Each Species has its own culture, appearance, specialties, and features. These are the Species that commonly appear in civilized worlds. Most are descendants of those that are now referred to as monsters. Your Primary Species determines how you look, while any Secondary Species you gain grants you access to the Species cultural abilities. The Species are grouped into 5 types that define their origins, Natural, Fae, Animals, Magic, and Ancients.
The Nature-born descend from those who grew from the land itself during the third age, the age of learning. Their erratic, ambitious nature chafes the other Species, yet births the greatest advancements of art, science, and magic. Collectively, they make over sixty percent of the known world’s population.
The Fae-born Species descend from those whose souls entered the material realm during the second age, the Age of Growth. The land imprinted upon those souls and the bodies that formed around them. The modern ancestors of these still possess strong ties to natural locations. Fae are notoriously reclusive, sticking to the wilderness or Elven cities. Even with these grand cities, Fae only make around twenty percent of the known world’s population.
Animal-born species were created by Humans with powerful rituals during the First Crisis, the ancient war between the Humans and Dragons. Each unique variant consist of a humanoid body exhibiting the visage and strengths of a particular animal. The vast number of breeds form about ten percent of any population. Each Animalfused has an animal influencer and can be affected by effects that specify they work on animals.
Similar to the animalfused Species, these creatures were originally created by infusing elements into people. There are a variety of reasons they were first created. The creation of magic-born was pioneered by humans, who made the Water and Fire Materia after proving the capability of using animals. Once the art of Soulmancy reached other species, they used it to make their own versions. Dwarves made the Cog, Gnomes made Earth Materia and Shimmer, and Elves made Shades and Air Materia. Cog have the Construct type. These Species are rare, making up only about five percent of populations.
Descendant from the first beings to roam the world. The ebb of time has caused the bloodlines to wane from the world-shattering predecessors, yet they retain much of what made their ancestors so grand. These extremely rare creatures sometimes dwell among the other species. Ancient-born are creatures of strong emotional conviction. Some pure-blooded ancients are so powerful, they are revered by some as gods, they draw much attention wherever they go, whether wanted or not. They make up only one percent of the population.
Civilized intelligent creatures can normally read and write in Keric as well as languages determined by their Species. Documented languages include Ancient, Angelic, Aquan, Avian, Chitter, Cogan, Demonic, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giantic, Gnomic, Gobin, Keric, Orken, Sylvan, Terran, Trollan.
When communicating with a creature in a way that prevents onlookers or listeners from knowing the message, attack Guile of those creatures to ensure they do not identify the message with Guile. This can make use of speech and gestures.
To communicate with a creature that cannot otherwise understand you requires a Guile roll, DL 9 - 1 for each 3 you exceed a Social Knowledge about your target. The creature attempting to understand you rolls Guile, DL 12 - the amount you exceed your DL by. This can make use of speech and gestures.
Height, Weight, and Age
Each Species lists the height and weight range for its kind. A creature's Bulk is one third of their weight. Each has an age range that is acknowledged as when they are ready to adventure. Most adventurers begin their journey around this age, though some get their start early and others refuse to give it up later in life. Each age causes various changes to your character while they are of the given age.
- Children do not gain Grit Pool from Charisma Skill Tiers, have 1 Physical Reduction and -2 on Knowledge rolls, and shrink 1 size.
- A creature of adventuring age has no modifications from their age.
- Old-aged creatures have -2 on Finesse Skill rolls and Grit Pool and +2 on Charisma Skill rolls.
- Sage creatures have -3 on Might and Finesse Skill rolls and Grit Pool and +3 on Charisma Skill and Knowledge rolls.
Once a creature reaches Sage, they have a chance of passing away from natural causes, making Endure rolls as time passes. This begins after each month, and each time the roll is Fumbled, the roll is made more frequently. It reduces through weeks, days, hours, and finally minutes. A Fumble while rolling each minute causes death. This roll cannot be rerolled or have dice affected in any way.
Age and Size
Creatures of a size other than the base size of the species change the ages when they change age categories. If smaller, decrease the ages by 25% for each size smaller they are. If larger, increase the ages by 50% for each size larger they are.
