Every creature has a soul within it. Each soul keeps a constant connection from itself to the Umbral Realm. By focusing through their soul and exerting energy, a creature can tear a small hole between the Physical Realm and the Umbral Realm allowing a small amount of soul energy to flow through, using their body as a channel. Creating magic is largely based on a creature's force of will and intent more than the physical components, though a proper understanding is required, and each creature can create the same effect slightly differently than others. Maintaining magic takes a degree of focus. While under stress, such as while in conflict, a caster's effects degrade quickly.
Magical effects are often tracked in rounds, minutes, or hours. When prevented from maintaining your focus, your effects are treated as having a duration of rounds. Magic is a driving factor in how the world works. Kingdoms are built or ruined based on the control of the right magic. There are countless types of effects and implementations, though none is truly greater than any other as each situation you find yourself in calls for its own need.
Interfering with Magic
Dispel Defense
Each magical ability and object has a Dispel Defense. Abilities use the casters Manifest roll, or 6 if there was none. Magic objects use 6 + Craft Tier. When an effect is Dispelled, it ends as if it reached the end of its duration. Effects without a duration become inert for 1 minute and do not count as magical during that time. Objects made purely of magic such as potions, inlays, and Soulshards dissipate permanently. If you attempt to Dispel a Curse, your effect fails unless you have exceeded the DL to Identify the Curse by 6. If you fail to Dispel a Curse, become exposed to the disease
Bleeding of the Spirit as a Tier 3 rupture.
Manifest is the roll used when creating a magical effect to determine its potency. Objects have Craft Tiers that determine how difficult they are to make, and that directly connects to how powerful they are.
Lead Interference
Lead is Immune to magic and can interfere with a number of effects. Magical effects cannot pass through lead-based objects. It is common to protect objects from magical effects or ward an area from Teleportation and similar effects by surrounding them with lead.
Any objects can be coated by applying N2 Bulk of lead per Bulk of the object as a Craft Tier 2 object. If the object is magical, its effects are suppressed. The object cannot Teleport, Warp, or Phase and provides physical obstruction for creatures seeking cover behind it. If you wield a shield coated in lead, you can use Guard with it against magical effects as if they are physical to gain a bonus on your defense equal to the Guard value.
Wearing lead is hazardous to mages. Having your torso covered by a lead object causes -4 on rolls to Manifest magical abilities. Covering arms, Legs, tentacles, or wings cause -2 for each part, while other parts cause -1. When targeting a creature wearing lead with a magical effect, take this penalty on the attack roll. While wearing any lead, Manifesting a magical Trick or Response gains DL 3.
While lead may seem to be an easy way to ward mages, it is extremely costly due to its high demand and often hard to find available at all.
Determining Direction
When an effect passes through multiple locations, such as seeing through an object or moving through a portal, the direction you are when using the effect determines the result. In example, if you walk North into a portal, you also walk out of the portal walking North.
Magical Commands
After using magic to cause a creature or object to follow your orders, you must use Magical Commands to provide your orders. Magical Commands are a single spoken word that are most commonly used in your native language. While the word often conveys an action, your intent when speaking it will also be communicated, such as a specific target or expected duration. To give a Magical Command, you must be Focused on the subject or the space it is in. Once a command is given, the subject will repeat the action until it cannot or until given a new command.
Types of Magic
Spells are used in daily life as well as combat and can be turned into Rituals to improve their potency. Magical Tricks and Response are often short and simple while granting great utility. Magical effects have classes that help define them. Each class of magic can have subclasses that define certain common effects. Once triggered, effects based on the class can be seen for a moment before the magic takes place.
Curses can only be removed by effects that specifically work on Curses. When on an object, the Curse affects any creature that wears or uses the object. Inlays pass any Curse on them to objects they are Melded into.
Curses are terrifying to most and some are considered a fate worse than death. Causing a curse is difficult and learning how to is often frowned upon.
The Elemental class of magic controls the elements and its Manifestation is very flashy. Manifestation requires loud speaking and makes a trail from you to your target, so onlookers will know it came from you.
The Illusions class of magic manipulate the senses and the mind. The Manifestation is quiet and virtually undetectable requiring only a whisper.
Projections are visual effects that can be used to cause confusion or set traps. Even if you know they are not real, you cannot avoid sensing them, though they cannot have any physical effect. Projections have Detail Tier 1 to 12, with 1 being very inaccurate and 12 being a perfect replication. When creating a projection, roll Poise and the Detail Tier equals your roll.
Each time the subject would meet a specified condition, attack them with Magic against the effect's defense. They gain a bonus on their defense equal to the Risk Tier of the Dominated action and take a penalty equal to the Reward Tier. If your attack fails, the effect on them ends. They are unaware of any Domination effect while affected by it.
Invisible causes onlookers to not notice the presence of the target or their gear with sight. Effects of their interaction with others and the world can still be seen and the target still causes physical obstruction.
Invisibility can be seen through using Break Illusion, though may take many attempts while the DL decreases from each attempt. Invisible creatures generally know to avoid giving onlookers a reason to look for them in the first place.
