
When chosen as your Primary Species, gain each of these features.
If Full-Blooded: When you move in water, you may increase the spaces you move by 1.
Nightsight: Treat light Tier 1 through 3 as 1 Tier higher.
Swimmer: Gain Aquatic.
Slick: Gain +3 on defense against Grab.
Short Stride: Have a starting Movement Pool of 4.
Language: Aquan
SizeHeightWeightAdventure AgeOld AgeSage Age
0 5'1" - 6'3"95 - 135 pounds18 years36 years63 years
Agile. Colorful. Surprising. Amphibianfused use their frog like qualities to move adroitly both on land and in water.
Created to combat Dragons who dwelt within watery terrains. An expendable force employed as aquatic scouts and vanguard in battle.
After the Human Dragon war, the Amphibianfused migrated away from Human controlled land and into the oceans. They made poor neighbors with the other aquatic species, most notably Elves. After many unfortunate encounters, the Elves and Amphibianfused went to war. The Elves managed to slowly force back the Amphibianfused. Their retreat followed the major rivers into the lakes and seas that they now call their home. Although long ago, the war has left relations between the two species unsavory. Oddly, most land based species seem unaware of the events outside of academic circles.
Amphibianfused are independent, with weak familial ties. Their loyalties are fickle, without fierce loyalty to kin or nation. They are apathetic toward politics and have developed a notorious reputation among the other species for their insubstantial friendships. With this however, they ask very little from those around them and expect nothing beyond what they can get for themselves.
They enjoy the freedom of flexibility. They value spending their time as they wish, without rigid regard to schedules. Many live transient lives to avoid being locked down. They approve of those who express patience and are capable of adapting to situations. Though raw skill and displays of expertise do little to impress them.
Slimy skin with bright colorful patches cover Amphibianfused. Their flat heads have large eyes and wide mouths. Their limbs are long and sinuous. The tips of their long fingers bulge slightly.
Physical Heritage
Large eyes and colorfully patched skin betrays Amphibianfused blood.
"I must carry on. The others will know what happened here."
-Gruulmar, scout leader
Root Abilities - If Amphibianfused is your Primary Species, you may learn 1 of these during character creation by assigning AP.
Body Mobile
Aspect - Form
Your legs gain +1 damage and Dazzled. Gain +12 on Jump rolls. Do not take a penalty on long jump for not moving first.
Leapers legs are exceptionally frog-like with two ankle joints and long feet, making them impressive jumpers. This breed was created to lunge at Dragons to strike at their wings and be able to jump out of the way of dragon breath. Their color patches tend to be rich green or blue.
Body Naturalist
Aspect - Form
Treat dirt and mud as food. Treat Ground Softness as 3 Tiers lower.
Mudskippers’ have muted color patches that blend well with mud. To a degree, they can pull the nutrients they need from mud, allowing them to hide for long periods of time.
Body Decay
Aspect - Form
The patches on your body secrete poison. 12 times per day, as a Minor Action, you can hold an object to yourself to coat the object in Amphibian Poison.
The red and yellow patches on this breed have a particular flare. These patches secrete poison that they apply to their weapons or serve as a final attack against Dragons that consume them.
Body Curative
Aspect - Form
When rolling to reduce Wounded Tiers, you can reduce severed parts. After each Recovery, roll to reduce Wounded.
Regenerators have black skin with patches of any color. Their supreme healing ability often gets them sent on the most dangerous of missions.
Species Abilities - If Amphibianfused is your Primary or Secondary Species, you may learn these by assigning AP.
Athlete Mobile
Aspect - Finesse
Gain +1 + TT/2 on Balance rolls and defense against Hinder Movement.
Boost: Balance does not use an action.
Aspect - Might
Treat Poor Breathability as 1 + TT Tiers lower.
Boost: Strangled does not prevent you from Breathing.
Body Decay
Aspect - Might
You can store a dose of poison in your body as a Major Action. You can store up to 2 + TT doses in this way. As a Minor Action, hold an object to yourself to coat the object in a stored Poison.
Boost: Gain +2 on defenses against stored poisons.
Aspect - Wit
You can use a dose of poison in place of Souls to Manifest a Ritual. 50% + TT x 5% of the poison's cost applies towards the cost of the ritual.
Boost: Req: Trained 6 Times - Any creature affected by the ritual becomes Immune to the poisons used in this way for 1 day. You can curse creatures you caused to be poisoned in the last 12 + TTx12 hours as if you had their organic matter.
Scout Senses
Aspect - Wit
Gain +1 + TT/2 on Track and Stealth rolls.
Boost: Req: Trained 3 Times - Treat Concealment of creatures as 1 + TT/4 lower.
Aspect - Might
Gain +1 + TT/2 on Climb rolls and defense against Disarm.
Boost: Req: Trained 3 Times - You can use Steal as a Minor Action.
Aspect - Wit
Gain +1 + TT/3 on Knowledge rolls about Poisons, Rituals, and creatures that produce poison.
Boost: You can use Attack Disease or Poison against a poison without a Knowledge roll or Medical Herbs by expending a dose of the poison you attack.
Body Trickster
Aspect - Wit
Gain +1 + TT on Mimic rolls.
Boost: Increase the Magnitude of sound you can make by 1 + TT/4.

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