Utility Actions
Utility Actions
Utility Actions

All actions on this page can be used during a single turn. These actions do not cause you to enter conflict.
Aid (Varies - Any Skill)
As another creature in Reach makes a Skill roll as part of an action, assist them, DL 3 + 2 for each prior successful Aid to the action. The creature gains a bonus on their roll equal to the number of successful Aids they receive. In same cases, the Soulweaver may permit you to Aid a creature not in Reach.
This takes the same amount of time as the action, normally uses the same action you Aid, and requires at least Tier 2 in the Skill rolled to use that action. In some cases, you may be able to use a different Skill if you detail how it is helpful or Aid yourself as a reaction using a Skill other than is used for the initial roll. Effects that specify to use Aid can be used without having Tier 2 or matching the action time. When you Aid without meeting the needed Skill Tier, Aid using a lower action time, or Aid a defense, increase the DL by 3.
Catch (Reaction - Nimble)
When an unattended object that has not been used for an attack enters your space, Catch the object with a Free Limb, DL 3. As a creature you could Mount or Vehicle you could enter moves into your space, you can mount or enter it, DL 9. Gain +1 to Catch for each additional Free Limb you use.
Daily Magics (Manifest a Spell - Magic)
Perform minor magical tricks as Manifesting a mutation Spell. You can ignite, clean, soil, chill, warm, mildly flavor, or mildly scent a Gripped object.
Drink (Major)
Drink 1 serving from an open Gripped object.
Escape (Major - Elude)
If you are Secured by an object, remove yourself. The DL is determined by the Secure.
Wriggle (Major - Nimble)
Gain +1 on Escape rolls against an object currently Securing you, DL 3. If you use this again, increase the DL by 2 and the bonus you will receive by 1 from your previous success. This effect ends when the object is no longer Securing you.
Focus (Minor)
You can Focus on a species, physical attribute, type of object, activity, or size 3 or smaller location to gain +3 on Awareness rolls related to it and treat all other targets as having Tier 3 Concealment against all senses. This Concealment is not reduced by the target being adjacent. You can Drop Focus. While Focused, creatures that see you can roll Martial, DL 9, to identify that you are Focused and what the subject is if you are both Aware of the subject.
You can Focus on a specific creature, object, or space. If you do, also gain +1d12 on physical attack and defense rolls against the selected subject or subjects in the selected space.
Hold Breath (Major - Endure)
Take a deep breath you can hold for a number of rounds equal to double your roll, DL 3. After using a Major Action, lose 1 round of breath. After taking Grit Injury, lose rounds equal to the Injury. While holding your breath, you cannot speak or breathe. Running out of breath can cause Suffocating.
Quick Breath (Minor - Hold Breath)
Take a quick breath. You can hold the breath for a number of rounds equal to your roll. You can do this as a reaction to anything.
Manipulate Object (Minor)
Use a Free Limb to manipulate an object. You can store or obtain a Gripped object that is not Secured. Objects that do not easily fit where you are trying to place them require a Major Action. Objects on another creature require using Steal.
Secure (Major - Tools)
Use a latch to Secure a creature or object and set the DL for it to be Unsecured, DL 3. You may set the DL lower than your result. If there is no latch, you can use objects such as rope or wire by spending 1 Minute. If the creature or object you are Securing or the creature or object you Secure it to resists, you must attack Athletics with Athletics each round. On failure, the action is lost. Any subject or body part that is Secured cannot move away from what it is Secured to.
You can spend the same amount of time as the total time you have spent Securing a creature or object to increase the DL by 1, DL 6 + the amount you have increased the DL in this way.
Unsecure (Minor - Nimble)
Undo a latch so a Secured object can be obtained, DL 3. If the object is Secured with more than a latch, this takes a Major Action.
Sleight of Hand (Response - Nimble attacks Observe)
As you manipulate or move an object, attack creatures that could see the object to have the object not be seen, DL 3. Suffer a penalty on your roll equal to the Bulk of the object.
Hide Object (Major - Elude)
Place an object so it makes use of 1 Tier of Concealment from Sight in the location you place it, DL 3. Increase the Concealment it uses by the amount you exceed the DL.
Steal (Major - Nimble attacks Elude)
Obtain an Unsecured object in Reach, DL 3.
Recollection (Major - Varies)
You can think back on your experiences to recall details you may have missed or forgotten. Roll the Skill that would be used for Knowledge about the information you want to recall. If you fail to recall information, you cannot try again the same day.
The DL begins at 9 and is adjusted by the Soulweaver. Reduce the DL by 3 if the subject was sensed using your Primary Sense. Increase the DL by 2 if the subject is just part of your regular day.
Many other factors can play into adjusting the DL. Having sensed the subject multiple times or if the subject if unique and stand out can reduce the DL. Having time pass since you observed the subject increases the DL.
Soothe (Major - Nature)
Soothe yourself or a creature in Reach with a Free Limb to reduce a treatable Ailment 1 Tier or remove a lodged object, DL 9. Increase the Tier reduced by 1 for each 3 you exceed the DL. If you remove a lodged object and fail, the object is removed and cause Tier 1 Trauma. You may instead use this to cause an Unconscious creature an additional chance to wake up.
Strength (Major - Athletics)
Push, pull, or lift Bulk in Reach up to Strength x your Bulk Limit 1 space, DL 3. If it does not immediately move, first deal Bashing damage equal to half your result to anything Securing it. If targeting a creature, you may use this as a Minor Action to allow them to rise from Prone or Crouched as a reaction to you. If you do not have proper footing, such as while flying or jumping, your roll is halved. You must roll for Overexertion after each number of rounds equal to your Endure Tier.
Toss (Minor)
Toss a Gripped object with Bulk up to your Athletics Tier to target space in 3 range.

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