1 on these attacks and if used for Grab, you do not suffer Encumbered from the Hold and the weapon cannot be used for any other purpose.
If you roll any face value 12 in your attack roll, the attack is Devastating. For each face value 12, deal +1 damage.
Damage dealt is the specified element. If a weapon gains more than 1 Element, only the most recent Element gained applies.
Extend X
Increase your Reach by the Extend value. Suffer -2 on attack rolls against adjacent targets. When using this portion of Reach, the weapon is affected as if in each space from you to your target.
Have special effects that are described in the text below.
The weapon can be used as Bashing Strike Type. When used this way, do not apply properties from the weapon except Two-Handed and its damage becomes 4.
After causing Injury, you may Reposition the target.
Guard X
As a reaction to a physical attack declared against you, gain a bonus on Elude defense equal to the Guard value against the attack. Multiple uses of Guard can affect a single roll.
The weapon is small, making it easy to conceal and wield. It cannot be Gripped with more limbs than required.
Load X
Cannot be used to attack until Loaded with appropriate ammunition. The Load value is the number of Minor Actions that must be used to Load a single piece of ammunition into the weapon. These actions can be taken over multiple turns and require a Free Limb. When used to attack, the ammunition is launched and it must be Loaded again. The Strike Type applies only to the ammunition launched and cannot be changed.
The weapon is a technology object.
Requires two Free Limbs Gripping the weapon to make attacks with it.
Lightweight weapons are 1 Bulk and Two-Handed melee weapons are 3 Bulk. All other weapons are 2 Bulk.
Shields have latches that can secure to your arm and Bulk equal to double their Guard value. You can don a shield on your arm like donning armor. If you do, treat the Usage Tier as 1 higher and you can use it without Gripping it. It counts toward the Bulk you have Gripped with that arm.
Exceptional Weapon Properties
Additional features may be added to weapons crafters with the Exceptional Weapons ability. Each feature increases the Craft Tier of the object by the listed amount, increasing the cost. Non-magical weapons also have their cost increased by the Exceptional modifier. Any number of features may be added as long as the crafter is capable enough, though some features may not be applied to magical weapons.
FeatureTier IncreaseEffectApplies to Magical
Increased damage2 eachThe weapon deals +1 damage for each application.Yes
Increased range1 eachThe weapons gains 25% of its base range for each application.Yes
Added Property2 eachChoose either Accurate or Devastating and the weapon gains the chosen Property.Yes
Added Strike Type2 eachChoose Bashing, Chopping, or Stabbing and the weapon gains the chosen Strike TypeNo
Attachable1The Lightweight weapon can be attached to or removed from any other non-Lightweight weapon as a Major Action. While attached to a Gripped object, it also counts as Gripped.No
Carrier1A single vial can be attached to or removed from the weapon. When an attack with the weapon succeeds, the vial breaks on the target. If the vial contained a thrown alchemical effect, apply the effect to the target. Cannot apply to magical ranged weapons or weapons that launch ammunition.No
Slitted18 ounces of liquid can be stored in the weapon. Flicking a small switch as a Minor Action will open or close a container on the weapon. While open, the weapon releases 1 ounce the fluid into a slit in the weapon each round. Oil gives the sword the Burning property. Poison applies the poison to the weapon. Other liquids can offer other effects as permitted by the Soulweaver. Can only be applied to non-magical weapons made of materials with at least 2 Physical Reduction.No
Melee - Usage Tier 0
Brass KnucklesCost 12.004-Bashing1 BronzeDazzled, Extra, Lightweight
ClubCost 6.0042Bashing1 Wood
MorphlingCost 750.0032Bashing5 MagicalExtra, Lightweight
Melee - Usage Tier 1
Arrow / BoltCost 0.6031Stabbing1 WoodExtra, Lightweight
CatchpoleCost 11.503-Bashing2 WoodGrab, Reposition, Trip
DaggerCost 29.2543C or S1 SteelAccurate, Lightweight
MaceCost 58.505-Bashing1 SteelDazzled, Impact
QuarterstaffCost 9.004-Bashing1 WoodDisarm, Extra, Guard 1, Reposition, Trip, Two-Handed
SpearCost 6.0044Stabbing1 WoodExtend 1, Haft, Reposition, Trip
WillbreakerCost 75.002-Mystical2 MagicalExtra, Lightweight
Melee - Usage Tier 2
