Stout. Resolute. Stoic. Dwarves are as stubborn as they are sturdy with most having terse mannerisms and cutting senses of humor.
Dwarves arose during the age of learning within the hard stone beneath the surface. Throughout history, they have maintained distance from other species, occasionally having positive relations with humans, goblins, and orcs. They maintain simple government structures, with the clan leader directly involved in all affairs. As a clan would grow too large for a single leader, it would split and add a new leader from among the elders based on merits. Clans with leaders based on blood lineage have occurred but were quite rare.
Dwarves live in expansive underground cavern networks of finely worked stone. These networks contain a central cavern where the clan leader rules surrounded by the finest stonework the clan can muster inspired by the natural structures of stone and gem. Tall, vaulted ceilings, wide pillars, statues, wall carvings, and dais for speeches are all common. As well as architecture with good acoustics, to allow a clan leader to be heard by many people at once and their fabled choirs to perform for large audiences. Other chambers such as living quarters, forges, training quarters, and farm chambers have thier own purposes and are cut with more practical designs. Other species often find these tunnels uncomfortably small and difficult to navigate. Many of the larger chambers have bioluminescent flora. In smaller chambers and tunnels, they rely on their natural ability to see in pure darkness.
Dwarven clans are tight knit and keep their caverns closed off to most outsiders, even other dwarven clans. Still, even hostile clans will quickly band together against non-Dwarven foes. As adversaries, Dwarves can be ruthless and crafty. Their cities often have dead end tunnels and pits of giant spiders to throw off invaders. In a clash of armies, their lines are nearly unmovable as they rely on their bulk to hold the line while smashing opponents with heavy weapons. The bonds of dwarfhood are strong. A dwarf will often throw themselves into the fray to support another Dwarf even if they are perfect strangers. After all, if a Dwarf is in a fight, the other species must be at fault.
Convincing a Dwarf is like convincing stone. Their unflappable resolve and stubbornness making them difficult for most to get along with. They are a stern people, slow to anger unless their Dwarven pride is attacked. They despise false flattery and indirect conversation, respecting honesty and blunt truth. The ire of a Dwarf is long lived, and their friendship arduous to earn, especially for one who is not their kinsmen. However, that friendship is steadfast. A Dwarven ally is one that can be relied upon more than the rising of the sun.
Beyond the dwarves natural aversion to other species, they dislike Elves and Kobold the most. Finding those species to be naturally untrustworthy. Many Dwarves worship the same gods as the humans. Particularly heroic or influential Dwarves make their way into Dwarven legend and attain semi-divine status through their noble actions and may be prayed to for assistance in upcoming battle or hard times. Dwarven art often depicts deities in militaristic settings wearing armor and holding weapons of war.
Dwarves are broad framed with exceedingly fair features and lighter skin tones. The most notable feature of Dwarves is their eyes. Their pupils are large with vivid pigmentation. The average Dwarven voice is deep and resonating. Hair is a Dwarf’s vanity. It grows long and thick, often in lighter shades of blonde, tan, or red. Dwarves keep their hair and beards well-groomed and often have complicated braids or decorations intwined. Their bloodlines are slow to be influenced by other species blood, but also slower to ween out as well.
Common Names
Aird, Brandor, Ghem, Havor, Dain, Jurl, Lark, Yuun, Thun, Tairn, Aina, Bree, Cinda, Klair, Maiva, Nair
Physical Heritage
Having Dwarven blood often causes fairer features, sturdier frames, and a stubborn attitude. Those with strong Dwarven blood may have the vibrant eyes of a Dwarf.
Aspect - Charisma
Lock 1 non-Root Aspect Species ability of an Ancient Species. Treat it as a Dwarf Species ability. Gain +1 on defense against Suppression effects.
Even their blood is too stubborn to let go.
Aspect - Might
Darksight treats Tier 0 light as Tier 4. Treat Poor Breathability as 2 Tiers lower.
Lineages that spend their entire lives in the deepest caverns where fire is dangerous and light is scarce. They are much paler than other dwarves from generations without sun exposure.
Aspect - Charisma
Gain +2 on Perform rolls. Creatures have 1 less Reduction to damage against Resolve from you.
Leaders among those that don't listen, they become exceptional at what they do through never submitting to rejection.
Aspect - Might
Reduce penalties from Exhausted by 1.
Often perceived as outlanders, pioneers, or roughnecks that live on the outskirts of society, these dwarves are exceptionally tight knit and have adapted darker skin and smaller eyes from regular trips to the surface.
Aspect - Charisma
When you become Enraged, choose 1 + TT creatures to treat as not sensed for Enraged.
Boost: Req: Trained 3 Times - Treat Enraged as TT/2 Tiers lower to determine when you must attack the nearest creature.
Aspect - Charisma
Gain +1 + TT/3 on defense against Demoralize.
Boost: While Resisting in a Social Encounter, gain 1 + TT/4 Reduction to damage against your Resolve.
As you would become Unconscious from an attack, roll Endure to stay Conscious, DL 9 - TT/2 + prior successes.
Boost: Req: Trained 6 Times - Prevent effects other than damage from the attack.
Aspect - Wit
Treat gems as having a smell Magnitude equal to their quality Tier. If you exceed the smell DL by 3, know if it is mineral or crystal. Exceeding the DL by 6 knows the type of gem, such as ruby or diamond. Exceeding the DL by 9 identifies a specific gem, even if it has been altered.
Boost: Gain +1 + TT on rolls to smell gems.
Aspect - Finesse
Reduce Encumbered from non-magical obstructions by 1 + TT/2 Tiers.
Boost: Req: Trained 3 Time - Balance does not increase Movement costs.
Aspect - Finesse
If you would fail a Craft roll by less than 3, you still make 1 + TT progress.
Boost: You can craft all Craft Tier 1 objects. You cannot Repair objects you can only craft in this way.
Aspect - Might
Gain +1 + TT on Balance rolls.
Boost: Gain +1 + TT/3 on defenses against Reposition.
Aspect - Might
Gain 1 + TT/3 on rolls to wake up from Unconscious.
Boost: Gain +TT/2 Severe Threshold against Called Shots.