Spiteful. Diabolic. Unholy. The antithesis to Angels.
Descended from Ancient beings of hatred. Demons have been credited with many stories of destruction, corruption, and major calamities in history. References site heroes, kings, and the desperate willing to risk deals with malicious entities. Demons are responsible for far fewer events in reality. Though, the stories are not wholly unfounded.
Prominent inclusion in world events is sporadic and poorly recorded. Though, only a fool would think that they didn’t hold strings. Demons have chosen to remain mostly hidden. A behavior driven by other species annoying habit of banding together against things they fear. Through their secrecy, deals, and contracts, Demons have managed to prevent their destruction from the other species.
Life as a Demon is a lonely, rough one. Either living in a constant power struggle or striking out alone in hopes to outwit the desperate or hide from the crusaders. Demons find little succor within the civilizations of other species. They often find some sanctuary of their own or gather other Demons. Ones weaker than themselves, of course. Obedience is harshly enforced within their culture, but little care is put into how subordinates accomplish their tasks. This results in a loose hierarchy of shifting allegiances difficult for non-Demons to discern.
Still, not unlike Angels, Demons may find themselves in places of authority and religious leadership. Though, their followers may be called a ‘cult’ rather than a ‘congregation’. Demons born in the current era have only the faint echo of the hatred in their souls that drove their ancient kin. Some manage to carve a delicate coexistence with other species. Shades, Moon Elves, and Blood Drinker Pixies in particular are able to cooperate with them in the infamous Tur’iuriol’ A’dim, or ‘City of Darkness’ that rests on a volcanic island.
Appearance can vary greatly between bloodlines of Demon. Even with a variety of bestial features, they each adhere to a distinctly demonic look. Skin of red, gray, black, or tan cover these bestial creatures with patches of fur, often around their heads and necks. A long, narrow tail ends in a spade. Their wings are leathery and sinuous. While many keep their sharp fangs concealed behind manipulative lips, their curved horns and razor-like claws are commonly left in plain view.
Common Names
The vast majority of Demons give themselves names, and thus have a wide range of names. Many Demons also will refer to themselves by earned names in a similar fashion to Angels. Are’teck’ Hesheen, Allilliliohrillul, Vhrackt Icheni, Spite, Bloodlust, Fear.
Physical Heritage
Monstrous, leathery features accompany bloodlines touched by Demon influence.
Aspect - Form
Grow 1 size. Gain +1 on damage rolls.
Possessing a more monstrous visage than their kin. Their body is covered with a thin dark colored fur and almost pig-like face.
Aspect - Charisma
You can Manifest Spells without speaking. When you target another creature with a Spell and they do not defend against it, double its duration.
Djinn are often the most human looking of the demons. Their horns, fangs, claws, and tail are less pronounced and slightly less conspicuous.
Aspect - Form
Shrink 1 size. Have a starting Movement Pool of 4. Reduce the DL to Manifest Spells by 1. 12 times per day, after causing Injury with your Fangs or Claws, you can expose the target to Imp Toxin.
Imps have features closer to that of a Goblin than a Human. They have pointed faces and rough, red or yellow skin.
Aspect - Might
Gain Flight with Wings as a Primary Movement type. Double your Bulk Limit to determine your limitations for flight.
The wings of these ancients grow to majestic proportions.
Trick - Suppression
Increase the DL to Manifest by 1.

Aura 3 + TT

1 minute
Boost: Req: Trained 3 Times - Gain 6 Radiant Reduction.
Aspect - Might
After each 12 - TT rounds while you have Wounded Tiers, reduce each Wounded Tier you have by 1. Pay 2 Energy for each Tier reduced.
Boost: Req: Trained 6 Times - Reduce the Energy cost per Tier by 1.
Attack to cause Tier 2 + TT/4 Enraged.

Burst 3 + TT

Boost: For 1 round, also cause -1 on rolls to reduce Ailments.
Become invisible, then Warp.

Target 3 + TT x 3

1 round
Boost: Double the Bulk you can carry with this Warp.
Response - Infusion
As you would roll defense against a magical effect, gain +1 on defenses against magical effects.

1 round
Boost: 1 Resolve: Gain +1 + TT/2 on damage rolls.
Response - Transference
As you are targeted by a Spell, roll Magic to prevent all effects of the Spell, DL 12 - TT + prior successes.
Boost: Req: Trained 3 Times - You can Manifest the Spell once, exactly as it was, except you choose the target. This effect is lost if you become Unconscious.
Aspect - Charisma
Treat Social Opinion is currently considering as having a smell Magnitude equal to 1 + 1 the Tiers away from 5. If you exceed the smell DL by 3, know which direction it is away from 5. Exceeding the DL by 6 knows if it is under a temporary influence. Exceeding the DL by 9 knows the subject of the social opinion.
Boost: Gain +1 + TT on rolls to smell Social Opinion.
You and Allies gain +2 on their next damage roll.

Burst 3 + TTx3

1 minute

Boost: 2 Resolve: Instead, each ally can use a reaction to this to make a Melee or Ranged Strike.