Peaceful. Elusive. Quick. Rettocuru are short swamp dwellers who prize harmony above all else.
Rettocuru have spent most of history in and around swampland since the Age of Learning. Where other species have notable events in history surrounding conflict, Rettocuru history surrounds peace. Rettocuru have ended and prevented wars multiple times throughout the ages. During times of prolonged peace, they promote the development of philosophy, spirituality, and alliances.
Due to their often-timid nature and the near constant violence of the other species, Rettocuru are nearly as reclusive as Shifters. Even well into the integration of the intelligent species, most prefer to remain in their swampland.
Sometimes called ‘the fairies of the swamp’, Rettocuru make their homes within the trees of the swampland where they rely on hiding to avoid danger.
Like the tranquil waters of the swamps, Rettocuru are a gentle people that love when life thrives in all its vibrant potential. They see beauty in all things, even things other species find unpleasant. Their societies view violence as a last resort and rely on speed to avoid conflict when simply hiding isn’t an option.
Although hospitable in nature, Rettocuru are also skittish. Interaction between Rettocuru and other species is sparse, with Rettocuru watching unobserved until they determine trustworthiness.
Rettocuru build few permeant structures. They live in small groups within the swamp and rely on their natural defenses to avoid natural dangers. They spend much of their time developing a deeper connection to those within their group, themselves, and nature. One of a Rettocuru’s favorite activities is long talks with close friends.
Swamplands are teeming with life in abundant variety. Rettocuru bodies, as well as their souls, have attuned to the swamps and have a broad span of appearances. All stand short, even among most other short species, rarely breaching heights above three and a half feet. Two horns spiral above wide faces set with large eyes. Long, thick tails help them flit through the tree line at impressive speeds.
Roughly half of Rettocuru have their iconic extra set of arms. Other variances in Rettocuru appearance correlate with where they dwell within the swamp. Those that spend their lives in the shallow waters have thicker, softer fur of darker color than the standard brown of the average Rettocuru. Those that reside on the dry ground within the swamps are even smaller, averaging two and a half feet, and have fur that is colored more closely to the foliage that grows near the ground. Some Rettocuru forgo the fur entirely and grow a thin layer of bark like that of a tree.
Common Names
Rettocuru names are infamously long and hard to pronounce such as Messdavren and Allilliolonrala.
Physical Heritage
Those with Rettocuru within their bloodline may have larger eyes, thicker fur, or horn stubs.
Aspect - Form
Gain Tier 1 Concealment while in tree filled environments and 1 Physical Reduction. Reduce the DL to Manifest Naturalist abilities by 2.
Instead of fur, this breed has skin that grows, and sheds, layers of bark like that of a tree.
Aspect - Form
Shrink 1 size. Gain +1 on Stealth rolls and +2 Movement Pool.
This smaller breed tangles its way among the thicker, low lying foliage.
Aspect - Form
Gain 2 arms.
The better to climb with, my dear.
Aspect - Form
Gain Aquatic and +2 on Swim rolls and defenses against disease.
Slicker fur and skin that repels water cover this breed.
Aspect - Charisma
Lock 1 + TT/2 types of Knowledge. Gain +1 on Locked Knowledge rolls.
Boost: When you can Aid yourself, you can do so even with Tier 1 skills.
After declaring an attack with your Horns, gain +1 + TT/3 damage on the attack.
Boost: The attack gains Accurate and Trauma.
Aspect - Finesse
Gain +1 + TT/2 on Jump rolls and +1 Movement Pool while Dashing or Running.
Boost: Req: Trained 6 Times - Gain + TT/6 on Mobility rolls.
Aspect - Charisma
Gain +1 + TT/4 on Poise Influence rolls.
Boost: Gain +1 + TT/3 d12 on defenses against effects that cause Enraged.
After a creature moves within 1 + TT/2 range, move 1 space.
Boost: Req: Trained 3 Times - Instead, move 2 spaces.
Aspect - Wit
You can Take Your Time an additional 1 + TT/3 times.
Boost: Req: Trained 3 Times - You may treat Knowledge as a 1 minute action allowing you to Take Your Time and to reroll a Knowledge roll you made during Conflict.
Aspect - Finesse
Gain +6 + TT x 6 on Soften Collision rolls while a tree is in Reach.
Boost: You can use this with any solid object in Reach.
Aspect - Wit
Reduce the initial action time of Research by time.
Boost: Gain +1 + TT/4 on Communication and Research rolls.