
When chosen as your Primary Species, gain each of these features.
If Full-Blooded: At the start of your turn, roll to reduce ailments afflicting you that allow you to roll at end of turn.
Form: Claws, Fangs, Horns, Tail, and Wings
Dragon Body: Your arms also function as legs and your Fangs, Horns, and Tail gain +1 Reach.
Dragon Element: Choose an Element. When you could Lock this Element for an ability, you must.
Dragon Resistance: Gain 6 Reduction against your Dragon Element.
Learn the Ancient Language.
Language: Draconic
SizeHeightWeightAdventure AgeOld AgeSage Age
0 5'6" - 7'1"120 - 200 pounds35 years350 years385 years
Aggressive. Powerful. Arrogant. Majestic combination of power and grace. Regarded as gods, mostly by themselves.
Ancient kin of modern dragons were the very first living species to enter the Material Realm. Their power and skill formed the turbulent land and sea to their liking. Since then, they have clung to the tradition of claiming as much authority as they can.
Their control over the land dwindled slowly over the centuries since the forming of the Material Realm, due largely to their own laziness rather than loss of strength. Until the rampant growth of other species spurred them into action, causing the First Crisis. A bloody war that costs many lives of both Dragon and Human alike, as well as the other species dragged into the conflict. Many of the eldest Dragons were killed in the war, though scant few remain in remote edges of the world.
Dragons are prone to gathering minions in a similar manner to most Demon lords. However, their power structure is much flatter and more stable than the hierarchical system used by the Demons. A single Dragon will give commands within their horde, which consists mostly of Kobolds and smaller Dragons. They also keep closer to Dragons of their own elemental affinity, quickly mistrusting Dragons of other elements.
When Dragons integrate with other species, they often try to seek out positions of power and influence. Few Dragons of size greater than a Human or Elf will dwell in other species’ cities. Choosing rather to live out in the world, preferably in a place rich with elemental energy.
Scaled hide with rich colors associated with their elemental attunement. Thick tails, sharp fangs, and dexterous paws capable of manipulating objects as effectively as hands. Wide, reptilian heads at the end of long, flexible necks. From their heads, they cast a striking gaze with their narrow, reptilian pupils.
Common Names
Dragon often use names that begin with a strong sound such as Vilneer, Xirx, Qyell, or Thanariah.
Physical Heritage
Dragon blood often causes narrow pupils, scales, or coloration associated with their Dragon element.
"I am reaching the limits of my patience."
-Usler, surrounded by nervous city guards
Root Abilities - If Dragon is your Primary Species, you may learn 1 of these during character creation by assigning AP.
Make a ranged attack with 6 range to deal 9 damage of your Dragon Element. This ability is attuned to your Dragon Element. Augments do not increase the DL to Manifest this.
The iconic ability of legend only comes naturally to a certain breed of Dragon.
Aspect - Might
Gain 1 Physical Reduction, Immunity of your Dragon Element, and Vulnerable to the Element opposing your Dragon Element. Reduce your DL to Manifest abilities of your Dragon Element by 2.
Larger scales of deeper color adorn these Dragons, they are particularly tough and strong with their element at the cost of being vulnerable to their elemental counterpart.
Body Tinker
Aspect - Wit
Shrink 1 size. Gain Darksight and +3 on Craft rolls with traps.
Trading raw power for craftyness, finer motor skills, and vastly greater numbers, these smaller forms often fall into servitude.
Athlete Mobile
Aspect - Might
Gain Flight with Wings as a Primary Movement type. Double your Bulk Limit to determine your limitations for flight.
The wings of these ancients grow to majestic proportions.
Species Abilities - If Dragon is your Primary or Secondary Species, you may learn these by assigning AP.
Athlete Body
Aspect - Might
Gain +1 + TT/4 on defenses against effects that cause Encumbered, Held, Paralyzed, or Unaware.
Boost: Count as 1 + TT/6 sizes larger to determine Overpower attacks against you.
Naturalist Senses
Aspect - Wit
Gain +1 on Priority rolls and +1 + TT/2 on Survival rolls.
Boost: Req: Trained 3 Times - Gain Scent as a Primary Sense.
Aspect - Wit
Lock 1 Element. When dealing damage of the Locked Element, deal +1 + TT/6 damage.
Boost: Gain 1 + TT/3 Reduction against the Locked Element.
Lock 1 Element. 1 Resolve: If you would take damage of the Locked Element, instead heal half that much Energy.
Range Self   Duration 3 + TT rounds
Boost: Req: Trained 6 Times - Instead, heal equal to the damage.
Lock 1 Element. Deal 1 + TT/2 Physical damage of the Locked Element on the Soulweaver's turn. Shed light with Tier equal to the damage.
Range Aura 1 + TT/3   Duration 3 + TT rounds
Boost: Req: Trained 3 Times - Creatures that suffer Injury from this suffer Tier 1 of the Connected Ailment of the Locked Element.
Aspect - Wit
Gain +1 + TT/2 on Objects and Crafting Knowledge rolls.
Boost: Gain +1 + TT/3 on Barter rolls.
Senses Umbral
Aspect - Wit
Treat magical objects as having a smell Magnitude equal to 1 + 1/2 their Craft Tier. If you exceed the smell DL by 3, know the type of magical object, such as inlay or potion. Exceeding the DL by 6 knows any Elements it has. Exceeding the DL by 9 identifies a specific object.
Boost: Gain +1 + TT on rolls to smell magical objects.
As an attack succeeds against you, roll Endure to gain 3 + TT/4 Reduction to all damage types from it, DL 6 - TT/3 + prior successes.
Boost: If you exceed the DL by 3 or more, reduce any Ailments you would gain from the attack by 1 Tier.

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