When chosen as your Primary Species, gain each of these features. |
If Full-Blooded: Gain +2 on Escape, Stealth and Squeeze rolls. |
Form: Claws, Fangs and Tail |
Darksight: Treat Tier 0 light as Tier 3. |
Scent: Gain +4 on range of smelling and add smell as a Primary Sense. |
Rodent Ears: Gain +2 on Awareness rolls with sound. |
Short Stride: Have a starting Movement Pool of 4. |
Language: Terran |
Size | Height | Weight | Adventure Age | Old Age | Sage Age |
-1 | 3'8" - 4'6" | 45 - 54 pounds | 15 years | 30 years | 52 years |
Unconcerned. Enterprising. Scrappy. Flexible both physically and societally. Rodentfused are disdained by many, yet always carve a niche for themselves regardless of their circumstances.
Influenced by Rodents. Mostly rats, but also squirrels, beavers, and porcupines. Originally made for stealth, Humans discovered their creation was also adept at delivery and logistics. The Rodentfused were quickly adjusted to the operation of supply lines.
Rather than strong familial bonds, Rodentfused have stronger ties to their pack, or the community of Rodentfused that congregate based on political views, shared oppression, or mere proximity, and may not necessarily have blood ties. They are seldom known to accept other species into their packs. Despite these common bonds, Rodentfused believe very strongly in their right to do what is best for themselves. They view overly sacrificial actions as foolish. As a society, they respect those who are successful without charity, and look down on those who are unable to support themselves. They especially respect those whose success came with great personal risk taking.
After the crisis that forged them, Rodentfused occupied nearly every major city in the world. Even when viewed by most others as ne’er-do-wells, criminals, and untouchables, they always find a way to thrive, especially in large populations. Rodentfused have developed a high regard for individual success, risk taking, and eschewing charity. One of the few things Rodentfused look further down on than individual failure is taking advantage of those weaker than oneself.
Long rodent heads top short bodies covered in short, dark fur. Prominent top and bottom incisors protrude from their mouths. Whiskers drape from their snouts. Claw like nails adorn their hands and feet. Behind them trails a worm-like tail.
Physical Heritage
Overpronounced top and bottom incisors reveal Rodent ancestry.
"Sure there’s a ban, but goods can wind up in all sorts of places..for the right price, of course."
-Ivar, perfectly legitimate Rodentfused businessman
Root Abilities - If Rodentfused is your Primary Species, you may learn 1 of these during character creation by assigning AP. |
Aspect - Form
Gain Flight with Wings as a Primary Movement type and can use it as if you had wings, except you cannot increase your elevation and you do not count as a larger size while flying. You can always Aid your own Elude defense and Jump rolls with Balance.
A variant of Rodentfused that have an excess of membranous skin along their limbs and sides that allow them limited flight. These Rodentfused often have squirrels as their animal influencer. Their tails are often covered in fluffy fur.
Aspect - Form
Gain Immunity to Sickened and Diseases of the Body.
A particularly durable breed, this variant often has rats as their animal influencer. Their tails are pink and wormlike.
Aspect - Form
Your Tail gains Devastating, Grab, +3 damage, and changes to Stabbing Strike Type. When you Grapple, your Tail counts as a Distal for all of your parts.
The spined appear unapproachable. Long, hooked quills cover their body and tail. These quills grow where other species would have a hairline. They have animal influencers among the Erethizontidae species.
Aspect - Might
Gain +2 on Endure and Swim rolls.
Swimmers have flat tails and webbing between their fingers and toes to help them swim. Their fur is thick and brown. They have animal influencer is often the beaver.
Species Abilities - If Rodentfused is your Primary or Secondary Species, you may learn these by assigning AP.
Aspect - Finesse
Gain +1 + TT on Escape and Squeeze rolls.
Boost: Reduce the Tiers of Encumbered you gain from Squeeze and Crowded by 1 + TT/3.
Aspect - Might
Gain +1 + TT/4 on Hinder Attack rolls.
Boost: Increase the penalty you cause with Hinder Attack by 1.
Aspect - Wit
Gain +1 + TT/2 on Objects and Crafting Knowledge rolls.
Boost: Gain +1 + TT/3 on Barter rolls.
After a non-Knowlege Skill roll that is not a Fumble, gain +2 + TT/3 - prior successes on the roll.
Boost: Reroll 1d12 from your roll.
Aspect - Finesse
Gain +1 + TT/3 on Stealth rolls.
Boost: Req: Trained 3 Times - You can increase the Tier of Concealment gained from Stealth by 1 more than the Concealment you are benefiting from.
Aspect - Wit
When you Aid Influence, you can heal the creature 1 + TT/4 Resolve instead of any other effect.
Boost: Req: Trained 3 Times - You can Soothe Enraged, Frightened, and Unaware of creatures that can hear you without a Free Limb.
Aspect - Wit
Gain +2 + TT x 2 on Awareness with Displacement rolls.
Boost: Req: Trained 6 Times - Gain + TT/4 range with Displacement.
Aspect - Wit
Reduce the initial action time of Research by time.
Boost: Gain +1 + TT/4 on Communication and Research rolls.