Diseases can wreak havoc on the body. They can be long term and challenging to treat.
Latent Period: -
Incubation Period: None
Disease of the Body
Expose: Foreign blood is infused in to your body.
Infect: Tier 6 Luck.
Cause Tier 1 Exhausted. After each day, attack Endure with 2d12 to increase Tier by 1. On failure, reduce Tier by 1. If Tier becomes 0, this end.
Symptoms: Rash, common nose bleeds, and a slight orange tint to the skin. Tier 1.
Latent Period: -
Incubation Period: None
Disease of the Body
Expose: Exposed to excessive smoke, changes in air pressure, being sick with Cotton Head or Failing Body.
Infect: Attack Endure with 1d12.
Cause Tier 1 Deafened. After each day, attack Endure with 2d12 to cause Tier 1 Deafened. Cause 1 Tier of Unsteady for each 2 Tiers of Deafened. On failure, reduce Deafened Tier by 1. If Deafened is removed, end.
Symptoms: Swollen and red tinted ear canal, slight pain under the ear. Tier 6.
Latent Period: 1 week
Incubation Period: 2 weeks
Disease of the Mind
Expose: Being left unable to fight by an infected creature.
Infect: Attack Zeal with 2d12.
At the beginning each turn while the creature is in conflict, Frightened, or Suffocated, attack Poise with 2d12 to cause Tier 1 Enraged. After each week, attack Zeal with 3d12 to gain 1d12 on the attack roll to cause Enraged. On failure, lose 1d12. If the number of d12 becomes 0, end.
Symptoms: Irritability, lightly bloodshot eyes, and increased drooling. Tier 3.
Latent Period: -
Incubation Period: 1 day
Disease of the Spirit
Expose: Being affected by a rupture between worlds.
Infect: Attack Nature with a number of d12 equal to the Tier of the rupture.
Cause -1 Energy Pool. After each day, attack Nature with 4d12 to increase the penalty by 1. On failure, reduce the penalty by 1. If the penalty becomes 0, end.
Symptoms: Odd discharges of energy and pain when Manifesting abilities. Tier 4.
Latent Period: 2 weeks
Incubation Period: 4 weeks
Disease of the Body
Expose: Breathing in bone dust from the bones of an infected person.
Infect: Attack Endure with 2d12.
Cause incoming Injury to count as 1 higher to determine Serious Injury. After each week, attack Endure with 3d12 to increase the penalty by 1. On failure, reduce the penalty by 1. If the penalty becomes 0, end.
Symptoms: A pale cast to the skin and general body aches. Tier 6.
Latent Period: 1 day
Incubation Period: 3 days
Disease of the Body
Expose: Being adjacent to a creature that is contagious.
Infect: Attack Endure with 2d12.
Cause Tier 1 Muted. After each day, attack Endure with 3d12 to cause Tier 1 Muted. On Failure, reduce Muted Tier by 1. If Muted Tier becomes 0, end. On a day the creature does not use their voice at all, lose 1d12 on attack rolls.
Symptoms: Sore throat and a soft, hoarse voice. Tier 2.
Latent Period: 3 days
Incubation Period: 3 days
Disease of the Body
Expose: While suffering from Starving or Exhausted from cold environment or being adjacent to a creature who is contagious.
Infect: Attack Endure with 1 + Starving and Exhausted Tiers d12.
Cause Tier 1 Exhausted. After each day, attack Endure with 2d12 to cause Tier 1 Weakened. On failure, if the creature suffers from Weakened, reduce Weakened Tier by 1. If Weakened Tier becomes 0, end. If the creature Fumbles their defense, the disease becomes Failing Body.
Symptoms: Headaches, mild fever, coughing, and runny nose are the signs of Cotton Head. Tier 1.
Latent Period: -
Incubation Period: None
Disease of the Mind
Expose: Having at least Tier 6 Frightened for more than 1 minute.
Infect: Attack Zeal with 2d12.
At the beginning each turn while the creature is in conflict, Frightened, or Suffocated, attack Poise with 2d12 to cause Tier 1 Frightened. After each week, attack Zeal with 3d12 to gain 1d12 on the attack roll to cause Frightened. On failure, lose 1d12. If the number of d12 becomes 0, end.
