Allies and Enemies
Determining if a creature counts as an Ally or Enemy is based on your Social Opinion of them. While your Tier is 7 or higher, they are your Ally. While your Tier is 3 or lower, they are your Enemy. You cannot be your own Ally or Enemy.
When tracking timing of actions matters, use Zeal rolls to set Priority. Participants act in order of their result, with the highest result first. If new participants join Priority, they are all added in after existing participants. Actions that can be taken during a turn are limited. The Soulweaver always has a turn after all others have acted. One turn from each participant counts as 1 round that represents 5 seconds of time. If multiple actions would occur for the same trigger, they are still used in order of Priority.
As your turn would start, you can choose to wait instead. After each other creature's turn, you can choose to take your turn at that time. Your position in Priority changes to that point. If you are waiting during the Soulweaver's turn, the duration of your effects reduce after their turn as if your turn had started.
If a creature is not Aware of you as you attack, Ambush them. If they are not in Conflict, they treat defenses as Tier 0 against your attack. Otherwise, they lose 1d12 on defenses against your attack.
Entering and Leaving Conflict
Conflict occurs while you are aware of an Enemy, under stress, or Manifesting abilities and does not always involve an enemy combatant. You can choose to enter Conflict any time as a Minor Action. If you take a Conflict Action or an attack succeeds against you, enter Conflict. Conflict with multiple creatures uses Priority and creatures not involved can join later. Being in Conflict requires rolling for Overexertion after each minute.
Before entering Conflict, creatures can roll Poise to not enter Conflict, though still act in Priority, DL 6. If you are not aware of a threat, you can leave Conflict as a Minor Action. Otherwise, you can leave Conflict with a Poise roll as a Major Action, DL 9 + Grit Pips.
Effects may occur instantly or have an ongoing effect for a duration. When an effect has a duration, track time until the effect ends. While in Conflict, as you begin your turn, reduce the remaining duration of any ongoing non-Ritual magical effect you created by 1 no matter what time it is normally tracked in. If the duration reaches 0 or less, that effect ends.
During Conflict, time to talk is limited. You can Speak up to 5 words at any time during a round without taking an action. You can use a Minor Action to gain an additional 5 words.
Each creature has a Major Action Pool of 1 and a Minor Action Pool based on their Skills and abilities. Taking an action of either type has a cost of 1 and can only be done during your turn unless it is a reaction. You can pay a Major Action to use a Minor Action. At the start of your turn, remove all Major and Minor Action Pips.
If an effect includes taking an action, taking that action does not have an action cost and counts as taking a Major or Minor Action so as to match the original action type. Actions that take longer than a Major Action use your entire turn until complete. Actions cannot be reduced below being a Trick. If you suffer Pips while taking an action, take a penalty on your Skill roll equal to the Pips.
Prepare Action (Major)
Prepare to use an action in response to other actions by specifying an event that will trigger it. This can be something like a specific creature begins Manifesting a Spell, any creature moves up to you, or you see a door open. Immediately after this event, interrupt the current turn, move as if it is your turn or move up to 1 space and take a single action. Then the turn continues.
Reaction (Minor)
When triggers occur and you are aware of them, you can use reactions that apply to the trigger, even while it is not your turn. You can only react to each trigger once. You cannot use reactions during Priority before your first turn. Responses are Manifested as Reactions.
Reactions must be taken in order. When a trigger occurs, creatures decide in reverse Priority if they want to take a reaction. Once a reaction is taken, creatures that decide later in order can react to that reaction or a previous trigger. Continue in reverse Priority until no creatures take a reaction, then complete the most recent reaction taken. If that reaction causes a new trigger, players again go through deciding to respond to it or any previous trigger.
Stance (Minor)
While in a Stance, you are in Conflict and gain its effect. You can enter and maintain a Stance while standing on the ground or jumping and you are not Held. A Stance ends if you choose to drop it, cannot maintain it, or enter another Stance.
Trick (Minor)
Each Trick may be Manifested up to once during your turn.