Awareness (No Action or Trick - Observe)
Creatures can be Aware of subjects through a number of senses, getting different details from each. The Soulweaver can direct you to roll Awareness any time a subject might be noticed. If a subject could be considered impossible to miss, even on failure, gain the benefit of success. If a subject has Concealment, it is never considered impossible to miss. Any part of a subject that is impossible to sense does not count for determining the size of the subject.
The DL is based on the sense used. Reduce the DL by the size and Magnitude of the subject. Subjects smaller than size 0 do cause the DL to increase. Increase the DL by 3 if the subject is commonly ignored. You may use Awareness with a specific sense as a Trick.
Sensing a subject at a distance increases the DL. Each sense defines its own range. The range is increased by the subject's size and magnitude, so larger subjects can be sensed from a greater distance, while smaller subjects require being closer. Each multiple of the range from you to the subject increases the DL by 1.
Sense | DL | Range |
Sight | 0 | 4 |
Smell | 9 | -1 |
Sound | 6 | -1 |
Touch | 3 | - |
Displacement | 12 | 1 |
Thermal | 6 | None |
Vibration | 12 | 3 |
Magnitude measures the potency of the source to be sensed. If grouped together, each 3 sources of the same Magnitude are treated as a single source that is 1 Magnitude higher, preventing you from obtaining details about an individual. If a higher Magnitude subject is on the path of another subject, it provides Tiers of Concealment to the lower subject equal to the amount of Magnitude it is higher.
As you sense a Magnitude 9 + range penalty source, it is overwhelming and causes Tier 6 Blinded with Sight, Tier 6 Deafened with Sound, and Tier 6 Deafened for the other sense types that instead affects only that sense. A Magnitude 12 or higher Sound, Thermal, or Vibration also deals Magnitude - size penalty - 9 Body damage and causes Tiers of Wounded to each part used for the sense equal to Injury.
Senses that use specific body parts to work cannot be used by creatures without the part. Each creature has a Primary Sense, normally sight, that has advantages over other senses. When using this sense, on success, know the direction of the subject or source. Otherwise, you must exceed the DL by 6 to know the direction.
Targeting Subjects
With a Primary Sense, you can target a subject if you exceed the DL by 3, while other sense require you exceed by 9, though you can Attack Blind if you exceed the DL by 6.
Sight - Uses Eyes
Sight has 4 range and is DL 0. Range is modified by half your size. It is possible to notice a size 0 subject or Tier 3 Light Source as far away as 2 + 1/2 size + 1/2 magnitude miles without details. Subjects have Magnitude equal to any Tier of Light it produces. Reduce the DL by half the number of spaces the subject has moved this round.
- On success, know the subject’s general size and rough outline.
- Exceed the DL by 3 to also know its shape and general color.
- Exceed the DL by 6 to also know its physical description well enough to identify the species or type of object.
- Exceed the DL by 9 to also know its eye color, hair color, gait of walk, and other minute details.
Smell - Uses Nose
Smelling has -1 range and is DL 9. Wind blowing towards you from the subject reduces the DL by half Wind Tier. Wind blowing away increase the DL by half Wind Tier. Foul odors attack Endure when senses and each minute after to cause Tier 3 Sickened, DL 3 + Magnitude.
- On success, know if the smell is pleasant or unpleasant.
- Exceed the DL by 3 to also know if it is chemical or biological.
- Exceed the DL by 6 to also know what the subject is, such as the type of flower, spice, or creature.
- Exceed the DL by 9 to also be able to recognize the individual subject if encountered again.
Smell Magnitude Examples
- 1: Clean humanoid
- 2: Subtle perfume
- 3: Dirty / very sweaty humanoid
- 4: Cooking food
- 5: Cleaning chemicals
- 6: Skunk spray
Sound - Uses Ears
Hearing has -1 range and is DL 6. The Magnitude of a creature’s voice changes by ½ their size. Reduce Magnitude by the Physical Reduction of any material causing complete obstruction. Sound can be heard without details at a range of 5 x Magnitude. Over still water, this distance is 10 times greater.
- On success, know the general pitch.
- Exceed the DL by 3 to also know if the subject is mechanical or living, understand the meaning of a conversation, and know the distance away it is.
- Exceed the DL by 6 to also know what is making the sound and get full details of a conversation.
- Exceed the DL by 9 to also know a specific voice, speech patterns, or other minute details.
Sound Magnitude Examples
- 1: Whisper
- 2: Low Voice / Unarmed Combat / Walking
- 3: Speaking Voice / Running
- 4: Raised Voice / Armed Combat / Flying with Wings
- 5: Shouting
You can increase the Tier of Magnitude sound you make through speech by 1. If you do, you may strain your voice. Roll Endure, DL 6 + 1 for each round you have screamed in the last 10 minutes. On failure, gain Tiers of Muted equal to the amount you failed by.
Feeling has no range, physical contact is required. Gaining useful information is DL 3 and is not modified by size. You can feel into a space in Reach as a Minor Action. Attack Elude of each creature and object in the space with Observe. On success, you sense them.
- On success, know if it is slick or rough.
- Exceed the DL by 3 to also know if it is smaller than your Reach and the basic material the object is made of.
- Exceed the DL by 6 to also know what type of object it is.
- Exceed the DL by 9 to also know nicks, grooves, lumps, and other minute details.
Displacement allows you to sense the presence of something physical as the water or air in the area is affected by the subjects presence. Displacement has 1 range and is DL 12. Effects that deal Air damage cause a displacement of Magnitude equal to their Air damage. Anything solid provides Concealment from Displacement.
- On success, know the general size and rough outline.
- Exceed the DL by 3 to also know shape and if it is stationary or mobile.
- Exceed the DL by 6 to also know type of object or species.
- Exceed the DL by 9 to also know gait of walk, shape of body parts, and other minute details.
Thermal allows you to detect the temperature around you. Thermal has no range and is DL 6.
- On success, become aware if the Temperature is uncomfortable or the Humidity Tier is not 0.
- Exceed the DL by 3 to also know the Temperature.
- Exceed the DL by 6 to know the Humidity Tier.
- Exceed the DL by 9 to know the type of source of anything affecting the current Temperature.
Sensing Vibration has 3 range and is DL 12. Subjects only cause Vibration while they are moving. This sense requires that you and the subject can trace a line through materials that you are both in contact with and the range is determined by that line if it were straight. Materials that are soft and spongy provide Concealment against Vibration. Magnitude is equal to the penalty applied to Balance rolls from shaking. If damage would be dealt to the material, it creates a subject with Magnitude equal to 1/3 of the damage before applying any Damage Reductions for 1 round.
- On success, become aware of the subject or source and general size and Magnitude.
- Exceed the DL by 3 to know apparent Size and Magnitude if the source contains multiple subjects, the direction of a cone the subject is from you, the shape that is touching the common material, and if it is mechanical or living.
- Exceed the DL by 6 to also know your range penalty, the direction and occupied spaces of the subject, and the type of activity causing the vibration.
- Exceed the DL by 9 to know all detectable details and identifying traits, such as gait of walk and impact.
Enhanced Senses
Certain creatures excel with specific types of senses.
Creatures with Darksight treat Tier 0 light as Tier 3.
Creatures with Heatsight can see when subjects have a different temperature than their surroundings and their approximate temperature difference. This is not affected by light Tier. Gain no benefit for exceeding the DL to notice a subject.
Creatures with Nightsight treat light Tier 1 through 3 as 1 Tier higher.
Creatures with Scent gain +4 on range of smelling and add smell as a Primary Sense.