Rolls defined on this page are Mobility rolls and do not count as using an action. Mobility rolls are made the first time they are applicable during a round any apply for the entire round unless your roll suffers any penalty or the condition changes, such as moving from ice to oil.
Movement Types
Each creature begins with Land as a Primary Movement type and Swim as a Secondary Movement type. You can pay 1 Movement to move 1 space with a Primary Movement. Movement with a Secondary Movement type increases the cost by 1 and you must roll for Overexertion after each 10 minutes.
While Swimming, you cannot run, be Crouched, or be Prone. To move using Swim.
You can move through loose ground that falls closed behind you. Packed ground increases the cost by 1. The Soulweaver determines if ground is able to be burrowed through.
You can increase or decrease your elevation by moving. When you use Movement to increase your elevation, increase the cost by 1. If you carry more than your Bulk Limit, you cannot increase your elevation, and you lose 1 elevation at the end of your turn. If you carry more than double your Bulk Limit, you fall. While flying, you cannot be Prone.
Flight with Wings
You can use 2 wings to have Flight. While using this effect, if you suffer Grit Injury, roll Athletics to not fall, DL equal to double Injury and count as 2 sizes larger to determine Crowded, sound you make from movement, and when you are attacked with a Strike.
Effects that include movement as part of their effect allow you to move at that time, though you must still pay the Movement cost. At the start of your turn, remove all Movement Pips.
After moving, you are considered moving until you end your turn without moving any spaces that turn or pay 1 Movement to stop. Movement creates a sound of Magnitude 2 + your size. You may increase the Movement cost by any amount to reduce the sound Magnitude made by an equal amount.
Move (1 Movement - Athletics)
Move a single space, DL 0. When using a Secondary Movement type, increase the DL by 3.
Jump (1 Movement - Athletics)
Specify if the Jump will be long or high and declare the space you will attempt to move to with increased elevation, DL 3.
Creatures can long Jump a number of feet equal to 3 x their Athletics Tier or high Jump a number of feet equal to their Athletics Tier.
You can increase the DL by 6 to treat your Athletics Tier as 1 higher any number of times.
For a long Jump, if you are moving, gain a bonus on your roll equal to the amount your Movement Pool exceeds 5. Otherwise, your roll is halved.
Any modifiers to how you move at the start of the Jump apply to the entire Jump.
Suffer a penalty on Jump rolls equal to your sizes smaller than 0.
Move your Jump distance in the direction of the declared space distance. This will not cause you to move past the space. Before each space beyond the first moved, you must pay 1 Movement. If you cannot, you remain in the air and continue moving when you gain additional Movement.
While off the ground, you have Tier 2 Encumbered.
Climb (Movement - Athletics)
When faced with a specific area that is angled over 45 degrees, roll Climb to move. This requires 2 Free Limbs and is DL 6. For each additional Free Limb, hoof, or foot you use, gain +1 on your roll. If you fail by 4 or more, fall. While Climbing, increases Movement costs by 1 and have Tier 2 Encumbered.
Suffer penalties on your roll based on the surface. Having only small handholds causes -1 on your roll. Having no handhold, a slippery surface, a surface steeper than 60 degrees, and a surface steeper than 90 degrees each causes -2 on your roll.
If your weight is not supported, begin falling. While falling, you are considered moving. When you begin to fall, fall 5 spaces immediately. At the beginning of your first turn while falling, fall 80 spaces, and fall 175 spaces on each other turn.
If you are physically connected to another subject, you also fall any time it does. Do not fall at the start of your turn during a round you have already fallen. While falling in a group, the subject falling the fastest determines the maximum number of spaces any subject in the group can fall during the round. Once any subject in the group has fallen that far, none of them fall further that round.
Prevent Fall (Reaction - Athletics)
Before falling spaces, if you can fly, pay 1 Movement to reduce the spaces you fall on this and following turns by the result. If this reduces the spaces to 0, you stop falling and begin flying.
While falling, if there is a surface in Reach, roll Climb. If you succeed to Climb that surface, stop falling and any Serious Injury caused from Collision only affects the limbs used.
