There are 36 Affinities that may be used for definition of creatures, magic, or any other effects. They are categorized into the groups Vocations, Elements, and Influences. Affinities have no effect of their own, they are simply used as identifiers for effects and requirements.
On rare occasions, creatures gain an innate tie to an Affinity, influencing their personality. Although difficult to measure, it is believed to be only 1 in 100,000 people are lucky enough to be born with the potential to naturally Attune to an Affinity. Player's characters stand out even more as they each become Attuned to 2 Affinities as they advance. Legend holds that this is also what draws them together into many heroic events through history.
Each Element is a member of 2 groups as shown here and is opposed by one of the others.
| Unseen | Corporeal | Energetic | Entropic |
Substantive |
| Air | Earth | Fire | Water |
Living |
| Mind | Body | Radiant | Necrotic |
Cosmic |
| Gravity | Space | Umbral | Time |

Substantive and Unseen
The Air Affinity represents the sky and everything in it and the breath that maintains life. Its effects range from commanding lightning to defying gravity to enabling breathing in unsuitable environments. Those with the air affinity are often lighthearted, carefree, and fun, but can respond with a thundering anger when called for. Its opposing Element is Earth.

Substantive and Corporeal
The Earth Affinity represents the ground and everything growing from it. Its effects range from shaking and moving the land to instant tunneling to creating acid. When used for healing, it forces the pain away and reforms the area to be strong enough to handle the problem. Those with the Earth Affinity are often well grounded, stable, and reliable, though may crack if put under too much pressure. Its opposing Element is Air.

Substantive and Energetic
The Fire Affinity represents flames. Its effects range from increasing the temperature to providing light to burning destruction. When used for healing, it will singe wounds closed, leaving burn marks and doing little for the pain. Those with the Fire Affinity are often impulsive and excitable, though are vulnerable to disappointment. Its opposing Element is Water.

Substantive and Entopic
The Water Affinity represents the oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams and ice. Its effects range from calming and healing to creating objects of ice to freezing areas. When used for healing, it will sooth pain and clean wounds, but does not always fully mend the area. Those with the Water Affinity tend to be calm and well balanced, but can unleash a flood of emotion when those they care about are unwell. Its opposing Element is Fire.

Living and Unseen
The Mind Affinity represents thought, intent, and comprehension. Its effects range from controlling focus and emotions to destroying sanity. Those with the mind affinity tend to think first and strategize, though can sometimes get lost in their thoughts. Its opposing Element is Body.

Living and Corporeal
The Body Affinity represents raw strength and physical training. Its effects range from gaining physical power to removing your form from existence. When used for healing, it will repair damage from the inside and can offer complete relief from pain, though often takes a long time. Those with the Body Affinity tend to spend a great deal of time exercising their muscles. Its opposing Element is Mind.

Living and Energetic
The Radiant Affinity represents life, light and purity. Its effects range from healing to slaughtering the Undead. When used for healing, it will instantly close wounds and remove pain, but often leaves scars. Those with the Radiant Affinity tend to value life and cooperation greatly, but often hold themselves or others to an unreasonable standard. Its opposing Element is Necrotic.

Living and Entopic
The Necrotic Affinity represents death and undeath. Its effects range from reviving the dead to draining life from the living. When used for healing, it can patch wounds, but often causes more pain and leaves bruises. Those with the Necrotic Affinity tend to accept death as a part of life and often express emotion around it in a way that is off-putting to others. Its opposing Element is Radiant.

Cosmic and Unseen
The Gravity Affinity represents the force of gravity. Its effects range from pulling subjects together to throwing them apart. Those with the Gravity Affinity tend to draw others to them, though not always for positive reasons. Its opposing Element is Space.

Cosmic and Corporeal
The Space Affinity represents openness and distance. Its effects range from warping to enlarging other effects. Those with the space affinity tend to be highly protective of their personal bubble. Its opposing Element is Gravity.

Cosmic and Energetic
The Umbral Affinity represents raw magic. Its effects range from manipulating energy to controlling what most call luck. Those with the umbral affinity tend to experiment with all kinds of magic and comprehend its functions in ways others cannot see. Its opposing Element is Time.

Cosmic and Entopic
The Time Affinity represents the passage of time. Its effects range from stopping time to moving faster. When used for healing, it can cause the wound to have never occurred or accelerate the body's natural healing. Those with the Time Affinity tend to schedule every moment of their day and be well organized. Its opposing Element is Umbral.
Influences represent the result of effects of the ability.
Chaos | Construction | Curative | Decay |
Despair | Environmental | Imagination | Hope |
Mobile | Order | Senses | Spiritual |

Those aligned with chaos embrace randomness and often accept any outcome that was unexpected.

Always with a tool in hand, the construction affinity if possessed by those that must always be building something.

Driven to help heal all they encounter, they tend to make friends easily from their caring nature.

Many animals instinctively avoid sources of the decay affinity and people would do well to do the same. Everything around this power degrades harshly.

Fear and sadness swell in the presence of those with the despair affinity.

Every day is pleasant around those that manipulate the weather with no more than a thought.

The power to bring their dreams to life allows powers that to many cannot be comprehended.

There is always a way to succeed.

Walls, caverns, and blazing flames are nothing against the ability of those with the mobility affinity to navigate around.

Those with the order affinity are often organized to the point that everyone around them appears as a slob.

Aware of everything, always, many keep their distance from those with the senses affinity to retain some form of privacy.

Belief in something other than yourself can bring peace and power.
Vocations represent skills that match the ability.
Arcanist | Athlete | Guardian | Hero |
Leader | Marksman | Naturalist | Scout |
Shadow | Tactician | Tinker | Trickster |

Those with the Arcanist Affinity are known to be masters of magic, using Spells to ensure their foes cannot fight back. They understand the inner workings of magic.

Those with the Athlete use their body as their weapon and can prove far more devastating than any blade. They have mastered the many fighting styles and can infuse magic into themselves in a way impossible to those more dependent on tools.

The Guardian Affinity leads to a life protecting others. Many abilities can prevent damage to your allies, though sometimes at the cost of yourself.

Each side of any battle will have their own heroes that appear. Those with the Hero Affinity stand as a symbol to the soldiers behind them, leading the charge and showing tremendous power.

The Leader Affinity can allow you to win a fight with only your voice. Manipulating your foes, bolstering your allies, and overwhelming your foes with sounds are all tactics that can be learned here.

A marksman fights at a distance and can slay their enemies before the battle even begins. They can make use of a variety of tools and techniques to gain an advantage without ever being noticed.

The Naturalist Affinity grants a powerful connection to animals.

Scouts are fast and stealthy. They rush ahead to learn about a situation using their exceptions observation and deduction skills. They are highly mobile and hard to catch.

Masters of sneaking and subterfuge, those with the Shadow Affinity rarely face a fight head on.

The Tactician Affinity belongs to those that think first and position their allies accordingly. They take all aspects of a battle into consideration, weighing the risks and rewards of each potential outcome.

The Tinker Affinity is for creating and using the right tools for any job.

The Trickster Affinity is filled with methods to deceive your enemies. They control basic elements such as light and gravity to manipulate their way to victory.