
When chosen as your Primary Species, gain each of these features.
If Full-Blooded: Immune to Disease of the Body, Hemotoxin Poisons, and Sickened.
Magical Life: Must pay 1 Energy or eat 5 shards in place of a needing to eat each Bulk of food.
Steel Body: Can be affected by effects that affect steel objects, including having Inlays Melded.
Mechanical Survival: Does not need to breathe or drink. Vulnerable to Time.
Language: Cogan
SizeHeightWeightAdventure AgeOld AgeSage Age
0 6'0" - 7'3"220 - 350 pounds10 years50 years200 years
Mechanical. Deliberate. Handy. These machines have the spark of sentience beyond their simpler counterparts.
Through joint study of magic with the Humans, the Dwarves were able to create humanoid machines powered by magic. These machines were rudimentary at first, but through study of an ancient artifact called an orb of power, they were able to introduce the crystal sphere to the blueprint, which allowed for sentient mechanical beings. The birth of each Cog is completed when the parents cast a Ritual on the body. The Ritual has been lost to all except the Cog born to it, and they are forbidden to share the knowledge with others.
The Dwarves, Humans, and other species who bought these machines initially treated the Cog as property. Even the early Cog themselves did not initially realize they were sentient beings. Several incidents occurred during the time of confusion until the Cog openly rebelled against their owners. The conflict eared them recognition as people by the other species.
Although they are mechanical, and despite the words of the ignorant, Cog are fully capable of emotions and desires. Due to their nature as a crafted being, they have no family ties. They value accomplishments and pride themselves on completed tasks. Their blunt attitudes and dry humor makes interacting with other species troublesome at first. Though, Insectfused and Dwarves have an easier time of it.
Cog are a mechanical humanoid body. This can be made of any sturdy material, though most are steel. Inner workings of the body are protected by outer layers of plates. The innermost part is a spherical crystal structure. This is the last part to be installed and is required to create a sentient machine. It is theorized that this is where its soul is stored. That is unconfirmed, but it is certain that spells are channeled through this part, and when the Cog dies, this part cracks and becomes unusable.
Although their bodies are individually made and diverse, they all have a roughly humanoid shape. Artisans have found that if a body is too different from a body found in nature, it will be unable to attune its central crystal sphere, known colloquially as their ‘soul sphere’.
Physical Heritage
Cog are crafted individually. And thus, cannot influence bloodlines in the manor of other species. Cog parts, however, can be used to replace lost limbs or add limbs to other species. Though not the same as bloodlines, some Cog refer to those with added limbs as half-bloods. Whether this is a compliment or insult is difficult to determine.
"I wasn't allowed at the bars of the fleshfused, so I built one with my own vices."
-E11I75 “Ellie”, the tavern owner
Root Abilities - If Cog is your Primary Species, you may learn 1 of these during character creation by assigning AP.
Body Earth
Aspect - Form
Be made of Living Wood instead of Steel. Remove Vulnerable to Time. Gain Immunity to Trauma, 6 Reduction to Time and Radiant, and Vulnerable to Fire. After each hour in sunlight or water, heal 1 Grit.
This blueprint is crafted entirely from living wood to reap the benefits of the material. This is the most expensive and difficult of the forms to create and thus are often a crafter’s magnum opus.
Body Mobile
Aspect - Form
Gain 2 legs and a long or wide torso. Gain +1 on Mobility rolls and Movement Pool.
This blueprint focuses on speed and stability.
Body Mobile
Aspect - Form
Shrink 1 size. Gain +1 Movement Pool and on Aid and Stealth rolls.
This blueprint is smaller than the original, with inner workings laid out to move quickly and quietly, rather than brute strength.
Body Tactician
Aspect - Form
Grow 1 size. Gain +1 on Priority and melee attack rolls.
This blueprint has reinforced internal structures to support a larger chassis.
Species Abilities - If Cog is your Primary or Secondary Species, you may learn these by assigning AP.
Aspect - Might
Lock 1 + TT/4 weapon properties except Ailment, Element, Extra, Load, Two-Handed, or Mechanical. Extend and Guard have value 1. Your Unarmed Strikes gain the Locked properties.
Boost: Lock Trauma or Dazzled.
Aspect - Wit
Gain +1 + TT/2 on Objects and Crafting Knowledge rolls.
Boost: Gain +1 + TT/3 on Barter rolls.
Athlete Mobile
Aspect - Finesse
Gain +1 + TT/2 on Jump rolls and +1 Movement Pool while Dashing or Running.
Boost: Req: Trained 6 Times - Gain + TT/6 on Mobility rolls.
Shadow Tinker
Target object up to 1 + TT Bulk counts as a subject commonly ignored.
Range Gripped   Duration 1 + TT minutes
Boost: Req: Trained 3 Times - Affect all Gripped objects.
Aspect - Might
Reduce the time you need for Recovery by 3 + TT x 3 minutes.
Boost: After your sixth Recovery in a day, gain the benefits as if it was your eighth.
Body Senses
Aspect - Wit
Lock 1 + TT/4 Enhanced Senses. Gain the Locked Senses.
Boost: Gain +1 on Awareness rolls while using the Locked Enhanced Senses.
Aspect - Might
Gain +1 + TT/2 on Strength rolls.
Boost: Req: Trained 3 Times - Gain +1 + TT/4 on melee damage.
Mind Senses
Aspect - Wit
Gain +1 + TT/3 on defense against Diversion.
Boost: You cannot be caused to Drop Focus and reduce the Concealment subjects gain from you being Focused by TT/4.

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