Wild. Brutal. Free. Orcs are traditionally tribal and are largely outcasts of most civilized life. Frighteningly intense in combat, their ferocity belies a sophisticated sense of honor.
In the age of learning, while the dwarves claimed the mountains, Rettocuru claimed the swamps, and humans were basically everywhere in numbers too small to matter, orcs developed upon the foothills and desert regions. Orcs were among the first to begin domesticating horses and are renowned for their breeding of heavy war horses and riding skills.
Orcs care little for monuments. Stonework, metallurgy, alchemy, and other technology was introduced to the orcs by other species. Orcs never raised any great cities to rival the humans or elves. When the species integrated, orcs either kept to their traditional lives or trickled into existing cities.
Orcs have been considered savages by many other species throughout history. Their intimidating appearance, slower development of technology, and atypical sense of honor has kept orcs apart from other species even into the eras where species mingle. To orcs, it is the actions one takes, rather than the physical markers one leaves behind that matters. Indeed, tomes of history tell of great influence by the orcs.
Orcs have loose structure to their societies. Small settlements dot the foothills and deserts where orcs dwell, each with an associated clan name. But orcs frequently migrate among these settlements. Orc clans are more suggestion than any significant bond and many orcs have difficulty clarifying for other species what exactly clanship means.
Elders are much respected in Orkish culture. Their words are taken with much weight and many will follow their directions, but they are not kings and do not give orders. A point that was difficult for many species to comprehend when the species integrated over the centuries. Instead, each orc is their own person.
When orcs muster for large action, such as war, it is because one or more orcs convince others to follow them through successful argument or sheer charisma. Once the action is finished, the orcs return to their lives. Long term leaders are rare among their people, as independence is highly prized. Like dwarves, orcs speak directly. Unlike dwarves, what will set off an orc can be more difficult to predict, especially on topics of honor or spirits. Orcs are also likely to escalate an argument to violence.
Orcs believe in spirits of nature. These spirits are often invisible according to orcs, exist everywhere, but sometimes take forms of plants or animals. There are many traditional Orkish methods of communicating or petitioning the spirits. Orc shamans use herbs and lead dances to communicate to these spirits. After associating with humans and dwarves, the Orkish population slowly adopted the idea of loved ones or heroes lingering as spirits that filled a similar function to the natural spirits.
Orcs are visually similar to humans, though taller and with skin tones either a range of green or light yellow depending on their heritage. Plains and foothill orcs trend to the green ranges, while desert orcs trend to yellow. Both have a high rate of baldness, even among the women, but those able to grow locks have hair that is black or shades of brown. Their faces trend to bold and square features.
Common Names
Orcs are often given names that represent them. An orc might earn a different name than the one given to them at birth. These names are derived using words from the Ancient language. This tradition came from the Orcish practice of worshiping the ancient flora as spirits from nature. Avagnadora (Roots reaching through stone), Sepil (Griffin), Evegnar (Harsh rain)
Physical Heritage
Orcish blood often imparts longer teeth, yellow or greenish skin, and stark facial structures.
Aspect - Might
Gain 6 Fire Reduction. You only need to drink half the normal amount.
Orc tribes that roam the golden dunes thrive where others shrivel.
Aspect - Form
Grow 1 size. Gain +1 on Athletics rolls.
An orc born under the blood moon is said to be cursed with a shroud of death.
Aspect - Finesse
Gain +1 Movement Pool, on Priority rolls, and on defenses against Reposition.
Orcish battle training is intense. Battle prowess equates to higher respect.
Aspect - Form
Your Fangs gain +1 damage and Accurate. Gain +1 on melee attack rolls.
An orc born with prominent tusks is said to be a good omen, destined to become a strong warrior.
As you would become Unconscious from an attack, roll Endure to stay Conscious, DL 9 - TT/2 + prior successes.
Boost: Req: Trained 6 Times - Prevent effects other than damage from the attack.
Aspect - Might
You can use all melee weapons as Bashing instead of their normal type.
Boost: Reduce the penalty to damage from size difference with Bashing Weapons by 1 + TT/3.
After dealing Bashing damage, if you exceeded defense by 6 - TT/2 or more, the target does not roll to reduce Ailments on their next turn.
Boost: Req: Trained 3 Times - Increase the Tier of Ailments caused by the attack by 1.
As Reposition or Trip would succeed against you, use Grab against the attacker.
Boost: If Grab succeeds, gain +1 + TT/2 on defense against the Reposition or Trip.
As an attack succeeds against you, roll Endure to gain 3 + TT/4 Reduction to all damage types from it, DL 6 - TT/3 + prior successes.
Boost: If you exceed the DL by 3 or more, reduce any Ailments you would gain from the attack by 1 Tier.
Aspect - Charisma
Gain +1 + TT/3 d12 on Demoralize.
Boost: Req: Trained 3 Times - You can Demoralize as a Trick.
Aspect - Might
Gain 1 + TT/3 on rolls to wake up from Unconscious.
Boost: Gain +TT/2 Severe Threshold against Called Shots.
Aspect - Wit
Gain +1 + TT/3 on Nature Knowledge rolls.
Boost: Gain +1 + TT/4 on Sway Animal rolls.