
When chosen as your Primary Species, gain each of these features.
If Full-Blooded: Gain +1 Movement Pool and +2 on Jump and Prevent Fall rolls.
Form: Talons and Wings
Sky Dweller: Gain Flight with Wings as a Primary Movement Type. Land becomes a Secondary Movement type.
Bird of Prey: Gain +2 damage with Talons.
Language: Avian
SizeHeightWeightAdventure AgeOld AgeSage Age
-1 3'4" - 4'2"30 - 40 pounds17 years34 years59 years
Aerial. Swift. Majestic. Raptorfused embody the regal virtues of birds of prey.
Dragons dominated the sky. Humans sought to change that by creating the Raptorfused. Influenced by predatory birds that fly swiftly to rival the Dragons’ aerial authority.
Raptorfused had mixed success integrating into society after the Human Dragon war. Some found a natural niche within great libraries, while others gravitated to militaries to serve as scouts or aerial cavalry. Despite their relative acceptance among other species, they comprise very little of any given population.
Raptorfused hold dignity and articulate speech in high regard. They show little preference to urban or rural societies and trend to intellectual places where they are known for their direct and contemplative speaking pace. They often enjoy deep philosophical discussions and musings. Raptorfused value self control and speaking skills. They also laud firm, wise leaders who solve problems tactfully.
They despise those who act foolishly, take risks, or scorn advice and criticism. To them, the ability to accept input of others and make equitable and smart decisions is a mark of a mature person. Raptorfused will readily make known to you if you fall short of this criteria, and are equally ready to help others improve themselves.
Raptor heads top a humanoid body. Feathers of matching plumage to their bird influencer line their limbs and cover the wings that grow from their backs. Their feet are narrow and hold sharp talons.
Night birds were created to spy on Dragons, and mimicry bird variants were made to confound their armies of Kobold minions. The night birds may also have been used to spy on the Humans allies, but that has never been confirmed. Vultures were used as an influence to create scouts that could go further without needing be bring supplies that would slow them down.
Physical Heritage
Those with Raptorfused blood may grow feathers even if they do not possess wings.
"You speak too much, and think too little."
-Kreekil, the Raptorfused, to a captured rebel fighter
Root Abilities - If Raptorfused is your Primary Species, you may learn 1 of these during character creation by assigning AP.
Body Naturalist
Aspect - Might
You can eat spoiled food safely. Gain Scent and +2 on defenses against Diseases of the Body.
Predominately containing the vulture as animal influencer among this species, the scavenger is devoid of feathers on their head.
Body Scout
Aspect - Form
Gain a beak and +1 on Observe rolls.
The original aerial combatant form. This species is often based upon falcon, eagles, and other fast predatory birds.
Body Shadow
Aspect - Form
Gain Nightsight. Your movement makes no sound while flying.
Night birds, like owls, are the base for this species. They have particularly large eyes.
Mind Trickster
Aspect - Wit
Gain +1 on Communication and Deceive rolls. Gain +6 on rolls to Mimic voices.
Based on birds that excel at mimicry, especially the raven. This species is often accredited as the wisest or wittiest of the avians.
Species Abilities - If Raptorfused is your Primary or Secondary Species, you may learn these by assigning AP.
Athlete Body
Aspect - Might
Treat the Temperature as 10 + 10 x TT degrees higher, not to exceed your comfortable Temperature.
Boost: Req: Trained 3 Times - Gain 1 + TT/2 Cold Reduction.
Athlete Mobile
Aspect - Finesse
Gain +1 + TT/2 on Balance rolls and defense against Hinder Movement.
Boost: Balance does not use an action.
Mind Senses
Aspect - Wit
Gain +1 + TT/2 on rolls against Projections and to identify a forgery.
Boost: Req: Trained 6 Times - You can use Break Illusion as a Trick.
Aspect - Wit
Gain +1 + TT/2 on Objects and Crafting Knowledge rolls.
Boost: Gain +1 + TT/3 on Barter rolls.
After an Influence roll, roll Zeal to reroll, DL 9 - TT/2 + prior successes.
Boost: On success, gain +1 + TT/3 damage with the Influence.
Scout Senses
Aspect - Wit
Gain +1 + TT/2 on Track and Stealth rolls.
Boost: Req: Trained 3 Times - Treat Concealment of creatures as 1 + TT/4 lower.
Aspect - Might
Gain +1 + TT/3 on Grab roll with your Talons.
Boost: Reduce the Held Tier you suffer from being in a Hold with your Talons by 1 + TT/4.
Athlete Body
Aspect - Might
Gain +2 + TT x 2 on Overexertion rolls for flying.
Boost: Double your Bulk Limit to determine your limitations for flight.

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