All actions on this page take time to perform and are almost never done during conflict.
Cooking (10 minutes - Nature)
The quality of a meal is rated in Tiers. A Tier 0 meal is edible, though not very enjoyable. A Tier 6 meal is fit for a king.
Cooking is DL 3 and requires ingredients. For each 3 you exceed the DL, increase the Tier of the meal by 1. Chef's Tools are ideal for making great meals if you use them properly.
By using additional ingredients, you can prepare more than 1 meal with the same action. For each additional meal, increase the action time by 1 minute. Depending on the tools you use, the Soulweaver may determine there is a limit to how many meals you can prepare at once. For certain dishes, after your action is complete, you must then wait before the food is ready.
Craft (1 Hour - Tools or Magic)

Crafting allows you to take raw materials and turn them into finished objects, however it takes a significant amount of time and skill. As you craft, make progress towards completing the object.
Crafting is DL 6 + the Craft Tier of the object to gain Progress equal to your result and requires the correct set of Profession Gear and a Free Limb. An object is completed after your Progress reaches an amount based on the object. Any number of creatures can work on the same object as long as there is space for them to reach the object. Before rolling, you may declare another object to Craft next. If your progress exceeds the amount needed to complete the current object, apply remaining progress to the next object as long as the roll would have succeeded for it.
- You can make Craft Tier 0 objects if you have Tools Tier 1.
- You can make Craft Tier 1 objects if you have an ability that specifies the type of object to be crafted. If you do not have the correct Profession Gear, suffer -1d12 and -3 on your roll.
- You can make Craft Tier 2 and higher objects if you have an ability that specifies the type of object to be crafted. You must have the correct Profession Gear.
- To craft an object you are not familiar with, you must first roll for knowledge or obtain blueprints.
Crafting Non-Magical Gear (Craft - Tools)
Crafting non-magical gear consumes material of the object's craft material equal to 150% the Bulk of the object. Anyone can craft all Tier 0 objects. All other objects require learning an ability that allows it.
The Progress required is 50 x Bulk x Craft Tier x Material's Craft Modifier. Craft Tier 0 objects count as 1/2 for the Craft Tier.
Crafting Magical Gear (Craft - Magic)
Crafting magical gear consumes Souls equal to 80% of the objects cost and you must provide an object to be enchanted or container to store liquid objects. The Progress required is equal to double the Soul cost of the object. Each roll costs 1 Energy.
You can provide harvested materials in place of Souls for crafting magical gear. N1 Bulk of herbs can replace 1 Soul for an Alchemical object. You can replace 5 Souls of other magical objects with 1 Bulk of creature components that specify they can be used for the object being crafted.
Blueprints are directions for a specific object, and each has a specified bonus. Blueprints cost 2 x (the Craft Tier of the object squared) x (the bonus squared) Souls. When using blueprints for an object, modify these parts of Crafting it by the bonus:
- Treat the Craft Tier as lower to determine if you can Craft it.
- Reduce the DL to craft it.
- Reduce your progress made.
Crafting blueprints is DL equal to the Craft Tier of the object + triple the bonus they grant. The progress required to Craft blueprints is 50 x (the Craft Tier of the object squared) x (the bonus squared). Craft Tier 0 objects count as 1/2 for the Craft Tier.
Crafting blueprints consumes paper and ink. The pages needed equals the Craft Tier of the object x the bonus. If they are for technology, triple the materials and progress needed. If for a structure or vehicle, multiply the materials and progress needed by the sizes it is greater than 0 squared.
Camouflage (Minutes - Tools)
Camouflage provides a subject Concealment against Sight for a selected environment. It has Craft Tier equal to half the Concealment it provides. You can Craft Camouflage with Craft Tier up to your Nature Tier. The action time to Craft becomes a number of minutes equal to the Concealment is provides.
