Conflict Actions
Conflict Actions
Conflict Actions

These are the primary actions used to subdue your enemies and defend yourself and your allies. All actions on this page can be used during a single turn and cause you to enter conflict when declared.
While in conflict, you are restricted on the actions you can take and words you can speak based on the passage of 5 second long turns. The duration of your magical effects degrade faster and you may face exhaustion if you maintain this exertion too long.
Manifest Spell (Major - Magic) or Talent (Major - Endure)
Manifesting a Spell or a Talent is DL 3 and costs 1 Energy. Manifesting a Spell also uses a Free Limb, costs 1 word, costs an additional word if Boosted, and makes you its caster. If the ability makes an attack without specifying the attack roll, use the result of the Manifest roll.
Ready (Major) Spell (Magic) or Talent (Endure)
Manifest a spell or Talent to keep it in your Free Limb without having any effect until you complete it as a Minor Action. If you pay Energy before completing it, lose the effect. After suffering Grit Injury, roll Manifest to not lose the effect, DL 3 + Injury. After each minute, roll Manifest to not lose the effect, DL equal to the number of minutes you have had it Ready.
Strikes are the most common way to inflict injury on your foes or leave them vulnerable. Strikes are affected by the size of your target. Against targets smaller than you, suffer a penalty on your roll equal to half the size difference. Against larger targets, gain that amount as bonus.
When your target has physical obstruction, determine their size by the portions that are not obstructed. For targets that occupy multiple spaces, some spaces may cause obstruction against their other spaces. If you are 4 or more sizes larger than your target, you can instead attack against Nimble and the penalty on your roll instead applies to damage.
Grab (Major - Athletics attacks Elude)
Attack a target who is not Held with a Free Limb to cause you both to be in a Hold, with you being a Holder and the target being Held. Have -1 Reach with this attack. While in a Hold, apply the following effect:
  • Have 2 Tiers of Encumbered. If you are larger than the other creature, reduce the Tiers you suffer by your size difference. The Holder must track how much they are causing.
  • If done as a Called Shot, the targeted part suffers double the penalty from this Encumbered.
  • The Bulk of all other creatures in the Hold count towards your carried Bulk.
  • If an effect would move you, it attacks Athletics of each creature in the Hold with a number of d12 equal to the number of spaces it is trying to move you to remove you from the Hold. On failure against any, you are not moved.
Being a Holder can be Dropped. If there is no Holder or Held creature in a Hold, the Hold ends. A creature stops being a Holder if they can no longer touch the other creature with parts they used for the Hold.
Melee (Major - Martial attacks Elude)
Attack a target with a melee weapon to cause damage and effects of the weapon, DL 3. When targeting an object, the object cannot be used for Guard.
Ranged (Major - Nimble attacks Elude)
Attack a target with a ranged or thrown weapon to cause damage and effects of the weapon, DL 3. Suffer -1 on your attack roll if you are adjacent to your target. You can increase your range by the range of your weapon by suffering -1 on your attack roll for each time you do. You can increase range of a thrown attack up to 5 times and launched attack up to 15 times.
Non-magical ranged weapons without Load must be thrown. Launched ammunition and thrown weapons fall to the ground in the space attacked on success, and on failure, falls to the ground in the space at the end of their range. You may target a space and choose to deal no damage to launch an object and not count as an attack.
Tactical Options
These tactics can be used in combination with other conflict actions to get the most out of your attacks.
Attacking a Space
To target a wall or vertical surface that fills an entire space, treat it as a size 1 object. To target the ground or a horizontal surface that fills an entire space, take -1 on your attack roll and treat its defense as 0.
Attacking Blind
Targeted attacks can target a space instead of a creature or object. For each occupant in the space, the Soulweaver rolls 3d12. On doubles, this roll becomes the attack roll and is not modified by Concealment or size. On doubles against multiple targets, attack them each in order of the highest face value of doubles or until an attack succeeds. On a tie, the Soulweaver determines the order of the attacks. The following conditions affect how many d12 the Soulweaver rolls.
  • If your melee weapon is made for a creature above size 0, each 2 sizes over causes +1d12. Two-handed counts as 1 size larger.
  • If your melee weapon is made for a creature under size 0, each 2 sizes under causes -1d12. Lightweight counts as 1 size smaller.
  • If making an Unarmed Strike, modify the number of d12 by half your size.
  • Modify the number of d12 by half the target's size.
Called Shot (Minor)
For 1 round, suffer -1 on targeted attack rolls and when you make a targeted attack, you can choose to target a specific part of the target. If your attack succeeds and exceeds the defense by an amount based on the target, the attack strikes the part and treats Severe Threshold as half. If Threshold is below 0, instead double it. If you cause Serious Injury, you may replace each Tier of Wounded with 2 Tiers of Trauma.
To gain the benefit of Called Shot, the amount you need to exceed the defense roll equals the number of sizes that the specified part is smaller than the target. On a standard humanoid creature, a torso is 2 sizes smaller than the creature, legs are 3 sizes smaller, arms and stomach are 4 sizes smaller, heads are 5 sizes smaller, and eyes and ears are 9 sizes smaller. Parts of armor can be bypassed by targeting their weak spots as a part of a creature 9 sizes smaller that the creature.
