General Abilities
General Abilities
General Abilities

Athlete Body Mobile Animal
Aspect - Might | Connected Skills - Athletics
Gain + TT x 3 on rolls to Soften Collision and Flight with Wings as a Secondary Movement type.
Boost: Req: Trained 3 Times - Gain Flight with Wings as a Primary Movement type.
Athlete Body Marksman Animal
Aspect - Might | Connected Skills - Nimble
Your tail gains Grab.
Boost: Req: Nimble Proficiency 12 - Your limbs with Grab and Talons gain Grip.
Body Guardian Hope
Aspect - Finesse | Connected Skills - Elude
Your wings each gain Guard 1. You cannot use your wings to fly or attack for 1 round after using Guard with them.
Boost: You can use Guard with your wings to benefit creatures in Reach of them.
Aspect - Charisma | Connected Skills - Nature
Gain +1 + TT Attunement Pool. You can use Attunement to pay Energy and Resolve costs of abilities that are attuned to an Affinity you have. After your eighth Recovery in a day, remove 1 Attunement Pip.
Boost: You can use Daily Magics to heal 1 Attunement.
Aspect - Charisma | Connected Skills - Zeal
Lock 1 + TT/3 Affinities. While you have assigned at least 24 AP on other abilities attuned to a Locked Affinity, gain that Affinity.
Aspect - Charisma
Lock 1 + TT/3 Affinities. While you have learned at least 12 other abilities attuned to a Locked affinity, treat Training Limit on those abilities as 2 higher.
Boost: Reduce the DL to Manifest those abilities by 2.
Imagination Mind Trickster
Aspect - Wit | Connected Skills - Guile
Requirements: Guile Proficiency 6
Gain +1 + TT/3 on attacks for Domination.
Boost: After your Domination effect ends, attack Poise with 1 + TT/3 d12. On success, they do not remember being Dominted.
Naturalist Fire Environmental
Talent | Connected Skills - Nature
Requirements: 12 Fire Abilities or Reduce DL to Manifest Fire Abilities by 2
Extinguish all Fire and Burning. Gain +1 on attack rolls for a number of rounds equal to the spaces that had Fire and subjects that had Burning.
Range Aura 1 + TT/3
Boost: Also gain Immune to Fire during this time.
Naturalist Order
Response - Elemental | Connected Skills - Nature
Lock 1 + TT/3 Elements. As target creature Manifests an ability attuned to a Locked Element, if you have learned at least 12 other abilities attuned to that Locked Element or you Reduce the DL to Manifest Abilities of that Locked Element by 2 from your Species, cause a 1 + TT/2 penalty on their roll.
Range Target 3 + TT
Boost: 1 Energy: If their ability fails, gain +1 on Manifest rolls with abilities attuned to that Element until the end of your next turn.
Decay Naturalist Time Potion
Spell - Mutation | Connected Skills - Endure
Target creature counts as 1 + TT/3 sizes larger to determine how much they must eat.
Range Target 3 + TT   Duration 1 + TT/2 days   Defense Nature
Boost: They treat all meals as 1 + TT/4 Quality Tiers lower.
Despair Trickster Water Potion
Spell - Suppression | Connected Skills - Guile
Choose an object. Dominate target creature. It the object would be caused leave their possession, they attempt to prevent the cause.
Range Target 3 + TT   Duration 1 + TT minutes   Defense Guile
Boost: The first time each minute they sense the object, they attempt to acquire it. They will take actions up to Risk tier 0 + TT/4 to obtain it.
Mind Order
Aspect - Charisma | Connected Skills - Poise
After you succeed a Barter, gain +1 + TT on the roll to determine the percent change.
Boost: Roll +1 + TT/3 d12 to determine the percent change on Barter.
Athlete Body
Aspect - Might | Connected Skills - Athletics
Lock 1 + TT/4 types of Overpower. Reduce your attack roll penalty caused by Rapid Strike with Locked options by 1d12.