Camouflage can be crafted by using materials from the local environment that counts as Fiber, except it is not Immune to Bashing. You can use Find Food to find this material in place of food. Camouflage is 1 Bulk for a size 0 subject. The Soulweaver may allow Camouflage to work against other senses or to be Crafted using other materials depending on the situation.
You can add Camouflage onto another object you Craft by increasing the object's Craft Tier equal to the Concealment it provides. You can add Concealment in this way up to double your Nature Tier.
Disguise (Minutes - Tools)
Disguise can be used to change appearance or yourself or a creature in Reach. This can be a costume for a performance or to deceive others into thinking you are someone else. Creating a disguise requires the use of Charlatan's Tools and makeup.
To simply not appear as yourself takes 3 minutes. To have the disguise change gender, physical build, skin color, or add or remove a limb or distal, suffer -1 on your roll and increase the action time by 1 minute for each. Your result is the DL for observes to be Aware of the disguise. You can remove a disguise in half the time it takes to put it on.
While crafting an object, you can attempt to craft the object as a replication of something you are familiar with. When complete, roll Craft. Creatures familiar with the original or parts of it interacting with the object roll Observe to notice the object is not the original, DL equal to your Craft roll. Observers gain up to a +3 bonus on their roll based on how familiar they are with the original.
Maintaining objects before they break is ideal. You can maintain any object you could Repair as part of your day. Technology, weapons, and armor that are not maintained increase any damage dealt to them by 1 after each week.
Repair (10 minutes - Tools)
If a non-magical object is a material you know how to Craft, you can reduce its Broken Tier or reduce the penalty from not being maintained by 1 by providing 1 Negligible Bulk worth of material of the object, DL 3 + the Craft Tier of the object. On failure, the provided materials are lost.
Salvage (1 hour - Tools)
Craft a completed object into raw material, DL 6 + Craft Modifier. Gain 2/3 of the object's Bulk as raw material of the object's material. On failure, the object is destroyed.
Day Job (1 Hour)
If you can find work, you can earn pay for doing it. After each hour, roll a specific action to do your job to earn Shards equal to your result x your Skill Tier used for the job, DL 6. You can use this without requiring to be paid.
Disable (1 Minute - Tools)
Disable prevents on object from performing its normal function. You must have the tools used to craft an object to Disable it. The DL is double the Craft Tier of the object. You can reduce the time you spend by half up to 3 times by suffering -1d12 on your roll for each.
On success, gain 1 progress. Increase your progress by 1 for each 3 you exceed the DL by. If your progress equals or exceeds the Craft Tier of the object, cause the object to perform its normal function, prevent it from functioning, or remove all effects of a Disable on it.
Deal damage to an object equal to your result, ignoring its Physical Reduction. If the object has no Physical Reduction, you can do this with a Free Limb. Otherwise this requires Profession Gear that works on the material. You must roll for Overexertion after each 5 minutes.
Map Making (Varies - Tools)
Creating a map makes sharing information you know about locations easy. You can draw a map of an area you have knowledge about. You can attempt to draw a detail Tier up to 6 + the amount you exceed the knowledge roll DL. The number of minutes to it takes to draw and the cost to buy it in shards is equal to (area covered Tier squared) x (the detail Tier squared). The DL is 3 + detail Tier.
The amount of area covered by a map begins as Tier 1 to display a single family home and can be as large as showing the world at Tier 24. The detail Tier begins as 1 showing a basic layout that may not be to scale and can be as high as 12 to present every detail possible with accuracy.
Research (10 Minutes - Poise)
After you make a Knowledge roll, you can use Research to improve your Result by 1, DL 3 + prior successes on the topic. On a Triumph, increase it by an additional 1. Each time you Research the topic again, it takes the same amount of time as the total time you have spent Researching the topic. Research requires speaking with people, even your own party members, that may know about a topic or having access to documents that may have related information. Research can be interrupted by other activities and does not reset.
