Laws and Bounties
Laws and Bounties
Laws and Bounties

Civilized society is maintained through their laws. Laws are maintained by those that distribute punishment for disobedience.
The kingdom enforces certain laws over everyone in it, but most are established and maintained by individual cities and towns. Many locations will have commonalities between each other, largely providing restrictions to protect the location and their finances. A bounty can be placed on anyone that breaks a law of the location they are in at that time. If they travel to a place that does not have the same law, they are still subject to the bounty.
Guards and Bounties
While some larger cities have guards on staff that watch for crimes and enact swift justice, most cannot afford such a luxury. Those who are wronged instead get to visit their local captain of the guard to report the incident and hope the city feels catching the culprit is worth offering a reward. If the city does not, the individual may offer a reward themselves should they deem catching the crook more valuable than the funds needed to accomplish the task. The city will normally delay a day before offering to make any payment if they are willing, encouraging the reporter to make payment to avoid the delay.
Once a bounty is finalized, it is added to an official registry and signs will be posted around public places to invite money hungry bounty hunters to take on the job. In most cases, the more brutal the crime, the higher the reward, though sometimes a victim of high standing will result in excessive pay for otherwise menial problems. Once the subject of a bounty is caught, the hunter returns to the Captain of the Guard to claim the reward. It is standard that the location will keep 1% of each bounty paid out.
Bounty Hunters
The brave individuals that take on bounties place themselves in harm’s way as their prey will often be willing to go to great lengths to avoid being captured. Depending on the crime, it may even be permitted to kill the criminal on site, only further motivating them to fight back. Those that can handle the work can find their pockets lined with Souls quickly.
Not just anyone can decide to be a bounty hunter. You must first visit the Captain of the Guard and apply for a license. If they determine you to be capable and trustworthy, you will be issued a badge. While your badge is on display, you have the right to immediately apprehend criminals you witness breaking a law and should expect to receive a standardized reward for doing so.
Handling Criminals
Once a bounty is turned in, they go before a magistrate. This is commonly the Mayer. For major crimes that may require punishments more harsh that jail time or fines, a judge may be called in, though this may take days or weeks before one is available to travel to the location.
If jail time is deemed appropriate, the location maintains a jail and jailers. If a fine is issued, it is paid to the location and used to help fund future bounties and the jail.

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