Collision may occur and deal damage while you are moving and your path is blocked. Each creature and object in a Collision takes Bashing damage, and if multiple creatures or objects were moving in opposing directions before Collision, the damage from each is added to each other. Armor does not reduce damage from Collision and each part of armor also takes half the damage you take. Injury from Collision causes Balance, DL increased by the Injury. Several factors determine how much damage is dealt by Collision.
- Falling adds 1 damage for each space fallen, to a maximum of 40, and is then modified by your size. This is reduced by half the tier of Ground Softness of the ground you fall into. If falling into an object, if the object breaks, do not take more damage than the Injury that broke the object, then continue falling.
- Being moved by an effect adds 1 damage for each remaining space the effect would move you.
- Using Movement adds damage equal to (your Movement Pool / 4) x the number of spaces you move each time you use movement. If mounted, count based on your mount instead.
When a creature or object enters a space other than through its own movement, it counts as Attacking Blind against that space using a weapon 4 sizes larger than the moving creature or object. When this attack succeeds or there is no path of travel possible in the space, collision occurs and the creature or object stops moving.
Soften Collision (Reaction - Nimble)
Knowing how to fall correctly can help keep you safe when you have found yourself without ground beneath your feet. As you would take damage from Colliding, reduce the damage by 1 + 1 for each 3 you exceed the DL and fall Prone, DL 6.
Exert (No Action)
At any time, you can push yourself harder than normal for a brief time while not Exhausted. Gain +2 on Mobility rolls, Bulk Limit, Endure rolls, and Movement Pool until Dropped. You must roll for Overexertion after each round. If you fail Overexertion, suffer Body damage equal to half the DL.
Dash (Major)
Gain +4 on Jump rolls while moving, increase the Magnitude of sound you make by moving by 1, and when you pay Movement to move, you may move an additional space for 1 round. You must roll for Overexertion after each 10 minutes.
Run (Major)
Gain +8 on Jump rolls while moving, increase the Magnitude of sound you make by moving by 2, and each time you pay Movement to move, move an additional 2 spaces for 1 round. You cannot use Minor Actions while running. You must roll for Overexertion after each number of rounds equal to your Endure Tier.
Turning while running causes Balance, DL increased by 3 for each 30 degrees you are turning. On failure, increase Collide damage you suffer from falling by your Movement Pool.
Balance (Reaction - Nimble)
Traversing narrow, unstable, or slippery surfaces and certain other conditions and events require using Balance. When you enter such a space or are affected by an effect that causes Balance, fall Prone unless you Balance, DL 3. A surface counts as narrow if it is less than 1/3 of your width. The DL is increased by 1 for each 1/10 of that width it is smaller and by 2 if the surface is unstable. Suffer -2 on your roll if you are moving.
Squeeze (Reaction - Elude)
Use Squeeze to treat yourself as 1 size smaller for determining the space you occupy, DL 6. You can increase the DL by 6 to instead treat your size as 2 smaller. While Squeezed, double the number of creatures you count as for each size reduced to determine Crowded, and you cause Crowded to yourself.
Stealth (Minor - Elude)
Avoiding enemies may be easier than fighting them. Use Stealth to reduce the Magnitude of sound you make with movement by 1 + 1 for each 6 you exceed the DL by for 1 round, DL 6. If you are benefiting from Concealment against sight, also increase the Tier by 1 for each 1 you exceed the DL by. This cannot increase the Tier by more than the Tiers you are benefiting from.
Riding Mounts
While mounted, your movement is affected. You cannot move and when your mount moves, you are moved in the same way. Have Tier 2 Encumbered while your mount is Dashing and Tier 4 while it is Running. You count as in all spaces of your mount for determining any effects and you and your mount do not cause each other to be Crowded.
Control Mount (Minor Action - Nature)
You must control your mount at the start of each turn, DL 9. You can use Free Limbs to gain +3 on the roll for each and the limbs cannot be used for any other task for 1 round. If you do not control your mount, it will take any actions it chooses. Any time your mount makes an unexpected movement, roll Athletics, DL 9. On failure, fall off your mount and become Prone. If you are using a saddle, gain +3 on rolls in relation to your mount.
Mount / Dismount (Major or Minor Action - Athletics)
To mount or dismount a creature is DL 3 and costs 1 Movement. On failure, fall Prone. When not done as a Major Action, increase the DL by 9. If you Dismount a Moving mount, begin Falling.