Rituals (Minutes - Tools and Magic)
Rituals allow you to amplify the power of Spells by using Soulshards to provide an influx of energy and magical runes to channel that energy. They are completed by first crafting a Ritual Circle and then performing a lengthy casting from within the circle. Only those with the Ritual Crafter ability can craft a Ritual Circle, but once drawn, anyone who knows the Spell can use it.
To craft a Ritual circle, choose what Tier to make it and use Tools as a Craft roll, DL 6 + Tier. On failure, the ritual will fail when Manifested. This roll is not made until the circle is identified or the Ritual is Manifested. This takes 2 rounds x the number of spaces the circle occupies x the Craft Tier squared, though it does not need to be done all at once and may be done by multiple creatures. You need a mostly level and clean space to draw on. The circle occupies all spaces in 1 range of where the caster will stand and at the same elevation to Manifest the ritual. You can identify a Ritual circle to check if the circle is correct with Magic Knowledge, DL 6 + Ritual Tier.
As part of crafting the circle, assign a modifier to the Spell a number of times equal to double the Ritual Tier. Each modifier either doubles its duration, range, or Area Value. If you assign the same modifier multiple times, it affects the already increased value. Reduce the number of modifiers you can apply equal to the Area Tier of the Spell.
To Manifest the Ritual, the cost is 1 Energy and Souls equal to the cost of a magic object of the Tier of the Ritual. If there are not enough Souls in the Ritual Circle at the end of Manifesting, the Ritual fails. Stand in the center of the circle while Focused on the Ritual and chanting for 12 minutes, then roll Magic to Manifest, DL equal to double the Ritual Tier. This roll cannot be rerolled.
You can increase the cost by

5,000 to cause the spell to become permanent if its duration would be over 1 year.
If the circle suffers even Tier 1 Broken, Souls are added or removed, or the caster loses Focus while Manifesting, the Ritual fails, and all applied Souls dissipate. On a Fumble, it causes Cracked Realm Barrier with Tier equal to the number of 1s rolled originating from the center of the circle.
After Manifesting, even on failure, the ritual deals damage to the ritual circle equal to double the Ritual Tier and the cost is consumed. This will normally destroy the ritual circle so it cannot be used again, easily wiping away any chalk or ink used to draw with. Ritual circles can be designed to be reusable. By carving directly into solid ground or a large slab of rock, the circle can last almost indefinitely. Embroidering into a ritual canvas can allow it to last as long as the canvas does. Placing a Ritual Circle is Craft Tier 1.
Search (1 Minute - Observe)
Search a Burst 1 area for a subject, DL 3. Roll Awareness treating Concealment of subjects in the Area as 1 lower. Treat Concealment an additional 1 lower for each 3 you exceed the DL. Add this reduction to consecutive Search attempts.
Survival (Varies - Nature)
Survival has many uses. Once per day for find food, water, and shelter, you can use Survival as part of a Travel action. Only 1 creature can use Survival in these ways in a given area at a time, though other creatures may Aid that creature.
Find North (Major)
If you can see the sky, you can Find North, DL 6. Suffer any penalties you would have with Awareness rolls with sight.
Find Food (1 Hour)
Find N2 Bulk of food x your result. On a Triumph, find 12 x this amount. Find half as much food to ensure that it is also safe to consume. This way does not guarantee that the food will taste great. Making an enjoyable dish requires crafting a meal using Tools. Certain areas may be particularly barren or fruitful according to the Soulweaver.
Find Campsite or Water (1 Hour)
Finding a campsite or finding clean water to drink is DL 6. For each 2 you exceed the DL, you can have a campsite include shelter from the elements, concealment from onlookers, or fortification against attackers.
Track (1 Minute - Nature)
Finding tracks left behind by creatures is DL 9. Once found, you can follow them until any condition that affects the DL changes. While tracking, increases Movement costs by 1. Certain conditions can make tracks easier or harder to follow and modify the DL. This counts as an Awareness roll.