Symptoms: Nervous darting of the eyes and sudden shifting to look in other directions. Tier 3.
Latent Period: 1 week
Incubation Period: 3 days
Magical Disease
Expose: Being adjacent to an infected creature or in a Tier 3 Cracked Realm Barrier area for 1 day.
Infect: Attack Magic with 2d12.
Cause -1 to Manifest abilities of the element of the area. After each day, Attack Magic with 3d12 to increase the penalty by 1. While the penalty is 6 or higher, gain Vulnerable to the Element. On failure, reduce the penalty by 1. If the penalty becomes 0, end.
Symptoms: An attraction for the opposing element of the infection. Tier 6.
Latent Period: 5 days
Incubation Period: 4 days
Disease of the Body
Expose: The eye is scratched by a plant or direct contact with a contagious creature.
Infect: Attack Endure with 2d12.
Cause Tier 1 Dazzled. After each day, attack Endure with 2d12 to cause Tier 1 Dazzled. Cause Tier 1 Blinded for each 3 Tiers of Dazzled. On failure, reduce Dazzled Tier by 1. If Dazzled is removed, end.
Symptoms: Bloodshot eyes, sores on the eyelids. Tier 2.
Latent Period: 1 day
Incubation Period: 3 days
Disease of the Body
Expose: Being adjacent to a creature who is contagious or contacting any fluid from a contagious creature within 1 day of the fluid leaving the creature.
Infect: Attack Endure with 3d12.
Cause Tier 1 Exhausted. After each day, attack Endure with 3d12 to cause Tier 1 Exhausted if the attack roll was even or Weakened otherwise. On failure, reduce Exhausted 1 Tier if the attack roll was even and the creature is Exhausted, or Weakened 1 Tier otherwise. If there are no Tiers to reduce, end. If the Endure defense is Fumbled, gain 1d12 on attack rolls.
Symptoms: Body aches, high fever, coughing, and runny nose. Tier 1.
Latent Period: 2 weeks
Incubation Period: 3 days
Disease of the Mind
Expose: Certain hallucinogenic spores or being in a Tier 4 or higher Cracked Realm Barrier of Umbral or Mind area for 1 hour.
Infect: Attack Zeal with 4d12.
Cause Tier 1 Unaware. After each day, attack Zeal with 3d12 to increase Tier by 1. On failure, reduce Tier by 1. If the penalty becomes 0, this ends.
Symptoms: Distracted by things no one else can sense and responding slowly to the world around them. Tier 6.
Latent Period: 2 days
Incubation Period: 4 days
Disease of the Body
Expose: Passing through waters inhabited by leeches or contact with the blood of a contagious creature.
Infect: Attack Endure with 2d12.
After the creature takes Injury, attack Endure with 2d12 to cause Tier 1 Trauma. After each week, attack Endure with 2d12 to gain 1d12 on the attack rolls to cause Trauma. On failure, lose 1d12. If the number of d12 becomes 0, end.
Symptoms: Light reddening of the skin and slight weakness. Tier 5.
Latent Period: 1 day
Incubation Period: 3 days
Disease of the Body
Expose: Contact with infected soil, water, or food. A corpse will infect water or soil it contacts.
Infect: Attack Endure with 1d12.
Cause Tier 1 Weakened. After each day, attack Endure with 3d12 to cause Paralyzed Tier 1. On failure, reduce Paralyzed Tier by 1. When Paralyzed is removed, end.
Symptoms: Hesitations in movement and lowered reflexes. Tier 6.
Latent Period: 1 week
Incubation Period: 2 days
Disease of the Mind
Expose: Passing through spoiled or corrupted environments. An infected corpse corrupts the ground they are buried in.
Infect: Attack Zeal with 3d12.
At the beginning of the creatures turn, if anything heavier than light clothing is in contact with their skin, they roll Poise DL 3. On failure, they suffer an episode or reset to the beginning of the current episode. After each week, attack Zeal with 4d12 to increase DL by 1. On failure, reduce DL by 1. If the DL becomes 0, end.
During an episode, the creature rolls Zeal, DL 6, at the beginning of each turn. On failure, they take no actions. On success, they take 2 Minor Action damage. As a Major action, they can roll Poise to reduce DL by 1, DL 6. If the DL is reduced to 0, the episode ends.
