
When chosen as your Primary Species, gain each of these features.
If Full-Blooded: You cannot be Ambushed while not Unaware.
Blind Eye: Replace Sight with Sound as your Primary Sense.
Watchful Ear: Gain +5 range with sound and reduce the DL of Awareness with Sound by 6.
Endless Worker: Gain +2 on Overexertion and Strength rolls.
Fae Blood: You are affected by Cold Iron Poison.
Language: Giantic
SizeHeightWeightAdventure AgeOld AgeSage Age
0 5'8" - 6'6"210 - 320 pounds19 years76 years114 years
Enduring. Enigmatic. Perceptive. Cyclops have uncanny ways of manipulating magic and detecting the hidden. All while being a formidable physical force as well.
The Cyclops have dwelt in the tundra regions since their ancient kin entered the material realm during the Age of Growth. They expanded little during the long centuries, instead remaining in their tundra regions. Small, tight knit villages endure the coming and going of ages with little expansion or change.
Remote villages stand among the evergreens. Small in numbers despite great age. Cyclops populations are prone to stagnation. Little of the drive to explore seen in humans can be seen in Cyclops. Rather, they have a deep appreciation for their small slices of the world and way of life.
Although very interdependent within their village. Cyclops are highly competitive with other villages and will fight over resources. Because of this, one will seldom find two villages close to each other.
Cyclops are direct in speech with sense of humor that confounds other species. They consider vague or unclear speech rude enough to escalate to violence.
Each village has at least one family line that train and breed the wolves of the tundra. Wolf people, as they are often called, have a knack for understanding the wolves that confounds even other Cyclops. Together with their fanged companions, the wolf people hunt and protect the woodlands surrounding their village.
All manor of wolf breeds can be found in Cyclops villages, including dire wolves, wargs, and winter wolves. But none compare to the special creation of cyclops ritualists. The sightless wolves. Which possess a single blind eye, and track by keen scent and similar magical sense to Cyclops. It is not uncommon for wolves to outnumber Cyclops within their village.
A slim percentage of bloodlines are large as the giants of the Human blood. These are regarded by the other Cyclops as blessed by the gods. Often spending long periods out from the villages to keep dangers away. Whether other intelligent species count as danger can depend on the individual Cyclops.
Cyclops strikingly possess only one eye. Rather than relying on vision, they navigate the world mostly through their impressive hearing and magical senses. The average Cyclops stands at a similar height to a human, but with much bulkier frames and skin that is much thicker and rougher.
Common Names
Cyclops names contain prominent vowels. Namromor, Callogrum, Vellumac
Physical Heritage
Thick, tough skin is predominant in Cyclops blood. Rare is the trait of growing only a single eye.
"I hope you’re not trying to hide from me. That would be sad."
-Arrogat the Cyclops bounty hunter, calling out to a highwayman ambush
Root Abilities - If Cyclops is your Primary Species, you may learn 1 of these during character creation by assigning AP.
Aspect - Wit
You can Manifest Spells that have targets without having a Free Limb if you can see each target.
Cyclops wizards look a bit different than others do.
Senses Space Spiritual
Become unable to see and gain Displacement as a primary sense and +12 on Awareness rolls with Displacement for 1 minute.
Range Self
Mastery of the mind eye takes dedication.
Aspect - Form
Grow 1 size. Gain +1 on physical attack rolls.
Sporadically, a cyclops is born with this boon.
Body Spiritual
Aspect - Wit
Gain Fangs, +2 on rolls involving wolves, and +1 on Nature Knowledge rolls. Increase the social opinion wolves have of you by 1 Tier.
Wolf training is a family business. After several generations, these trainers start to look wolflike themselves.
Species Abilities - If Cyclops is your Primary or Secondary Species, you may learn these by assigning AP.
Aspect - Wit
Treat sounds as 1 + TT/3 Magnitude higher.
Boost: Sounds do not overwhelm you.
Mind Order
Aspect - Charisma
Gain +1 + TT/2 on defenses against Mutations and Illusions.
Boost: Req: Trained 3 Times - Gain + TT/3 on defense against Cold Iron Poison.
After rolling a defense, roll 1d12 to gain +1 on the roll, DL 3 - TT/2 + prior successes.
Boost: Become Focused on the attacker.
Aspect - Wit
Gain +1 + TT/2 on Objects and Crafting Knowledge rolls.
Boost: Gain +1 + TT/3 on Barter rolls.
After dealing Bashing damage, if you exceeded defense by 6 - TT/2 or more, the target does not roll to reduce Ailments on their next turn.
Boost: Req: Trained 3 Times - Increase the Tier of Ailments caused by the attack by 1.
Athlete Body
Aspect - Might
Gain +1 + TT/2 on Overexertion, Hold Breath, and Strength rolls.
Boost: When you Tackle, increase Collision damage to the target by 1 + TT/3.
Aspect - Might
Gain +1 + TT/2 on rolls to reduce Trauma afflicting you.
Boost: Req: Trained 6 Times - Gain + TT/6 Physical Reduction.
Body Hero
Aspect - Might
Gain 1 + TT/3 on rolls to wake up from Unconscious.
Boost: Gain +TT/2 Severe Threshold against Called Shots.

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