BucklerCost 3.002-Bashing1 WoodExtra, Guard 1, Lightweight
Dragon FangCost 2,250.0052Chopping7 MagicalDevastating, Extra, Lightweight, Trauma
HandaxeCost 29.2552Chopping1 SteelLightweight
Light ShieldCost 11.503-Bashing2 WoodGuard 1
PartisanCost 112.507-C or S2 SteelDisarm, Guard 1, Extend 1, Haft, Trauma, Trip, Two-Handed
ShortswordCost 37.504-Stabbing2 SteelGuard 1, Lightweight
Unicorn BladeCost 3,000.006-Stabbing8 MagicalDevastating, Extra, Paralyzed, Radiant, Trauma
War PickCost 58.506-Stabbing1 SteelDevastating, Trauma
WarhammerCost 58.506-B or S1 SteelDazzled, Impact, Reposition
Melee - Usage Tier 3
Angel HaloCost 1,500.00512Mystical6 MagicalBlinded, Extra, Lightweight, Radiant
BattleaxeCost 75.007-Chopping2 SteelDevastating, Trauma
Demon TailCost 1,500.004-Mystical6 MagicalBlinded, Disarm, Deafened, Necrotic, Extend 2, Extra, Trip
FlailCost 94.506-B or S3 SteelDazzled, Extra, Load 2
Flora Thorn ShieldCost 2,250.006-Stabbing7 MagicalExtra, Guard 2, Trauma
GreataxeCost 141.759-Chopping3 SteelDemoralize, Devastating, Trauma, Two-Handed
GreathammerCost 141.759-Bashing3 SteelDazzled, Demoralize, Impact, Reposition, Two-Handed
GreatswordCost 141.758-Chopping3 SteelAccurate, Demoralize, Guard 1, Two-Handed
Heavy ShieldCost 36.004-Bashing3 WoodGuard 2
Knightly SwordCost 75.006-C or S2 SteelAccurate, Guard 1, Trauma
LanceCost 87.755-Stabbing1 SteelDevastating, Extra, Extend 1, Haft, Two-Handed
LongspearCost 9.006-Stabbing1 WoodExtend 2, Trip, Two-Handed
Sling StaffCost 17.254-Bashing2 WoodDisarm, Extra, Reposition, Trip, Two-Handed
WhipCost 7.503-Bashing1 LeatherDisarm, Grab, Extend 2, Trip, Unsteady
Melee - Usage Tier 4
Lucerne HammerCost 175.509-B or S4 SteelDemoralize, Extend 1, Haft, Reposition, Trip, Two-Handed
Manticore TailCost 1,500.006-Stabbing6 MagicalDisarm, Extend 1, Extra, Trauma, Trip
RapierCost 47.256-C or S3 SteelAccurate, Devastating, Guard 1, Lightweight
ScytheCost 112.507-C or S2 SteelDemoralize, Devastating, Trip, Two-Handed, Trauma, Unsteady
Spiked ChainCost 175.507-Stabbing4 SteelDisarm, Extend 2, Two-Handed, Trauma, Unsteady
Tower ShieldCost 54.005-Bashing3 WoodExtra, Guard 3
Ranged - Usage Tier 0
Bullet (10 peices)Cost 0.9602Bashing0 BronzeExtra, Lightweight
DartCost 3.0033Stabbing1 WoodLightweight
Wizard DiceCost 3,000.0013Bashing8 MagicalExtra, Lightweight
Ranged - Usage Tier 1
Burst OrbCost 1,500.0031Bashing6 MagicalAir, Extra
Fire WarwandCost 150.0046Bashing3 MagicalFire, Lightweight
Ice WarwandCost 150.0046Bashing3 MagicalLightweight, Water
JavelinCost 6.0043Stabbing1 WoodSlowed
Launch TubeCost 6.00---1 WoodExtra, Load 1, Two-Handed
Light CrossbowCost 274.5057Stabbing3 SteelAccurate, Lightweight, Load 2, Mechanical, Two-Handed
Stone WarwandCost 150.0046Bashing3 MagicalEarth, Lightweight
Wind WarwandCost 150.0046Bashing3 MagicalAir, Lightweight
Ranged - Usage Tier 2
Hand CrossbowCost 137.2545Stabbing3 SteelLightweight, Load 1, Mechanical
Heavy CrossbowCost 274.50814Stabbing3 SteelDemoralize, Load 3, Mechanical, Two-Handed
Light Repeating CrossbowCost 621.0057Stabbing4 SteelExtra, Lightweight, Load 1, Mechanical, Two-Handed
ShortbowCost 18.0058Stabbing3 WoodDevastating, Load 1, Two-Handed
SlingCost 0.64312Bashing0 ClothExtra, Lightweight, Load 1
Stunning WarwandCost 300.00-7Mystical4 MagicalLightweight, Paralyzed
Ranged - Usage Tier 3
Acid WarwandCost 750.0066Flowing5 MagicalDevastating, Earth, Lightweight
BolasCost 1.20-3-1 FiberExtra
BoomerangCost 5.7557Chopping2 WoodAccurate, Extra, Lightweight, Unsteady
ChakramCost 17.5066Chopping2 BronzeGuard 1, Lightweight, Unsteady
Cold WarwandCost 750.0066Flowing5 MagicalLightweight, Water, Slowed
Heat WarwandCost 750.0066Flowing5 MagicalBurning, Fire, Lightweight
Heavy Repeating CrossbowCost 621.00814Stabbing4 SteelExtra, Load 2, Mechanical, Two-Handed
NetCost 2.40-2-1 FiberExtra, Load 6, Two-Handed
Shock WarwandCost 750.0066Flowing5 MagicalAir, Dazzled, Lightweight
Ranged - Usage Tier 4
Body WarwandCost 2,250.0088Mystical7 MagicalBody, Deafened, Lightweight, Weakened
LongbowCost 25.50812Stabbing4 WoodDevastating, Extra, Load 1, Two-Handed
Lunar WarwandCost 2,250.0088Mystical7 MagicalDevastating, Lightweight, Necrotic, Sickened
Mental WarwandCost 2,250.0088Mystical7 MagicalDemoralize, Frightened, Lightweight, Mind
Raining StarsCost 1,500.0065Bashing6 MagicalDazzled, Extra, Lightweight
Rope DartCost 37.5044Stabbing2 SteelExtra, Lightweight
Solar WarwandCost 2,250.0088Mystical7 MagicalBlinded, Demoralize, Lightweight, Radiant
Angel Halo
While Gripped, gain 1 Reduction to damage against your Resolve. This is made of Angelhide.
