Sentient Object
Sentient Object
Sentient Object

When chosen as your Primary Species, gain each of these features.
If Full-Blooded: Choose any object. The object is this creature's body. Counts as an object and a creature. Can control moving parts like limbs.
Replace Sight with Displacement as your Primary Sense.
Object Body: Cannot be a playable character, has 0 Energy Pool, and no Training Limit. Secondary Species must be Sentient Object.
Silent Speech: Does not require the use of sound or gestures for any purpose. Gain telepathy with 1 range.
Base Skills: Each Skill Tier begins as Tier 0 and can be increased up to 4 as part of creation.
SizeHeightWeightAdventure AgeOld AgeSage Age
? 0'0" - 0'0"0 - 0 pounds0 years0 years0 years
Root Abilities - If Sentient Object is your Primary Species, you may learn 1 of these during character creation by assigning AP.
Aspect - Wit
If you are Cursed, while worn or Gripped, the curse instead affects that creature.
Species Abilities - If Sentient Object is your Primary or Secondary Species, you may learn these by assigning AP.
Aspect - Wit
Reduce your DL of Awareness with Displacement by 2 + TTx2.
Aspect - Wit
Gain +1 + TT range with Telepathy.
Trick - Suppression
While Held, attack Poise with Zeal. On success, the creature drops you. You can Manifest this as a reaction to being Gripped.
Boost: The creature cannot Grip you for 1 + TT minutes.
Aspect - Wit
When you would pay an Energy cost, a creature holding or wearing you can pay the cost instead.
Boost: As a creature chooses not to pay the cost, attack Poise with Magic to force the payment.

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