Rising Legends: Soulshards RPG is an interactive story led by a Soulweaver. Each player creates a character by combining their species, affinities, skills, and abilities with the personality, goals, and vices that make them who they fundamentally are. The Soulweaver is tasked with weaving settings, plots, antagonists, supporting characters, and other facets of a story for the player’s characters to interact with. The Soulweaver has the last say on all matters and can even adjust the rules to provide the best gameplay and story.
During gameplay, players describe what their character attempts to do while the Soulweaver provides challenges for them to overcome and crafts how the world responds to the character’s actions. All actions characters can use are defined in these rules, and players roll twelve-sided dice (d12) to determine success or failure. The number of dice rolled will vary based on the skills and abilities of their character.
Reading Rules
These terms and functions are used through the rules. They are essential to know in order to understand other sections.
Determining Values
Any time you must round a number, round down before using it in a calculation. If an effect causes you to reroll any dice as part of a roll, the entire roll counts as rerolled. After rolling dice, the numbers face up on the dice are called the face values.
Effects may have costs. When they do, the cost is listed at the beginning of the effect followed by a colon. You must pay costs as you declare an effect that has a cost. If you cannot pay the cost, the action does not occur.
Many effects are rated in Tiers to determine how effective they are. Tiers of the same name are added together to determine their effect.
Tiers are commonly used for Skills that are the core feature of creatures that determine how many dice they roll for most actions, Ailments that cause increasing afflictions to creatures, and Environments that cause hazards in the world around you.
When an effect has Lock, it requires you to make a choice from the listed options. Do so immediately and the choice cannot be altered later, even if for an ability that is unlearned. If an effect has you Lock an Affinity, the effect attunes to the Locked Affinity. For the purpose of learning an ability, it counts as Attuned to Affinities it will gain immediately upon learning it.
As many abilities and objects give you options, Lock prevents you from changing choices that have already been made. Adding an attunement onto an ability has perks in relation to learning and training abilities.
Reading Actions
Many sections include actions your character can use. After the name of the action, each will specify in parathesis the time needed to perform the action, the Skill rolled to use the action, and if relevant, the defense used to resist it.
Action times may be indicated as Major or Minor. These are tracked as part of taking 5 second turns. Normally, creatures will be able to use 1 Major action and a number of Minor actions based on their Skill Tiers during each of their turns.
Skill and Effect Rolls
To roll a Skill or effect, roll a number of d12 equal to your Tier in that Skill or as defined by the effect. Your result is the highest face value on the dice rolled. If you would have 0 dice, roll 1d12 and the result is half its face value. If you would have less than 0 dice, your face value counts as 0 and the roll counts as a Fumble. Effects may modify the number of dice rolled or the result.
When multiple rolls would be made as the result of a single effect or attack, each participant rolls at the same time and each participant is aware of the face values rolled.
Difficulty Level (DL)
Many rolls are made against a Difficulty Level (DL). On these rolls, if your result matches or exceeds the DL, you succeed. If making an action that fails, you still pay any costs and trigger needed defenses, but do not cause any effect. When a roll is needed with a DL 0, ignore the roll unless the subject suffers penalties on the roll.
Breaking Ties
When there are multiple participants in a roll, the highest result is successful. If multiple results are matched, compare the result of the next highest face value from each roll until one participant succeeds, each value modified by any effects on the roll. If a participant has no dice remaining, they cannot succeed against any result. If multiple participants have all results match, those participants roll again against each other.
Duplicate Face Values, Triumphs, and Fumbles
When 2 face values match, it is called doubles, while 3 is called triples. Each dice counts only once to match with another to determine doubles or triples. Skill rolls can Triumph and Fumble. If you have more than a single 12, it is a Triumph. For each 12 beyond the first, gain +1 on your result. If more than half of your dice face values are 1, it is a Fumble. Your face value counts as 0 and the Soulweaver may inflict a penalty on you. The more 1s rolled, the worse the penalty.
Take Your Time
Up to 3 times while using an action, you can gain an additional 1d12 on your Skill roll by doubling the time needed to use it.
While time tends to be limited during encounters with hostile creatures, there is often little reason to rush yourself during your adventures. Taking an extra few seconds can greatly increase your chance of success. It also blends well with accepting Aid from others to ensure tasks that may normally be beyond you as an individual come within reach.
Abilities are the features creatures obtain that set them apart. The abilities you have your Character learn are a reflection of their personality and should be taken into account while role playing. Augments, Rituals, Spells, and Tricks and Responses that have an effect type are magical abilities. Aspects, Responses, Stances, Talents, and Tricks are non-magical abilities. Each ability can be attuned to several of the 36 Affinities.

Area: Shows where the effect takes place. If the Area is Gripped, can only affect an object that only you have Gripped. If the Area is Reach, it affects a single target in your Reach.

Duration: Identifies the duration of the effect from when you Manifest it.

