Food and Drink
Food and Drink
Food and Drink

Banquet, Per PersonCost 5.0016A formal, high-quality meal with several courses, served by waitstaff.
BeansCost 0.0310Kidney-shaped seeds growing in long pods on certain plants.
BreadCost 0.0212A food made of flour, water, and yeast, which is mixed together and baked.
Cake MixCost 0.0512A mixture of ingredients to make a soft, sweet food that is baked and decorated.
CaviarCost 10.00N55The picked eggs of a large fish, eaten as a delicacy.
CheeseCost 0.0514A food made from coagulated and compressed milk curds.
Chocolate BarCost 0.2515A sweet treat made with cocoa.
EggCost 0.01N31An object with a hard shell laid by a bird.
FishCost 0.0813A cold-blooded, limbless vertebrate with gills and fins that lives in water.
FlourCost 0.0113A white powder that serves as a basic ingredient in many foods.
FruitCost 0.0210A sweet piece of nature plucked from a tree.
HoneyCost 0.1512A sweet, sticky, yellow-brown fluid made by bees.
Ice CreamCost 0.10N23A sweet and soft, frozen food made with flavored milk fat.
Maple SyrupCost 0.5012Extracted from a maple tree to sweeten many snacks.
Meal, ElegantCost 0.5015A high quality meal with multiple courses.
Meal, GoodCost 0.2013A well-made meal with sides.
Meal, SimpleCost 0.10N82A basic meal to satisfy with a low cost.
Meal, SparseCost 0.05N51The bare essentials needed to survive.
MeatCost 0.2012Common meats, cooked.
NutsCost 0.0310An edible kernel of fruit surrounded by a hard shell.
OatmealCost 0.01N51Meal made from cooked, ground oats.
PastaCost 0.0712A dish composed of dough made from wheat and water, crafted into various shapes and cooked in boiling water.
PastryCost 0.70N24Baked dough with lots of sugar.
PieCost 2.0013Comes in an assortment of sweet types and flavors.
PotatoesCost 0.0710A starchy plant tuber.
RiceCost 0.0611The starchy seeds of cereal grass that is cooked.
SaltCost 0.01N51Used for preservation and flavor.
ShellfishCost 0.1212An aquatic, shelled crustacean.
SugarCost 0.1512A great sweetener.
VegetableCost 0.0220Part of an herbaceous plant.
WheatCost 0.0112A base to make many foods.
YogurtCost 0.0612A semisolid, sweetened and flavored food prepared by adding bacteria to milk and milk solids.
AbsintheCost 0.05N14A shot of potent, green liquor, flavored with aniseed and made with wormwood. Counts as 4 doses of alcohol.
AleCost 0.02N42A mug of bitter-flavored beer with a high alcoholic content.
ApplejackCost 0.04N42A mug of an alcoholic beverage distilled from hard cider. Counts as 2 doses of alcohol.
CoffeeCost 0.01N42A cup of beverage made from ground and roasted seeds, served hot or iced.
Fine WineCost 0.80N45A cup of aged alcoholic beverage made from fermented juice of the highest quality grapes. Counts as 2 doses of alcohol.
JuiceCost 0.04N40A cup of juice squeezed from fruit.
LagerCost 0.04N42A mug of an aged beer brewed by slow fermentation.
MeadCost 0.05N42A mug of a beverage made from fermented honey, water, malt, and yeast.
MilkCost 0.0510A cup of white fluid drawn from female mammals.
Milk, DryCost 0.0813A powder made by evaporating milk to dryness, to which water is added when used. Lasts longer than fresh milk. Makes 1 gallon.
RumCost 0.01N12A shot of liquor distilled from sugar cane. Frequently watered down to make the half price Grog.
StoutCost 0.02N42A mug of a dark, heavy beer brewed with roasted malt or barley.
TeaCost 0.01N32A cup of a beverage made from adding dried leaves, leaf buds, or internodes of a plant to boiling water for flavor.
WhiskeyCost 0.02N12A shot of liquor distilled from malted barley or rye. Counts as 3 doses of alcohol.
WineCost 0.50N43A cup of alcoholic beverage made from fermented grape juice. Counts as 2 doses of alcohol.

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