Body Parts and Body Traits
Most playable Species have a torso, head, teeth, 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 arms, and 2 legs to take on a humanoid form. Some indicate a form feature that can modify this. Other species specify their own form. Limbs connect to a torso and distals attach to a limb.
Each limb and distal is as a Tier 1 melee weapon that makes Unarmed Strikes with the traits listed below. They cannot be used to attack while used for any other task. If a creature only has a tail by physical description and not by an effect, it cannot be used for attacks or effects. The damage dealt by these is modified by your size the same way as objects. See
Weapons about how weapons work.
Torso Type
Each creature has a standard torso unless specified to be wide or long. Creatures with a wide torso, like a spider, triple their Bulk Limit. Creatures with a long torso, like a horse, double their Bulk Limit and can be mounted by other creatures. Both grant +2 on Balance rolls and defense against Reposition and Trip and Torso objects must be made specifically to fit these body types.
Mountable creatures can be properly mounted by a single creature that is at least 2 sizes smaller than themselves. An additional creature of the same size can also mount by causing each mounted creature to be Crowded Tier 2. Smaller creatures can mount in place of either by having each 2 creatures of any size counting as 1 size larger to determine the space filled.
Reach is based on your manipulation limbs and determines the number of spaces away from you that are in Reach. Creatures size -1 and larger have Reach 1, so they can Reach spaces in 1 Range. Smaller creatures have Reach 0, so they cannot Reach outside their own space. Arms, legs, tail, tentacles, and wings gain Reach equal to half your size, rounded up. While using an action with Reach, you are affected as if you are in each space from you to the space of your target.
Grip and Free Limb
Any limb or distal with Grip or Grab that is not used for another task is a Free Limb. Free Limbs with Grip can be used to Grip objects of Bulk up to double your Athletics Tier x the number of Free Limbs used. While multiple creatures Grip a single object, it instead only counts as carried gear by each.
Limb | Damage | Type | Special |
Arm | 3 | Bashing | Lightweight |
Head | 3 | Bashing | Lightweight |
Leg | 3 | Bashing | Lightweight |
Tail | 2 | Bashing | Disarm, Lightweight, Trip |
Tentacles | 3 | Bashing | Disarm, Grab, Lightweight, Reposition, Trip, +1 Reach |
Wings | 3 | Bashing | Lightweight, Reposition |
Distal | Damage | Type | Special |
Beak | 4 | Stabbing | Devastating, Lightweight |
Claws | 4 | Chopping | Grab, Lightweight |
Fangs | 4 | Chopping | Devastating, Grab, Lightweight |
Foot | 3 | Bashing | Lightweight |
Hand | 3 | Bashing | Lightweight, Grip |
Hoofs | 4 | Bashing | Lightweight, Reposition |
Horn | 4 | Stabbing | Devastating, Lightweight |
Pincers | 3 | Stabbing | Disarm, Grab, Lightweight |
Stinger | 4 | Stabbing | Lightweight, Weakened |
Talons | 4 | C or S | Devastating, Disarm, Grab, Lightweight |
Teeth | 2 | Chopping | Lightweight |
Environmental Traits
Creatures may have certain traits that allow them to more easily survive within specific environments.
You can breathe, speak, and comprehend speech in water, and gain Swim as a Primary Movement type. Being underwater does not cause Encumbered or prevent you from running.
You are comfortable when the Temperature is between 10 and 30 degrees. Treat Ground Softness as 3 Tiers lower to determine your ability to move in it. Treat Snow as 3 Tiers lower to determine your Awareness penalty. Treat Humidity as 3 Tiers higher, as long as this does not raise it above 0.
You are comfortable when the Temperature is between 100 and 120 degrees. Treat Humidity as 6 Tiers higher, as long as this does not raise it above 0. Halve the amount of water you need to avoid Starving.
You do not have Sight. Gain +2 on rolls with Touch, Sound, and Smell.
Gain Swim as a Primary Movement type and treat Humidity as 3 Tiers lower, as long as this does not lower it below 0. Gain +2 on defenses against Disease.