Break Illusion (Major - Observe)
Examine an Illusion to identify that a Projection is not real or to see an Invisible subject, DL equal to its Dispel Defense -1 for each prior time you have done this against the same effect.
The Infusion class of magic draws energy from the Umbral Realm directly into a target. The Manifestation makes a Tier 2 hum and requires normal speech.
Bonds tie a creature to a caster allowing it to benefit from the casters power. You can only have 1 creature Bonded to you. The Bonded creature does not count as having you as a Bonded creature and cannot be Bonded to another creature. You can give Magical Commands to creatures bonded to you. Creatures in a Bond share an emotional connection that often encourages caring for each other and acting to protect each other and assists in understanding communication. If you or your Bonded creature dies, the Bond breaks. When a Bond breaks, each creature that had been Bonded become exposed to the disease Nature’s Rage.
Telepathy allows sending your voice directly into the minds of creatures simply by thinking the words and specifying the general direction of the recipient. You can send to any number of creatures at once.
Warping instantly moves you and your gear through space in a straight line. Warping fails if you carry more than double your Bulk Limit, are Held, cannot occupy the destination, would change Environmental Surrounding, or any space along the way does not have space for a size -8 creature. This has no effect on your momentum or position.
The Mutation class of magic changes the physical forms of creatures and objects. Effects create puffs of energy around affected creatures while the change takes place and requires normal speech. If you are unable to occupy the physical area you are in at the time your Mutation effect ends, you are moved to the nearest space that you can occupy, moving in the direction you came from if possible, and gain Tier 3 Dazzled. If lead is on the path to that space, you are moved on the closest possible path. Suffer Collision damage equal to the spaces moved. If there is no possible path, you die after 1 minute.
Some Mutation magic changes your torso type or size. While shapeshifted into a different creature, replace your Species Body Features, body parts, body traits, Root Abilities, and Species Aspects attuned to the Body Affinity with those of the new creature. You still count as your normal Species also. As you shapeshift, your worn gear that could no longer fit you melds into you until the effect ends.
Certain effects cause objects to Meld into a creature or object. While Melded, the object has no physical form, though still experiences the passage of time, and any magical properties of the object have no effect. Objects contained within an object are Melded with it. If an object is destroyed or Dispelled, anything Melded into it falls to the ground.
Phasing turns you and your gear into a ghostly form, allowing you to move through objects. Gain Immunity to Gravity and Space. Gain Flight as a Primary Movement type and you are not affected by gravity. Ignore non-lead objects and non-Phasing subjects. While Phasing and to begin Phasing, you cannot carry more than your Bulk Limit.
The Suppression class of magic is used to suppress energy and weaken foes. Manifestation creates a glimmer around your target and requires normal speech.
Stopped Time
Creatures and objects being affected by time differently cannot affect each other in any way. Gear cannot leave possession of a creature while they are not affected by time normally.
The Transference class of magic can be used to move energy between worlds. Manifesting these creates a momentary burst of light from the space of the effect as the Umbral Realm is ripped open and requires normal speech.
Creation magic forms energy from the Umbral Realm into shapes based on the effect used. This does not duplicate specific creatures or objects. Creatures created this way function as a normal creature of the type, except they have no soul or gear, costs they incur other than Grit must be paid by you, and they act and accept your Magical Commands as if Bonded to you. At the end of the duration, the creation simply dissolves. You cannot have creatures created at once that have combined AP exceeding your Total AP. Any creatures beyond this limit do not form. You cannot create lead.
When a creature dies, its soul returns to the Umbral Realm. Resurrection pulls it back to the body. If the body can still function to sustain life, the creature awakens, though with no memories from while they were gone. They can be confused, have missing or jumbled memories, or experience strong emotions upon returning. The longer they were gone, the greater chance there is of these effects. Resurrection causes 1 Resolve Pip that can never be removed.
Scrying allows you to use your senses in remote locations. Each effect specifies a type of subject. You must think about a subject for the Scry affect and that subject counts as the target for any defense against the effect.
While Scrying, roll Awareness to learn about the subject. Each sense you benefit from within a Scry effect does not function outside of the Scry effect. If you turn or adjust, your point of view changes to match. Your connection to the subject determines how clear your senses are while Scrying. Knowing the subject's name, how others refer to it, where it is, and details of its physical form each help build a strong connection. Having a close proximity, part of the subject or something that has a close direct connection to it in your possession, or emotional connection also play a part. Each time you Scry, the connection may be different. If the Soulweaver determines you do not have a good connection to the subject, the effect can be hazy and you take a penalty on Awareness rolls based on how poor the connection is.
Teleportation instantly sends the subject through the Umbral Realm to your destination. Creatures can always bring Bonded creatures in Reach as well as gear they are wearing and carrying, though fails if carrying more than triple their Bulk Limit, would change Environmental Surrounding, or they cannot occupy the target space.
Some effects use a portal to allow Teleportation. Portals are hovering masses of energy that exude a wavy, dark purple glow and a Tier 2 pulsating hum. Any momentum on the subject from before the effect is lost. If a subject does not fully fit inside of a portal, it does not Teleport.