Arrow / Bolt
Arrows are used to load bows and Bolts for crossbows. Is N2 bulk.
This can only be used as a Called Shot against a pair of legs. The legs become Secured together preventing the creature from moving with those legs. Your attack roll determines the Secure DL. If they become Secured, they must roll Balance, DL equal to the Secure DL. Net cannot affect creatures more than 2 sizes larger than the size of creature it is made for.
When attacking, you can declare 1 space on its path where this will change directions up to 120 degrees.
Brass Knuckles
This weapon counts as an Unarmed Strike, cannot be disarmed, and leaves the limb as a Free Limb.
When you activate Guard from a non-Buckler source, you can also activate Buckler without another action.
Bullet (10 peices)
10 bullets used to load slings. The set is N1 bulk.
Burst Orb
Attacks as a Burst using range as Area Value and then use Trip with Injury d12 as the attack roll.
Demon Tail
This is made of Demonhide.
Dragon Fang
While Gripped, gain +1 on elemental damage. This is made of Ancient Bone.
Guard cannot be used against this. Flail is its own ammunition. This does not need to be Loaded again after attacking if the attack fails.
Flora Thorn Shield
While Gripped, gain 6 Reduction against Time and Radiant. This is made of Living Wood.
Heavy Repeating Crossbow
Can hold up to 10 pieces of ammunition and uses only 1 with each attack. Can be used any number of times each turn with Rapid Strike.
Any object can be used as a weapon, though it breaks easily and suffers -1 on attack rolls. After each attack, the weapon takes the same damage. Increase damage by Bulk. The Strike Type is based on the object and determined by the Soulweaver.
Can be Gripped with one hand while mounted. Increase Collision damage caused to other subjects by 2.
Launch Tube
Load with Bullets or Darts. Attacks have all effects of the Loaded weapon and gain +3 range and +1 damage.
Light Repeating Crossbow
Can hold up to 6 pieces of ammunition and uses only 1 with each attack. Can be used any number of times each turn with Rapid Strike.
Cannot attack with this while mounted, Prone, or Flying with Wings.
Manticore Tail
You can attack with this as a ranged weapon with 4 range. On success, a spine lodges in the target causing Tier 1 Trauma at the start of each of the their turns until it is removed. This is made of Demonhide.
1 Resolve: This small skull of a Shifter takes on the form of a specified non-magical non-improvised weapon or tool sized for you to gain its damage, range, Strike Type, and Traits for 1 hour, even if not Gripped or Focused on. This is made of Ancient Bone.
Secure the target with DL equal to your attack roll. If the target is moving, they must Balance. While Secured by the Net, the creature has Tier 2 Encumbered and must Balance each time they move. Net is its own ammunition. Net cannot affect creatures more than 2 sizes larger than the size of creature it is made for.
Can be Gripped as a Lightweight weapon in each of two limbs at once. While doing so, it loses Two-Handed.
Raining Stars
This enchanted vial appears to contain powder. It attacks in a line through its target space as powder pours out and grows to spiked orbs long enough to cause real harm. After attacking, the powder Warps back into the vial.
Rope Dart
After throwing the dart, you pull it back to your hand with the rope as part of your action unless you throw it more than 4 spaces, modified by half size, allowing it to be thrown repeatedly.
Is N5 Bulk. Add your Athletics Tier to damage. Small rocks or like objects can be used as ammunition, but cause -1 on your attack roll and Range.
Sling Staff
Counts as a quarterstaff when used as a melee weapon. You can use a Sling Staff as a Sling. When doing so, it has Load 2.
Tower Shield
As a Minor Action, you can plant it in the ground and it functions as a wall or extract it. You cannot move while Gripping a planted shield.
Unicorn Blade
While Gripped, gain +2 on defenses against disease and poison. This is made of Ancient Bone.
Deal damage to Resolve instead of Grit.
Wizard Dice
When you succeed an attack against a creature, roll 3d12. Cause Tier 3 of the ailment matching the lowest number rolled. 1 - Deafened. 2 - Muted. 3 - Trauma. 4. Dazzled. 5 - Blinded. 6 - Burning. 7 - Sickened. 8 - Unsteady. 9 - Weakened. 10 - Frightened. 11 - Enraged. 12 - Exhausted. This is made of Orichalcum.

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