Defense: Indicates the defense allowed against the effect. Any target that succeeds their defense is unaffected by the ability.
Each ability has a Class that indicates how to gain its benefit. Other than Aspects, abilities must be Manifested to cause their effect. If an ability refers to prior successes, it counts the number of times you succeeded Manifesting the ability since your last Recovery that could reduce Exhausted.
Each time you Manifest an ability, you can choose not to apply its Boost and can apply less than your total Trained Tier. If reduced training causes you to lose a gained Lock option, you may choose any of the options you have Locked to lose.
These are always in effect.
Spells, Talents, Tricks, Stances, and Responses
These Classes must be Manifested to gain their effect. See
Conflict and
Conflict Actions for details.
This Class takes time to setup and Manifest. See
Adventuring Actions for details.
This Class modifies other actions. Each can be applied once to an applicable action as you declare the action to gain any listed bonus by paying the cost of the Augment. You can also Intensify the Augment a number of times up to your Zeal Tier. Abilities attune to all Affinities added Augments are attuned to.
When you apply an Augment, if the action already has a DL to use, increase the DL by 2 + double Intensity. Otherwise, it requires a Magic roll, DL 5 + double Intensity. If using an action that would cause you to take an action that could be Augmented, you must apply the Augment to the initial action and also modify the DL of the resulting action.
Augments are a massive part of how to cause more powerful and unique effects. You can add multiple Augments to a single Manifestation, though the DL will climb quickly when doing so.
Determining Results of Multiple Effects
If there are multiple instances of effects with the same name on a single subject, only one of them has any effect. If the effects have different numerical effects, apply the more potent effect. If the effects are not numerical, apply the most recent effect. If the effect deals damage, multiple instances each apply if they each deal damage of a different element. If there are multiple effects that would occur at the same time, apply them in the order they were created.
While effects that are rated in Tiers will be added together, other effects are more limited. While a more potent effect does not remove the weaker one, the weaker one will not cause any results while the other is in the same place.
Bonuses, Penalties, and Multipliers
After the value of an effect is determined, other effects may modify it. When multiple effects would modify the same value, first add bonuses and subtract penalties from the base, then multiply, and finally divide the result.
How Skills Work
Skills are a combination of inherent talent, practical training, and information. These define your character, allow you to meet requirements for many abilities, and determine the number of dice you roll with the Skill. Skills are grouped into the attributes Might, Finesse, Charisma, and Wit that categorize the type of Skill.
These attribute groupings are used for reference in many effects and calculations, though they have nothing to do with how your character functions.
Athletics: Might
Being aware of the capabilities of your body and how it is limited by outside forces. Athletics is used for lifting, pushing, grabbing and keeping steady on your feet when the ground moves or an enemy tries to move you. Information includes how to use leverage, distribute weight across the body, and sports.
Elude: Finesse
Avoiding attention and physical contact from others. Elude is used for not being touched or noticed. Elude information includes how light, sound, and objects travel and where the likely exits are.
Endure: Might
Tolerating physical strain, physical recovery, and knowing when you are wearing out. Endure is used for pushing past the normal limits of your body and handling wearing heavier armor. Information includes how to survive extreme conditions and how much damage is too much.
Guile: Charisma
Being aware of your own emotions and the emotions of others. Guile is used to influence the emotions of others and be believable. Information includes methods of communication and both how and why people react emotionally.
Magic: Wit
Connection to the Umbral Realm and the flow of energy to and from it. Magic is used to Manifest Spells, perform rituals, and use more energy in any magical activity. Information includes Spells, rituals, magical objects, and magical creatures.
Martial: Might
Dealing with violent situations by being able to follow them and take effective action. Martial is used to wield weapons and make tactical or strategic plans. Information includes weapons, armor, tactics, strategy, and military history.
Nature: Wit
Know your body and your connection to the world. Nature is used to hunt, gather, find shelter, farm, and treat or cause injury, illness, poison, and disease. Information is environments, diseases, and patterns of animal and plant behaviors.
Nimble: Finesse
Hand-eye coordination, delicate adjustments, smooth motions, and balance. Nimble is used for hitting targets at range, sleight of hand, walking on narrow paths, and fitting in tight spaces. Information includes how things move in uncontrolled flight, how contortion works, and sleight of hand tricks.
Observe: Wit
Noticing details of the world around you and being able to understand what it means. Observe is used to notice what is hidden, understand how facts relate to each other, and make accurate estimates of size, distance, and time. Information includes how cover works, likely hiding spots, and how people fill in information they missed.
Poise: Charisma
Recognizing social order and self-control. Poise is used to interact in socially appropriate ways, such as performances, bartering, and manners of all types. Information includes governments, political geography, history, cultures, religions, and organizations.
Tools: Finesse
How to use outside objects to expand your capabilities and aid in tasks. Tools is used to create, destroy, and operate objects, including picking locks. Information includes being aware of tools that exist, identifying tools that would help an activity, and the resources required to complete a task.
Zeal: Charisma
Force of will, spiritual intensity, and luck. Zeal is used to respond quickly to stressful situations and ignore threats to stay focused. Information includes how people react to long term stress, such as plagues, droughts, and oppression.