
Ailments inflict penalties and are caused in Tiers. Ailments caused by an ongoing effect cannot be removed or reduced while the effect is ongoing. Ailments with the Defense icon have a chance to be reduced each turn. At the end of your turn, roll the shown defense to reduce the Tier by 1, DL 6 + Tier - 1 for each prior consecutive time you have failed.
Ailments with the Treatable icon are Treatable, allowing them to be affected by certain effects. Ailments that have an Element icon are connected to that Element, often being caused by effects of that Element.
Blinded Treatable Radiant Defense Nature
All targets have Sight Concealment Tier equal to Tier from you.
Burning Treatable Fire
Burning deals Tier/2 Continuing Heat damage. At the end of your turn, roll Tier d12, DL 9. On success, increase Tier by 1. Failing by 6 or more reduces the Tier by 1. Remove Burning if you become surrounded by water. Burning objects gain the Burning weapon property.
Dazzled Treatable Air Defense Endure
Have a 1 + Tier/3 penalty on attack, Manifest, and Observe rolls.
Deafened Treatable Defense Nature
All targets have Sound Concealment Tier equal to Tier from you.
Have a penalty on defenses with Athletics, Elude, and Nimble and rolls for actions that use limbs equal to Tier.
Enraged Treatable Mind Defense Zeal
Have a penalty on Knowledge rolls equal to Tier and you cannot choose to roll less dice on damage rolls.
During your turn, if you are not Focused on a subject, use Focus. You cannot Drop Focus and can only target subjects you are Focused on. While afflicted by Tier 6 or higher, you are always in Conflict.
Have a penalty on Skill rolls equal to Tier. If you Dash or Run, you must roll for Overexertion after each round, DL reduced by 3. If you fail an Endure roll by 4 or more, fall Unconscious. While afflicted by Tier 12 or higher, after you Fumble an Endure roll, you die. While afflicted by Tier 24, for each Tier that would be caused to you, roll Endure defense.
Frightened Treatable Necrotic Defense Poise
Have a 1 + Tier/2 penalty on non-defensive Skill rolls.
Muted Treatable Defense Nature
Reduce the Tier of sound you can speak by 1 + Tier/2.
Paralyzed Treatable Defense Endure
Have 1 + Tier/2 Encumbered, Muted, and Slowed.
Sickened Treatable Umbral Defense Poise
Reduce your Minor Action Pool by 1 + Tier/2.
Slippery Treatable Water
Gain +1 + Tier/3 on Squeeze rolls and defense against Grab. Suffer a 1 + Tier/2 penalty on other Mobility rolls. The first time you move each round requires Balance. To Manipulate a Slippery object is Nimble, DL 3 + Tier.
Slowed Treatable Gravity Defense Nature
Your Movement Pool is reduced to 95% - 5% x Tier of its full value.
Have Exhausted Tiers and reduced Grit Pool equal to Tier. After 24 hours pass without consuming at least 2 Bulk of water, gain Tier 1 Starving. After 24 hours pass without consuming at least 2 Bulk of food, roll Endure defense, DL 6 + the Bulk of food missed since you last failed this roll or reduced your Starving Tier. On failure, gain Tier 1 Starving. After 24 hours of having consumed enough food and water, roll Endure defense to reduce Tier by 1, DL 6 + Tier.
As you become Strangled, if you were not holding your breath and are Ambushed, roll Quick Breath as if your Endure is Tier 0. You cannot breathe. At the end of your turn, roll Endure to be able to breathe for 1 round, DL 6 + Tier.
At the start of your turn, if you have no breath left and cannot breathe, suffer Tier 1 Suffocating. While Suffocating, you cannot speak. At the end of your turn, roll Endure defense, DL equal to Tier. On failure, become unconscious and the next time you fail this roll before Suffocating is removed, die. Suffocating is removed when you can breathe.
Trauma Treatable Body Defense Endure
Have 1 + Tier/2 Dazzled. After failing defense against this, suffer 1 + Tier/3 Energy Pips. After Grit Pips are removed from you, reduce Tier by the same amount.
Unaware Treatable Time
Have a penalty on defenses with Finesse skills, Athletics, and Martial and on Observe rolls equal to Tier. While afflicted by Tier 12, you cannot move or take actions. When you reach Tier 24, fall Unconscious. If Unaware is reduced below Tier 6, wake up from sleeping and unconscious. For 3 rounds after waking up from sleeping, remove 1 Tier at the start of your turn.
The first time each round you succeed an Awareness roll, reduce Tier by 1. After taking Grit Injury, reduce Tier by double Injury.
Unsteady Treatable Space Defense Endure
Have a 1 + Tier/3 penalty on Finesse skill rolls not for knowledge.
Weakened Treatable Earth Defense Nature
Have a 1 + Tier/3 penalty on melee and thrown weapon damage and Athletics rolls not for knowledge. Have a penalty on Bulk Limit equal to Tier.
Wounded represents a more serious and long term affliction than other Ailments or pains. Each body part can be afflicted by Wounded separately. Parts not connected to the torso are included with the part they are connected to. Some effects require rolling 1d12 to determine what part is affected. When you suffer Wounded, suffer an equal amount of Trauma Tiers.
Suffer a 1 + Tier/2 penalty on attack rolls, physical damage, and Mobility rolls when using a Wounded part. Movement with an affected part increases Movement costs by 1. If a part reaches Tier 12, it cannot be used.
After eight consecutive Recoveries, roll Endure for each Wounded part that is below Tier 24 to reduce Tier by 1, DL 6 + Tier - 1 for each prior consecutive time you have failed.
Part Type
If the target has more than 1 of the part rolled, roll 1d12. 1-6 affects left side, 7-12 affects right side. If there are still multiple parts that could be affected, roll 1d12 to determine the affected part, assigning values equally between each part.
1-5: Limb and roll 1d12 for specific part. If target has none, affect Torso instead.
6-7: Torso. If target has two torsos, affect Small Torso. Have Tier 1 + Tier/3 Exhausted.
8-11: Torso. If target has two torsos, affect Large Torso. Have Tier 1 + Tier/3 Exhausted.
12: Head and roll 1d12 for specific part. Have Dazzled Tier equal to Tier.
Specific Limb
Movement limb affects a limb being used for movement at the time of effect or the primary limb used for movement if none are being used. This commonly affects legs, wings, and tails. Manipulation Limb affects a limb that is normally used to manipulate the environment or use objects. This is commonly arms or tentacles.
1: Tail. If target has none, affect Movement Limb instead.
2-6: Movement Limb.
7: Alternate Movement Limb. If target has none, affect Movement Limb instead.
8: Alternate Movement Limb. If target has none, affect Manipulation Limb instead.
9-12: Manipulation Limb.
Specific Head Part
1-2: Smell organ - Have a penalty on Awareness by smell rolls equal to Tier.
3-4: Sound organ - Have Tier 1 + Tier/2 Deafened.
5-7: Speech organ - Have Muted Tier equal to Tier.
8-9: Sight organ - Have Tier 1 + Tier/2 Blinded.
10-11: Skull - Have Unaware Tier equal to Tier. While Unconscious, instead of rolling to wake up at the end of your turn, only roll after a number of minutes equal to Tier.
12: Neck - Have Tier 1 + Tier/2 Paralyzed.
If you change forms while Wounded and the Wounded part does not exist or exists in a different quantity in your new form, the Wound is removed. For each Tier removed in this way, gain 1 Tier of Distressed. You cannot have more Distressed than your total Grit Pool.
Treat your Grit Pool as reduce by Tier and suffer a penalty on rolls to wake up equal to Tier. Distressed heals the same way as Wounded.

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