Symptoms: Flinching from any contact. When there is an attack, the infected is in extreme pain, sometimes described as burning. Tier 5.
Latent Period: 2 weeks
Incubation Period: 1 week
Disease of the Body
Expose: Exposed to a contagious creatures feces.
Infect: Attack Endure with 2d12.
Cause the creature to treat days without food as 1 higher. After each day, attack Endure with 2d12 to increase penalty by 1. On failure or if the Endure defense is a Triumph, end.
Symptoms: Constant hunger and a mildly bloated abdomen. Tier 4.
Latent Period: 3 days
Incubation Period: 1 day
Magical Disease
Expose: Taking Injury from an undead in its own burial chamber or having been in the burial chamber and become adjacent to an infected creature.
Infect: Attack Nature with 4d12.
Cause -1 on Endure, Zeal, and Nature rolls. After each day, attack Nature with 4d12 to increase the penalty by 1. On failure, reduce the penalty by 1. If the penalty becomes 0, end.
Symptoms: All forms of bad luck. Tier 6.
Latent Period: -
Incubation Period: 4 hours
Disease of the Body
Expose: Consuming bad food.
Infect: Attack Endure with 3d12.
Cause Sickened Tier 1. After each hour, attack Endure with 3d12 to increase the Tier by 1. On failure, reduce the Tier by 1. If Tier becomes 0, this ends.
Symptoms: Slight greenish tint to the skin. Tier 4.
Latent Period: -
Incubation Period: 1 hour
Disease of the Body
Expose: Suffer Grit Injury and do not receive a Medical Exam within 1 hour.
Infect: Attack Endure with 1d12.
Cause Tier 1 Wounded on the Injured part. After 6 hours, attack Endure with 2d12 to increase Wounded Tier by 1. On failure, reduce the attack roll by 1d12. If the Endure defense is a Fumble, increase the attack roll by 1d12. If the attack roll is reduced to 0 dice, end.
Symptoms: The wound becomes swollen and produces pus. Tier 1.
Latent Period: -
Incubation Period: 1 day
Disease of the Spirit
Expose: After paying Energy while your Energy Pool is full.
Infect: Attack Nature with Injury d12.
Increase Energy costs by 1. After each day, attack Nature with 2d12 to increase the penalty by 1. On failure, reduce the penalty by 1. If the penalty becomes 0, end.
Symptoms: Odd discharges of energy and pain when Manifesting abilities. Tier 4.
Latent Period: 1 week
Incubation Period: 1 week
Disease of the Spirit
Expose: Fumble a roll to Manifest Scry magic or touched by an infected creature.
Infect: Attack Nature with 2d12.
Each time the infected creature uses Recovery, they roll Nature, DL 6. On failure, they gain no benefit from the Recovery. After each week, attack Nature with 2d12 to increase DL by 1. On failure, decrease DL by 1. If the DL becomes 0, end.
Symptoms: Disturbing, prophetic seeming dreams and nightmares. Tier 6.
Latent Period: 1 week
Incubation Period: 1 week
Disease of the Spirit
Expose: Manifest a spell on an infected creature.
Infect: Attack Nature with 2d12.
Each time the creature Manifests a spell, they roll Nature, DL 6. On failure, they become Soulbroken. While Soulbroken, after each minute, they roll Nature with the same DL to remove Soulbroken. On failure, gain +1 on the next roll. After each week, attack Nature with 2d12 to increase DL by 1. On failure, decrease DL by 1. If the DL becomes 0, end.
Symptoms: Erratic intensity of emotional responses. Tier 3.
Latent Period: 6 hours
Incubation Period: 1 hour
Magical Disease
Expose: Receiving a Serious Injury from an infected creature or an undead carrier.
Infect: Attack Nature with the Magic of the creature that caused the Injury.
Deal 3 Body damage. After each hour, attack Nature with 2 + the infecting Magic Tier d12 to increase the damage by 1. On failure, reduce the damage by 1. Either way, the disease then damages you again. If the damage becomes 0, end.
Symptoms: Swiftly infecting and necrotizing flesh. Tier 1.