Social Opinion
There are 9 Tiers of opinions creatures can have about others. Unless your reputation precedes you, most creatures will begin as Indifferent. Actions on this page may use Social Opinion to modify the roll.
When attempting to increase an opinion, the bonus from the Social Opinion the target has about the creature or group becomes a penalty on your roll.
- Tier 1: Murderous: Have -6 on related rolls.
- Tier 2: Aggressive: Have -4 on related rolls.
- Tier 3: Unfriendly: Have -2 on related rolls.
- Tier 4: Dislikes: Have -1 on related rolls.
- Tier 5: Indifferent: No modification to rolls.
- Tier 6: Likes: Gain +1 on related rolls.
- Tier 7: Friendly: Gain +2 on related rolls.
- Tier 8: Helpful: Gain +4 on related rolls.
- Tier 9: Loves: Gain +6 on related rolls.
Social Encounters
Social Encounters can change how people feel or allow you to make a request of your target through conversation. The conversation is represented through a series of Influence rolls that are affected by Social Opinion and the risk and rewards your targets face.
When using Influence, determine a Tier of risk and reward for the target, 0 to 6 for each. If the risk is greater than the reward, they have Reduction to damage against Resolve equal to the Tier difference. If the reward is greater than the risk, gain a bonus on damage from Influence equal to the Tier difference.
Risk Tier Examples
- Tier 0: No Risk.
- Tier 1: Reprimanded if caught.
- Tier 2: Minor financial loss.
- Tier 3: Trouble with loved ones or hurt reputation.
- Tier 4: Minor injury or trouble with employer or law.
- Tier 5: Significant injury or financial loss.
- Tier 6: Death.
Reward Tier Examples
- Tier 0: No Reward.
- Tier 1: Small financial gain.
- Tier 2: Small boost to reputation.
- Tier 3: Significant financial or boost to reputation.
- Tier 4: Protecting themselves or someone they care about from minor problems.
- Tier 5: Protecting from greater problems or harm.
- Tier 6: Granting their greatest dreams.
Influence (1 Minute - Poise, Guile, or Zeal)
Influence begins a Social Encounter with a target that can hear and understand you. There are 2 types of results you can attempt to cause. Choose 1 as you begin an Influence. Targets have the Social Opinion modifier as a bonus on their roll.
- Change Opinion: Cause the creature to increase or decrease their opinion of an identified creature or group by 1 Tier. A creature will not change their opinion of a specific creature or group more than once per day. If increasing the opinion, their Social Opinion modifier becomes a penalty.
- Make Request: Cause the creature to do something for you.
As the Influence begins, each participant chooses what Skill to roll to represent their method of argument.
- Poise: Argue with reason and logic.
- Guile: Convince through manipulation and deception.
- Zeal: Overwhelm with passion and conviction.
Being Influenced
Each time you are the target of Influence, you have 3 options of how to respond.
- Counter: Attempt to Influence the other creature before they Influence you. Choose a result just like beginning an Influence.
- Resist: Attempt to allow the creature to tire themselves out. Have Reduction to damage against your Resolve equal to your Poise Tier during the Social Encounter.
- Ignore: Ignore the Influence, ending the action without rolling. Most creatures will not take kindly to this and it may provoke attacks or other repercussions.
Each participant that chose a result pays 1 Resolve. All participants roll their chosen Skill. On success, if you are not resisting, deal damage to Resolve equal to your Charisma Skill Tiers to each other participant. Each participant has Reduction to damage against Resolve equal to their Observe Tier.
Any participant with a full Resolve Pool is removed from the Social Encounter and subjected to any intended result of the successful creature. Any creatures remaining can choose to leave the encounter. Repeat this until there is no more than 1 creature remaining.
Pips gained from Social Encounters are removed when you are no longer in the encounter. If you fail to get your intended result, it is likely that the creature will ignore future attempts unless you can approach with a new tactic or situation.
When your request is a better price on an object, choose a Risk Tier for the target. On success, roll d12 equal to their Risk Tier. The result becomes the percent discount on purchases or increased value on sales.
You can make a performance to affect any number of targets at once. When making a performance, all creatures choose to resist or ignore you. Ignore creatures that succeed against you so that you still succeed against all others. Ignored creatures are likely to leave.
Deceive (Speech - Guile attacks Guile)
Attack creatures that can hear you. On failure, they know you are being deceitful, though this does not indicate they know the truth. The more unbelievable a deception, the higher Tier it becomes. A Tier 1 Deceive can simply be concealing the truth, while a Tier 12 may be convincing a king his castle is under attack by silent, invisible dragons.
Observers gain a bonus on their defense equal to 1/2 of the Deceive Tier and have Social Opinion modifier as a penalty. Roll for Social Knowledge on the creature. Gain +1 on your roll for each 3 you exceed the DL by. Suffer -1 on your roll for each 3 you fail the roll by.
Identify Behavior (No Action - Guile)
Each time a creature acts out of character, you may notice the unusual behavior, DL 12. The Soulweaver may grant a bonus on your roll if you are familiar with the subject.
Identify Suspicious Behavior (Minor Action)
Examine a creature's behavior to notice if it is suspicious. Roll for Social Knowledge on the creature. Gain +1 on your roll for each 3 you exceed the DL by. Suffer -1 on your roll for each 3 you fail the roll by.
Identify Ailment (Minor Action)
Identify if a creature is afflicted by an ailment, reduce the DL by 3 + the Tier of the ailment.
Mimic (Speech and Movement - Guile attacks Observe)
Mimic allows you to modify your voice and behavior to copy that of another creature, or simply not be like yourself. Each time you interact with a creature, they have a chance to see through your act. You can attempt to replicate a specific voice or behavior that you have had at least 10 minutes to examine. You can change tone, accent, gender, and species type of your voice. You can change your mannerisms, posture, expressions, and gait of your behavior. The DL for either roll is 3 x the number of features you change. The Soulweaver can grant a bonus on defense of 1 to 6 if the target is familiar with the creature you mimic.