Each Pool that creatures have can be damage and healed. Damage places Pips into a Pool while healing removes Pips. Unless otherwise specified, damage and healing applies to Grit.
Damage and Healing Rolls
To determine damage or healing, roll a number of d12 equal to the amount of the effect. Your result is the number of face values rolled that reach or exceed a needed value. When dealing damage, increase the damage by the amount the subject's Severe Threshold is below 0.
For damage, the value needed is 3 and the result is also called Injury. For healing, the value needed is 6. Effects may modify the face value needed. Before rolling, you may reduce your dice rolled by any amount.
Your Energy Pool being full does not prevent you from paying costs. For each Energy Pip you suffer while your Energy Pool is full, suffer Tier 1 Exhausted. Suffering Energy Pips while your Energy Pool is full may cause the disease
Ruptured Conduit.
While your Resolve Pool is full, the only actions you can use are Recovery and roll Zeal as a Minor Acton to be able to use a Major Action this turn, DL 12. For each Resolve Pip you suffer while your Resolve Pool is full, suffer Tier 1 Exhausted.
Grit and Consciousness
After suffering Grit Injury, if your Grit Pool is full, fall Unconscious. For each Grit Pip you suffer while your Grit Pool is full, suffer 1 Energy Pip.
Serious Injury
After suffering Grit Injury, the effect also causes Wounded Tiers equal to the amount the Injury exceeds your Severe Threshold. If their Threshold is lower than 0, it counts as 0. If not already targeting a specific part, roll for a part. If not from a targeted attack, increase the Wounded Tier caused by half. If caused by Chopping damage, the attacker rolls d12 equal to half the Wounded Tier. If they roll doubles, the part is severed.
When you become Unconscious, fall Prone, drop all held objects, and suffer Tier 12 Unaware. While Unconscious, roll Endure to wake up at the end of each of your turns, DL 12 - 1 for each prior consecutive failure.
When you die, your body becomes a corpse object and any non-Curse ongoing abilities you Manifested end. As a corpse, do not remove Pips or Ailments that would normally be removed from an object. After a creature has taken damage that fills their Grit Pool, further damage will apply to their Energy. Once that is also full, damage will cause Exhausted. Exhausted causes you to die if you Fumble an Endure roll while it is Tier 12 or higher. The Endure roll commonly comes from Trauma.
Determining Damage and Effects of Attacks
These traits modify damage dealt and the effects of afflictions against you.
Skill Defense
When a Skill is attacked, roll that Skill against the attacker to avoid the attack. You may choose not to roll and fail the defense.
Damage Reduction
The face value needed on damage dice against you is increased by your Damage Reduction against the damage type. If more than one reduction would apply, benefit from each of them. When dealing physical damage to a creature smaller than you, treat their Reduction lower equal to half your size difference.
Injury, Ailments, and effects of a given type are prevented and removed.
Have -6 Reduction against a given damage. Healing from effects of the type has no effect on you and increase the DL to Manifest abilities of the type by 2.
Dealing physical damage is affected by the size of the subject unless the damage is from a Spell effect. Against subject larger than you, reduce your damage equal to the size difference. Against smaller subjects, instead increase your damage.
Damage and Strike Types
Attacks made with a Might or Finesse Skill are physical attacks. The Material Elements are always physical. Magical abilities that deal damage without requiring a Might or Finesse attack deal magical damage. When sources of damage have a Strike Type, apply the effects of that type.
Bashing (B)
Injury you cause with the attack cannot be lower than the number of face values 6 or higher in your attack roll - the number of sizes the target is larger than you. This does not cause Injury to become higher than the damage rolled. If the attack causes any Ailments, reduce the DL of causing those Ailments by 1 for each face values 6 or higher in your attack roll.
Chopping (C)
For each face value 6 or higher in your attack roll, deal +1 damage.
Flowing (F)
Ignore Physical Reduction of armor and have a secondary effect based on the Element.
- Fire: Flowing Fire effects become Heat. After Heat Injury, the creature rolls Endure, DL equal to double Injury. On failure, they suffer Tier 1 Exhausted.
- Water: Flowing Water effects become Cold. After Cold Injury, the creature rolls Zeal, DL equal to double Injury. On failure, the duration of ongoing effects on them are reduced by 1 round.
- Earth: Flowing Earth effects become Acid. After Acid Injury, deal Continuing Acid damage equal to half Injury for 1 round. Soothe can reduce the damage by 1.
- Air: Flowing Air effects become Lightning. After Lighting damages a target contacting conductive material or water, deal damage to a random target not already damaged by the lightning that is in contact with that material or connected water. The damage is reduced by 1 for each space the subject is away from the last subject damaged.
Mystical (M)
Deals magical damage.
Stabbing (S)
For each face value 6 or higher in your attack roll, reduce the face value you need to roll on damage by 2.
Continuing Damage
Effects that deal Continuing Damage deal damage on the Soulweaver's turn. If an effect causes Continuing Damage and does not target a part, roll for a part to be affected. If the effect targeted you or is a result of you suffering Injury or Ailment, it affects the same part each time. All Continuing Damage on a part is added together to determine Serious Injury. The damage to a part is no longer counted if at any time there is no Continuing Damage to the part.
While you are not in Conflict and not taking actions that require Overexertion rolls or more than 1 round to perform, you gain Recovery after each hour. Increase the time this takes by 10 minutes for each Bulk of armor you are wearing that exceeds your Endure Tier. Creatures normally fall asleep during this time. Falling asleep causes Tier 6 Unaware. You cannot benefit from Recovery more than 10 times per day.
After each Recovery, heal 1 Energy, Grit, and Resolve. After your eighth and each following Recovery in a day, if you are sleeping, roll Nature to wake up, DL 3 - 1 for each prior consecutive failure. After your eighth Recovery in a day, also gain each of these effects:
- Reduce your Exhausted Tier by 1.
- Heal 1 Luck. Heal 1 additional Luck for each Affinity to which you are you Attuned.
- If you are Attuned to an Affinity, heal Energy equal to your Endure + Zeal + Magic Tiers.
If a day passes without you using Recovery at least 8 times, roll Endure to avoid suffering Tier 1 Exhausted, DL 3 x the number of Recovery missed. Increase this DL by the number of prior consecutive days you made this roll.