
Services are available in towns. This includes costs for services such as staying at inns, hiring a Spellcaster, or renting a good space for crafting.
BathCost 0.01Hot water and soap to clean yourself.
CosmetologyCost 0.08A haircut and shave or nail trim and clean. Triple the cost to add in a hair dye or cosmetics.
Crafting SpaceCost 2A proper space to work allows greater efficiency than laying out your tools wherever you may be. Spaces are rated Tier 1 to 6. Reduce the time it takes to Craft by 5% x Tier. A workshop can be rented for 2 x Tier Souls each day.
LaundryCost 0.01Have a set of clothing washed and dried to be picked up the next day.
Medical CareCost 2A day with superior long-term or complicated medical care in a proper facility.
MessengerCost 0.02Send a messenger with a verbal or written message. You must pay per mile they travel.
Object RentalCost 1%You can rent any object that is not consumed through use or creature for 1% of its cost per day. You must provide a 10% payment that is refunded when you return it and are held accountable for the full cost if you do not return it.
Retain WorkerCost 1.00A person to spend up to 8 hours with you for activities of your choosing that they can perform with a skill at Tier 1. You can have more competent workers by increasing the cost to be equal to their highest Skill Tier. You can obtain a worker with +1 on their rolls by increasing the cost by 25 Shards. You can double this increase up to 3 times to increase the bonus by 1 for each time you do. If they are specialized in Knowledge, double the bonus they gain. Save 10% by paying for a full week, or 25% by paying for a full month. You must provide all needed materials and costs of any activity.
Room and BoardCost 0.20A night's stay in a single room with a simple meal at a Tier 0 inn. Inns can be up to Tier 6. The cost doubles for each Tier increase.
Scribe, ComplexCost 2A day of work on creating or duplicating a document. The cost is doubled for a forgery.
Scribe, SimpleCost 0.1Have a single page written down.
SpellcastingCost 0.20Get a basic spell cast for you. More impressive spells increase the cost. Each additional energy costs 20 Shards. Each resolve costs 10 shards. Each training applied costs 2 shards. If the spell requires a proficiency, increase the cost by 5 shards x the highest proficiency. If the DL to cast is above 10, increase the shard cost by half of each DL it is above 10. To have a ritual cast, you must also pay any cost of the ritual and having the ritual circle made.
StablingCost 0.50One day and night in a stable with feed for an animal.
TollCost 0.01A standard toll for crossing a cared-for area.
Spellcasting Cost Calculator:
Energy Cost Resolve Cost
Training Requirement DL
Cost: Cost 0.20

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