
When chosen as your Primary Species, gain each of these features.
If Full-Blooded: Your Shifter species Talents have infinite duration.
Shift: As a Major action, take on the shape of any creature or object you are familiar with. This replaces your other Body Species Features, Body Parts, and Body Traits with those of that form. Your size does not change. If the object is technology or magical, do not gain its function. Worn gear that no longer fits you falls to the ground.
Short Stride: Have a starting Movement Pool of 4.
Language: Ancient
SizeHeightWeightAdventure AgeOld AgeSage Age
-1 4'2" - 5'0"40 - 60 pounds25 years250 years275 years
Curious. Diverse. Transitory. Shifters are possibly the only species that can claim to truly be more adaptable than humans.
Shifters entered the Material realm during the turbulent era of the first Dragons casting powerful magics and changing the world to their liking. Such chaotic magic made them what they are: everything and nothing. Immediately, Shifters used their abilities to evade the warring Dragons and have kept eluding to this day. Even among other species born of ancients, Shifters are the rarest. Seldom noticed by others unless they wish it.
Most Shifter lines followed their curiosity, observing other species with relative peace. But a minority felt their ability to hide wasn’t enough. They wished to push further. Secluding themselves, they experimented with powerful rituals and pushed their abilities. This sect was never heard from again, but Shifters are quick to deny that they ever existed.
Shifters are insatiably curious. There is no known society of Shifters. Rather, they dwell among other species unnoticed. Observing. Sometimes nudging in a direction they wish. But always watching.
When not assuming the forms of others, Shifters have grey skin with an oily texture that covers vaguely amorphous bodies that rest in an asymmetric humanoid shape. Their eyes are flat grey and recessed into their heads and they lack hair or nails.
Common Names
Shifters have no discernable pattern to their naming structures.
Physical Heritage
Shifter blood makes no visual changes yet makes the body slightly more pliable to the whims of the soul that inhabits it.
"I could be anything. Why would I choose to be an instrument of violence?"
-Chruben the Shifter
Root Abilities - If Shifter is your Primary Species, you may learn 1 of these during character creation by assigning AP.
Body Mind
Aspect - Charisma
Grow 1 size. Gain +1 on rolls to reduce Enraged afflicting you and defenses against Body and Mind effects.
Forever merged with another Shifter whose mind has drifted away.
Body Trickster
Aspect - Might
When you become or form an object made of bone, bronze, steel, stone, or wood, gain all effects, properties, and traits of the object, including functions of technology.
Body Construction
Form the shape of a single contiguous object in your Grip with up to 3 Bulk. It is part of your body and made of bone. You can use the object as normal, though cannot drop or throw it. If the object is technology or magical, do not gain its function.
Range Self   Duration Until unconscious
Body Trickster
Aspect - Finesse
As you Shift, you can roll Disguise to become a specific creature or object you are familiar with and gain +12 on your roll. Modifiers to the roll are determined by your unshifted form.
Species Abilities - If Shifter is your Primary or Secondary Species, you may learn these by assigning AP.
Target Shifter in Reach of your unshifted size may immediately merge into you, preventing them from being or using actions that use body parts, movement, or speech. This ends if the target changes size or Species. This makes your unshifted size 1 larger. You may have up to 1 + TT instances of this active at once.
Range Target 0   Duration Until unconscious   Defense Endure
Boost: You can use Telepathy to creatures merged into you or in contact with you.
Body Mobile
Gain +1 + TT Movement Pool and +1 on Mobility rolls.
Range Self   Duration Until unconscious
Boost: Choose Bashing, Chopping, or Stabbing. Gain 1 + TT Reduction to the chosen Strike Type.
Choose up to 1 + TT of your limbs. They each gain a distal of your choice.
Range Self   Duration Until unconscious
Boost: 1 Energy: Choose up to 1 + TT limbs. Gain the chosen limbs. They may be affected by the effect of this ability.
Body Guardian
Choose Air, Earth, Fire, or Water. Gain 1 + TT Reduction against the chosen Element.
Range Self   Duration Until unconscious
Boost: Req: Trained 4 Times - You may also choose from Mind, Body, Radiant, and Necrotic.
Body Senses
Gain +1 + TT/3 on Awareness rolls.
Range Self   Duration Until unconscious
Boost: Req: Trained 2 Times - Choose an Enhanced Sense. Gain the chosen sense.
Aspect - Wit
Gain +1 + TT on Social Knowledge rolls.
Boost: Learn 2 + TT languages.
Aspect - Charisma
Treat shapeshifted subjects as having smell Magnitude 4. If you exceed the smell DL by 3, know if the effect is magical or not. Exceeding the DL by 6 knows what current parts are caused by the effect. Exceeding the DL by 9 knows the natural form of the subject.
Boost: Gain +1 + TT on rolls to smell shapeshifted subjects.
Body Environmental Trickster
Aspect - Wit
Lock 1 + TT Environmental Traits. Gain the Locked Traits while Shifted into a form that has them.
Boost: Req: Trained 2 Times - When changing form, you may also change your scent and temperature to match the form.

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