Gambling is a common way to pass the time and try to win some Souls. There are countless games to gamble on, but this dice game, known as Orbs, stands out at any bar or casino table. Follow these rules to test your skill and luck.
Games consist of multiple rounds, with each round consisting of an oppotunity to bet and two actions from each participant. To start, participants agree on an opening bet and place it into the Betting Pool. Participants roll for turn order, then each rolls 2d12 which becomes their hand.
In turn order, each participant chooses to leave the game, double their bet, or match the highest bet. If no participant chooses to double their bet, participants continue to the actions stage. Otherwise, players take another turn with these same choices, except any participant that has previously chosen to double their bet this round cannot choose that option again, and then continue to the actions stage. If there is only 1 participant remaining, the game ends.
In turn order, participants take one of the following actions to fortify their position to win. After each participant has acted, each participant takes a second action in turn order, then continue to the next round.
Cheat (Guile)
Roll Deceive to change the face value of a dice in your hand by 1.
Control (Tools)
Roll Tools, DL 12. On success, the next time you would roll a dice, choose the face value instead.
Drink (Endure)
You and target participant each drink a shot of alcohol that you provide.
Shelter (Elude)
Roll Hide Object, DL 9. For each dice that succeeds, choose one of the dice in your hand. Chosen dice cannot be affected by Smash or Mystify and if you Cheat or Swap in following rounds, you cannot be caught if only affecting those dice.
Luck (Zeal)
Roll Luck, DL 9. For each dice that succeeds, you can reroll one of the dice in your hand.
Mystify (Magic)
Roll Daily Magics to cause another participant to reroll target dice in their hand.
Plan (Martial)
Roll Martial to change your position in the turn order, DL 6. If you move later in the order, act again at that time.
Smash (Athletics)
Smash the table with Strength, DL 9. For each dice that succeeds, cause another participant to reroll target dice in their hand.
Smile (Poise)
Roll Influence with Poise, DL 9. For each dice that succeeds, on your next action roll, increase the face value of each dice by 1. Any Participants that use or used Smash this round without exceeding your roll with their action roll are removed from the game.
Swap (Nimble)
Roll Sleight of Hand and roll 1d12. You can replace any one of the dice in your hand with this dice.
Watch (Observe)
Roll Awareness with Sight to attept to catch any cheaters. Any Participants that use or used Cheat, Mystify, or Swap this round without exceeding your roll with their action roll are caught and removed from the game. For the rest of the round, if you catch someone, also prevent the effect of their action. Even people not in the game may choose to do this.
Water (Nature)
Roll Soothe, DL 9. For each dice that succeeds, receive a shot of water. When you would take a Drink, you can Drink the water instead.
Next Round
If participants have 5 dice in the hand, the game ends. Otherwise, participants roll 1d12 and add it to their hand, then return to the betting stage.
When the game ends, the winner is determined by the face values of each hand. The list below shows the possible hand to make for winning. The further down the list you get, the better your hand is. If multiple participants have the same type of winning hand, the highest face value in that type wins. The winner gains everything in the Betting Pool. In the event of a tie, each winner splits the Pool.
- High: A single face value.
- Mini Straight: Three dice with sequential face values.
- Double: Two dice with matching face values.
- Partial Straight: Four dice with sequential face values.
- Double Double: Two pairs of dice with matching face values.
- Triple: Three dice with matching face values.
- Set: A double and a triple.
- Straight: Five dice with sequential face values.
- Four of a Kind: Four dice with matching face values.
- Five of a Kind: Five dice with matching face values.