Use a
character sheet to track your character's capabilities. Follow the steps below to determine what values to fill in.
Choose any
Species for your character and list the associated features on your character sheet as passive abilities on the second page. This is your Primary Species. Do not list the “Full-Blooded” feature if you choose to add a Secondary Species as described below. Fill in your height, weight, and age as shown for your chosen Species. Each of the Species abilities become available for your character to learn in the Abilities step.
You may choose a second Species that manifests in your character’s heritage. If you do so, its non-Root Species abilities become available for your character to learn in the Abilities step and your character learns the language of this Species.
Your Primary Species determines your Character's physical appearance, size, and body parts. Your Secondary Species can influence some details of your appearance and grants additional options for developing what your character can do.
Each character has 12 Skills. Each Skill begins as Tier 1. Assign 12 Tier increases between the Skills with no skill exceeding Tier 3 during this step. See
Gameplay to learn about what each Skill is used for.
Each Skill represents your character's reliability in related offensive, defensive, and knowledge functions. The Tier of your Skill is the number of dice you roll for each of these. Skill Tiers also equal your total Attribute values that can be used for requirements and some calculations.
Your Skill Tiers determine your character’s base traits as shown below. For each size your character is above size 1, gain Grit Pool equal to your Might Skill Tiers.
Pools |
Grit |
Energy |
Resolve |
Minor Actions |
Movement: 5 |
Luck: 1 |
Might + 1/2 (Charisma + Finesse) |
2 x (Endure + Zeal + Magic) |
Charisma + Wit |
1 + 1/2 (Observe + Zeal) |
Modified by Species |
Training Limit |
Base Traits |
Severe Threshold |
Physical Reduction |
Training Limit |
Total AP |
Affinities |
Endure + Nature + Size |
Tier of Purchased Armor |
1 |
12 |
None Yet |
Gear Traits |
Souls |
Shards |
Bulk Limit |
250 + 25 x Wit |
0 |
3 x Might |
Advancement Points and Learning Abilities
Your character begins with 12 Advancement Points (AP) and Training Limit 1. You may assign AP to obtain and improve abilities. There are many types of abilities that are each used in different ways. See
Gameplay to learn about the types of abilities.
Abilities can be Learned, Trained, or Boosted by assigning 1 AP for each. Each ability may only be Learned once and begins as Trained Tier 0. Boosts can be Learned once per ability. List Learned active abilities on the first page of the character sheet and passive abilities on the second page. Summarize passive abilities at the bottom of the first page.
Organizing your abilities on your character sheet is vital to efficiently using your character. Separating attacks, support, and utility effects can simplify finding the option you need at the right time.
Abilities and Boosts may have requirements that your character must meet before learning them. These requirements may include features such as a minimum Skill Tier, Skill Proficiency, or a minimum Trained Tier of the ability. While you do not meet a requirement for an ability you know, you do not benefit from it and cannot use it.
Skill Proficiency
Your Skill Proficiency equals the number of abilities you have learned that are connected to the Skill + the amount you have trained those abilities. This is only used to meet requirements of abilities. Track your Proficiency after the colon beside each Skill Tier.
Trained Tier (TT)
Trained Tier increases the effectiveness of an ability by the number of times the ability has been trained. Modify the effect by using your Trained Tier anywhere the ability shows TT. The number of times you can train an ability is equal to your Training Limit.
Training allows you to grow powerful rather than gaining more versatility from learning new abilities. Initially, you can only train abilities once each.
Character Advancement discusses increasing your Training Limit. When an ability uses TT in its effect, TT equals the number of times the ability has been trained. Calculate the potency of the effect by applying that value. If you have not trained an ability, simply ignore TT of its effect.
Spend any amount of your Souls to purchase gear for your character. A single Soul is worth 100 Shards. Gear is found in the Gear and Services section. List gear purchased on the second page of your character sheet in relevant containers or listed as weapons or worn. Weapons and gear that can be activated should also be listed under the actions section on the first page with their effects calculated for ease of use.
It is important to equip yourself to be prepared. Be sure to note that melee weapons use your Martial Tier, ranged weapons use Nimble, and not being penalized for armor uses Endure. Carring gear such as light sorces and food can allow you to survive as you venture into the unknown.
Creature Size and Bulk
For each size you are larger than 0, increase effects related to Bulk, including Bulk Limit, 50% from the last size. If smaller, instead reduce these amounts by 25% for each size.