Character Advancement
Character Advancement
Character Advancement

As your character adventures, they will gain AP. You can use that AP to increase your Skill Tiers, improve your abilities, and learn new abilities. After each Recovery, you may assign 1 AP towards abilities or assign AP to increase 1 Skill Tier. You may use options of advancement during character creation.
Attaining AP is accomplished over time through your adventures and includes all the activities your character performs that you do not role play. This should be assumed to include time spent studying topics of interest that then is reflected by assigning the AP.
Increasing Skill Tiers
You can increase any Skill Tier by 1 by assigning AP equal to the new Tier. Each time you do, increase your character’s Training Limit by 1. After increasing a Skill Tier, your Grit, Energy, Resolve, Minor Actions, and Bulk Limit may be affected, and you should update them accordingly.
Increasing your Skill Tiers is costly, however, doing so allows you to roll additional dice and may improve your base traits. As this is the primary method of increasing your Training Limit, attaining Skill Tiers is often necessary to increase the power of your individual abilities. In most cases, increasing beyond Tier 5 is not recommended.
Learning New Abilities
After character creation, Learning an ability requires that it fit your character. You cannot Learn or train Root Species or Aspect - Form abilities after character creation. Any of these options being true about an ability qualifies you to Learn it:
  • From your Species
  • Attuned to any of your Affinities
  • Attuned to an Element that your Species reduces the DL to Manifest
  • Spend 8 hours being trained by someone that knows it
  • Has an effect related to your regular role play according to the Soulweaver
Your Species and Affinities immediately unlock many abilities. Beyond that, the way you assign AP and role play unlocks additional options. It is easy to follow a straightforward path of matching abilities, though going out of your way to learn something outside of your norm can have great value if used correctly.
After your eighth Recovery in a day, you can unassign 1 AP from an ability. You cannot unlearn abilities or training that can only be Learned during character creation or that would cause you to no longer meet a requirement for an ability or Boost you have Learned. An ability cannot count itself toward meeting its requirement.
You can learn abilities just to try them for a while or when they may be needed for a specific task without truly committing yourself to them. Sometimes, you can simply realize an ability is not the right fit for you. By unassigning AP, you can assign them again later.
If you unlearn training from an ability that causes you to lose a gained Lock option, you may choose any of the options you have Locked to lose. If you train the ability again, you must regain lost options before choosing new options.
Affinities help define your Character's personality and what abilities they may specialize in as they advance. When your Character has Attained 24 total AP, and then again at 60 total AP, you may choose 1 Affinity to Attune to from the Affinities list and add it to your sheet. If you do not choose an Affinity, you may choose it any time you could assign an AP. For each Affinity you have Attuned to that matches an Attunement of an ability, increase your Training Limit for that ability by 2.
Affinities should inspire how you role play and encourage learning abilities to match. Having Affinities is a large part of what sets you aside from NPCs and they increase your potential for power.

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