Boost: Reduce your attack roll penalty caused by Rapid Strike with Hinder actions by 1d12.
Arcanist Umbral
Spell - Transference | Connected Skills - Magic
Create 1 + TT Shards in your space.
Boost: When Manifested as a Ritual, increase the Shards created by Craft Tier squared. The ritual has no Soul cost.
Body Curative Naturalist Potion
Spell - Mutation | Connected Skills - Nature
Requirements: Nature Proficiency 21
Soulshards 500: Remove all treatable Ailments, Wounded, and Grit Injury from target creature, corpse, or skeleton. All present severed limbs are reattached to their body and flesh regrown. You can only Manifest this as a Ritual.
Range Target 0
Boost: Soulshards 5,000: Severed limbs are regrown if the limb is not there and cure all diseases and poisons. Severed limbs that are not present disapate.
Leader Time Potion
Spell - Elemental | Connected Skills - Magic
Target creature Manifesting a Ritual reduces the time needed to Manifest it by 1 + TT/2 rounds.
Range Target 3 + TT   Defense Magic
Boost: The creature Manifesting the Ritual can immediately change any selected target of the ritual.
Arcanist Construction Umbral
Aspect - Wit | Connected Skills - Tools
Requirements: Tools Proficiency 6
You can craft Ritual Circles up to Tier 1 + TT.
Boost: When drawing a ritual circle, the circle occupies all spaces in 2 + TT/2 range from the space where the caster will stand.
Arcanist Order Umbral
Aspect - Wit | Connected Skills - Magic
Requirements: Magic Proficiency 12
Reduce the time you need to Manifest a Ritual by 1 + TT/2 minutes.
Boost: You can instead increase the time you spend Manifesting a Ritual by 1 + TT minutes.
Construction Tactician Umbral
Aspect - Wit | Connected Skills - Tools
Requirements: Tools Proficiency 9
When you craft a Ritual circle for a Spell, you may use this effect as a modifier up to 1 + TT times: Increase Trained Tier to determine damage or healing by 2.
Boost: Instead, increase Trained Tier in the effect of anything that is not damage or healing by 1.
Arcanist Chaos Necrotic
Aspect - Wit | Connected Skills - Magic
Requirements: Magic Proficiency 3
You can craft inner circles that occupy 1 space like crafting Craft Tier 3 Ritual circles inside a Ritual circle. If a creature is in an inner circle while you Manifest the Ritual, after each minute, they can use Daily Magics to reduce the Soul cost by 1 + TT/3.
Boost: After a creature reduces the Soul cost, you may designate them to also count as the caster for their effects.
Aspect - Might
Requirements: Soulbroken
Gain 1 + TT/3 Magical Reduction.
Boost: Gain TT/4 Physical Reduction.
Senses Umbral
Requirements: Soulbroken
Instantly know if creatures you see are Soulbroken.
Duration 1 + TT rounds
Boost: Instantly know if a creature you see is an aberration.
Aspect - Might
Requirements: Soulbroken
You can roll Zeal defense in place of Magic defense.
Boost: When you do, gain +TT/3 on your roll.
Body Hero
Aspect - Might
Requirements: Soulbroken
Reduce the number of Recovery you need to avoid suffering Exhausted by 1 + TT.
Boost: Gain +1d12 on Might skill defenses.
Arcanist Decay Umbral
Response - Infusion | Connected Skills - Magic
Requirements: Magic Proficiency 6
1 Resolve: Gain +1 + TT/2 on an attack against Dispel Defense.
Boost: If the effect does not have a duration, increase the duration it becomes inert by 1 + TT minutes.
Air Mobile Scout
Aspect - Might | Connected Skills - Endure
Requirements: 12 Air Abilities or Reduce DL to Manifest Air Abilities by 2
Gain Flight as a Primary Movement type. While using this, you count as in Conflict.
Boost: While using this, gain +1 + TT/3 Movement Pool.

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