- Hard ground like stone or wood, heavy traffic areas, or intentionally hidden trails causes +2.
- Each day since the trail was made or each hour of rain or snow since the trail was made causes +1.
- Soft ground like mud or snow causes -6.
Travel (1 Hour - Nature)
When travelling a long distance, measure the distance moved in miles. A mount doubles your speed for up to 2 days and then must rest for an equal amount of time. For long term, mounts are largely used for increasing the amount of gear you can transport, not speed. Conditions and creatures' physical abilities can modify these speeds.
- Clear route: 3 miles.
- Poor route: 2 miles.
- No route: 1 mile.
- Impassable: 0 miles.
Traversing a terrain at these speeds is DL equal to the total Tiers of Obstructions in it. For each 6 you exceed the DL by, improve the quality of the route by 1. On failure, reduce the quality of the path by 1 + 1 for each 6 you fail by.
Some terrains are difficult to navigate. If there is not a path to follow, as you begin to Travel, roll Navigation, DL equal to the terrain's Navigation DL. On success, your first Travel in the area is successful, and you make progress equal to your travel speed. For each 3 you exceed the DL, double the number of Travel attempts in the area that succeed.
After failing a Navigation roll, gain Tier 1 Lost. Double the Tiers gained for each 3 you fail the DL by. Lost cannot exceed Tier 12. While Lost, you cannot Travel and can use Navigation to reduce the Tier. On success, remove Tiers of Lost equal to the number of Travel rolls you would succeed. The Soulweaver may have events occur while you are lost.
Maps can allow you to find you way. If you have a map of the area you are in, you can read it during Navigation to gain a bonus on the roll equal to 1/2 its detail Tier by using Tools, DL 9.
Treatment (Varies - Nature)
Tending to a creature can assist them in recovery from numerous issues. The exact method needed is dependent on the issue you attempt to resolve. This counts as a Soothe roll.
Treat Disease (10 Minutes)
Tend to a creature by using Healer's Tools so each time they are attacked by disease within 24 hours, they gain +1 on their defense, DL 9. Increase the bonus by 1 for each 3 you exceed the DL.
Treat Poison (Prime)
Tend to a creature by using Healer's Tools so the next time they are attacked by poison with 1 minute, they gain +1 on their defense, DL 9. Increase the bonus by 1 for each 3 you exceed the DL.
Treat Injury and Wounds (1 Hour)
Use Bandages to treat a creature to double any Grit the creature heals through non-magical means and grant them +1 on rolls to reduce Wounded for 12 hours, DL 3. Increase the bonus by 1 for each 3 you exceed the DL.
Attack Disease or Poison (Major)
If you succeeded knowledge to know how, use Medical Herbs to attack a disease or poison you know is afflicting a creature to make it lose 1d12 from its attack roll. The disease or poison rolls its attack roll as defense. You can only affect a disease this way once per day.
Medical Exam (5 Minutes)
Look for symptoms of a disease or poison afflicting an examined creature to identify the affliction, DL 3 + Symptom Tier. If you have Healer's Tools, avoid exposure during this action. If you exceed the DL by 6, you notice an affliction before it is showing symptoms.
Write Research Document (Varies - Poise)
Writing a Research Document is done like crafting. Make rolls each hour to determine progress and provide paper and ink as materials. Choose the Result Limit and Pass Knowledge bonus you will have the document provide up to the amount you can provide at the time you begin.
The DL is 6 + the Pass Knowledge Bonus. The progress needed is 10 x Scope Tier x Result Limit x (Pass Knowledge bonus squared). The pages needed equal Scope Tier x Result Limit. The Shard value of a document is 150 + (4 x Scope Tier) x (Result Limit + Pass Knowledge bonus) x Pass Knowledge bonus squared. If the Pass Knowledge bonus is 0, calculate these treating it as 1 and then half the value and progress are halved.