After Serious Injury from a Called Shot using Chopping Strike Type, the Soulweaver rolls d12 equal to the Tiers of Wounded the part has to sever the part, DL 13.
Dashing Plunge (Reaction)
After moving 2 consecutive spaces, if you have used Dash this turn, use an action that includes using a Strike or Overpower, gain +1 on the attack roll, and suffer -1 on defenses against physical attacks for 1 round. Your turn ends after the attack.
Diversion (Reaction - Guile attacks Observe)
Create a diversion to draw attention to cause the creature to become Focused on you and they cannot drop Focus until their next turn, DL 3. After you use an action or speak, attack creatures that are Aware of that action. Gain +1 on your roll if you used a Minor Action and +2 if you used a Major Action. If your action creates a sound at range, creatures instead become Focused on the space where the sound was made. Creatures that expect you to use this action gain +6 on their defense.
Rapid Strike (Major)
Declare a number. For 1 round, lose that number of d12 on attack rolls and half that number on damage rolls. Up to the declared number times this turn, you can use any Strike or Overpower as a Minor Action. If you do, limbs used to attack cannot be used to attack again for 1 round and if attacking with a weapon that is not Lightweight, lose an additional 1d12 on that attack roll.
Overpower is a collection of physical actions that allow you to cause an assortment of effects to change the tide of battle, often without causing direct harm. Against a larger target, suffer a penalty on your roll equal to the size difference. Against a smaller target, gain a bonus instead. You cannot affect targets 3 or more sizes larger than you.
Disarm (Major - Athletics attacks Tools)
Attack target creature with a melee weapon to cause them to drop target object they are holding into target space adjacent to them, DL 3. If the object is Gripped by multiple limbs, they gain +1 on their defenses for each limb beyond the first. If the targeted object is a weapon, the creature instead rolls defense of the skill used to attack with it.
Demoralize (Major - Guile attacks Poise)
Attack target creature that can hear or see you to cause Tier 1 Frightened, DL 3. Increase the Tier caused by 1 for each 6 you exceed their defense.
Grapple (Major - Athletics attacks Nimble)
Attack target creature in a Hold with a Free Limb or a part used in the Hold to increase the Tier of Encumbered they suffer from Hold by 1 and join the Hold as a Holder, DL 3. If the part you use to Grapple has a Distal, you may have the attack also deal damage from that Distal. You may cause Tier 1 Strangled until your limb used is no longer in the Hold instead of causing Encumbered.
If you are a Holder and the creature is at least 6 sizes smaller than you, you can use Grapple to attempt to swallow the creature. On success, they are removed from the and they enter your stomach. While swallowed, there is no light, they cannot breathe, and have Tier 2 Crowded. They can attack your stomach as an unattended object with 2 Durability and 0 Physical Reduction. If there are 6 Tiers of Wounded to the stomach, they fall out.
Impede (Major - Athletics attacks Endure)
Attack target creature with a melee weapon to cause Tier 1 of your choice of Blinded, Dazzled, Deafened, Muted, Slowed, or Unstable, DL 3.
Reposition (Major - Athletics attacks Athletics)
Attack a target with a melee weapon to move the target one space farther from you, DL 3. If not being done as the result of another attack succeeding against a target in your Reach, you may move the target to any space in your Reach.
Release (Major - Athletics attacks Endure)
Attack target Holder to reduce the Tier of Encumbered their Grab is causing by 2, DL 3. If they have multiple Grabs ongoing, choose 1 to affect. If this removes all Encumbered from the Grab, that Grab ends.
Tackle (Reaction - Athletics attacks Elude)
As you move into an occupied space, fill your Movement Pool to attack a target in the space to cause Collision, DL 3. Modify the damage dealt by the same way the attack roll is modified from size.
Trip (Major - Athletics attack Nimble)
Attack target creature with a melee weapon to knock the creature Prone and they begin falling, DL 3. If they were on the ground, they still count as falling 1 space. If the creature is mounted, instead attack Athletics to cause the creature to fall off their mount. Their defense counts as a Balance roll.
Defensive Actions
These actions can be used to protect yourself and your allies.
Hinder Attack (Reaction - Nimble attacks Martial)
As a creature in your Reach attacks a target other than you, attack to cause -1 on their attack roll, DL 3. If multiple attackers hinder the same attack, the attacker rolls this defense only once and uses the same result against all.
Hinder Movement (Reaction - Athletics attacks Nimble)
Before a creature in your Reach would move, attack to prevent the movement, DL 3. If they would move into or out of a space you occupy, gain +3 on your roll. If multiple attackers Hinder Movement on the same movement, the creature rolls this defense only once and uses the same result against each. This counts as an Overpower effect.
Hinder Spellcasting (Reaction - Nimble attacks Magic)
As a creature in your Reach begins to Manifest a Spell, attack to cause -1 on their roll, DL 3. If multiple attackers hinder the same Spell, the creature rolls this defense only once and uses the same result against all.

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