
Tactician Time Potion
Spell - Infusion | Connected Skills - Martial and Magic
Target gains 1 + TT/3 Minor Action Pool.
Range Target 1 + TT   Duration 3 + TT rounds
Boost: Their position in Priority becomes before the creature before them. This does not allow a creature to act again this round.
Decay Earth Tinker Potion
Spell - Elemental | Connected Skills - Elude and Poise
Gain +2 + TT/2 on Break rolls if the target is not Immune to Acid.
Range Self   Duration 1 + TT minutes
Boost: Count as having the right tools to make rolls benefiting from this with a Free Limb.
Arcanist Necrotic Spiritual Potion
Spell - Transference | Connected Skills - Poise and Magic
Requirements: Poise Proficiency 9, Magic Proficiency 9
Speak 1 task. If target creature dies, they instead become a ghost and try to complete the task and then die. If they complete the task, they die.
Range Target 3 + TT   Duration 1 + TT minutes   Defense Nature
Boost: They can spend 1 Energy as a Major Action to stop Phasing for 1 minute.
Air Guardian Mobile Potion
Spell - Elemental | Connected Skills - Athletics and Nature
Requirements: Athletics Proficiency 9, Nature Proficiency 9
Target does not fall. They can use movement to lower their elevation.
Range Target 3 + TT x 3   Duration 6 + TT x 6 minutes   Defense Magic
Boost: The creature also cannot take or cause Collision damage while not carrying more than double their Bulk Limit.
Chaos Naturalist Tinker Potion
Spell - Infusion | Connected Skills - Tools and Nature
Requirements: Tools Proficiency 9, Nature Proficiency 9
After target creature takes physical damage, they roll 1d12, DL equal to the damage + TT/3. On failure, Alchemical objects in their gear activate. If a container in their possession takes damage, this affects Alchemical objects in that container.
Range Target 0   Duration 3 + TT rounds   Defense Magic
Boost: Manipulating Alchemical objects requires a Major Action.
Body Naturalist Imagination Potion
Spell - Mutation | Connected Skills - Athletics and Zeal
Requirements: Athletics Proficiency 15, Zeal Proficiency 15
Choose up to 1 + TT/3 limbs. Gain the chosen limbs.
Range Self   Duration 6 + TT x 3 minutes
Boost: Gain a distal on 1 + TT/2 limbs.
Body Despair Naturalist Potion
Spell - Mutation | Connected Skills - Athletics and Magic
After target creature suffers Grit Injury, they suffer Tier 1 + TT/6 Trauma.
Range Target 3 + TT   Duration 3 + TT rounds   Defense Endure
Boost: After they fail defense against Trauma, they suffer Tier 1 Sickened.
Decay Naturalist Mind Potion
Spell - Elemental | Connected Skills - Guile and Magic
Deal 4 + TT/2 Mind damage.
Range Target 3 + TT   Defense Endure
Boost: 3 Energy: Cause Tier 1 Wounded to their head.
Naturalist Mind Order Potion
Spell - Suppression | Connected Skills - Poise and Nature
Reduce Enraged, Frightened and Sickened afflicting target animal 1 + TT/2 Tiers.
Range Target 1 + TT   Defense Observe
Boost: After removing Tiers, improve its Social Opinion of you by 1 + TT/3 Tiers.
Despair Spiritual Umbral Potion
Spell - Transference | Connected Skills - Poise and Zeal
Cause target creature to reroll the next Skill roll they succeed and lose 1 + TT/4 d12 on the reroll.
Range Target 0   Duration 1 round   Defense Poise
Boost: If they succeed the reroll, cause Tier 1 + TT/3 Weakened.
Body Decay Naturalist Potion
Spell - Suppression | Connected Skills - Guile and Nature
Requirements: Guile Proficiency 15, Nature Proficiency 15
Cause target creature to have Tier 1 + TT/6 Exhausted.
Range Target 0   Duration 3 + TT x 3 minutes   Defense Endure
Boost: Cause Tier 1 + TT Weakened.
Chaos Trickster Umbral Potion
Spell - Suppression | Connected Skills - Nimble and Guile
Cause target to add 1 + TT/6 face value 1 to each Skill roll they make.
Range Target 3 + TT   Duration 1 + TT/4 rounds   Defense Zeal
Boost: If they reroll a roll, they suffer -1 on the reroll.
Chaos Mind Trickster Potion
Spell - Illusion
Requirements: Realistic Mode
Cause a Tier 1 + TT/4 Sanity event.
Range Target 0   Defense Nature
Boost: If the Sanity event is successful, they act and function as an animal for 1 + TT/3 rounds.
Chaos Mind Trickster Potion
Spell - Illusion | Connected Skills - Nimble and Guile
Requirements: Nimble Proficiency 21, Guile Proficiency 21
Dominate target creature. As they attack, the attack fails.
Range Target 3 + TT   Duration 3 + TT rounds   Defense Tools
Boost: Instead of the attack failing, they are affected as if attacking themselves.
Despair Mind Tinker Potion
Spell - Suppression | Connected Skills - Endure and Guile
Target creature has a 2 + TT/2 penalty on non-defensive Tools rolls.
Range Target 3 + TT   Duration 3 + TT minutes   Defense Tools
Boost: After the creature uses an object, attack Tools with 1 + TT/4 d12 to cause them to Drop the object.
Leader Mind Order Potion
Spell - Infusion | Connected Skills - Guile and Poise
Requirements: Guile Proficiency 15, Poise Proficiency 15
Understand all spoken languages for their literal meaning. You may miss things that would be clear if you knew the language.
Range Self   Duration 6 + TT x 3 minutes
Boost: You can read all written languages.
Chaos Despair Naturalist Potion
Spell - Mutation | Connected Skills - Magic and Nature
Requirements: Magic Proficiency 21, Nature Proficiency 21
Any Disease target creature has is exposed by contact with the creature in addition to its normal exposure.
Range Target 3 + TT   Duration 1 + TT minutes   Defense Nature
Boost: Reduce the Latent and Incubation Period of diseases afflicting the creature by half 1 + TT/3 times.
Body Senses Trickster Potion
Spell - Suppression | Connected Skills - Guile and Nature
Cause Tier 2 + TT/2 Deafened.
Range Target 3 + TT   Defense Endure
Boost: Cause Balance, DL increased by their Deafened Tier.
Body Decay Necrotic Potion
Spell - Mutation | Connected Skills - Magic and Nature
Cause a 1 + TT/3 penalty on Grit Pool.
Range Target 3 + TT   Duration 3 + TT rounds   Defense Nature
Boost: Increase the penalty by their sizes above 0.
Despair Mind Trickster Potion
Spell - Infusion | Connected Skills - Poise and Magic
Deal 1 + TT/3 damage to Resolve.
Range Target 3 + TT   Defense Poise
Boost: For 3 + TT x 3 minutes, after the creature suffers Grit Injury, deal 1 damage to their Resolve.
Senses Spiritual Umbral Potion
Spell - Illusion | Connected Skills - Zeal and Observe
Know if there is a creature other than yourself with an Affinity in an Aura 6 + 3 x TT.
Range Self   Duration 1 hour
Boost: 2 Energy: Creatures with Affinities have a dim purple glow around them. You can roll knoweldge as if sensing an effect of their Affinity.
Arcanist Senses Umbral Potion
Spell - Illusion | Connected Skills - Guile and Observe
Know if there has been any magical effect during the last hour in an Aura 6 + TT x 3.
Range Self   Duration 1 hour
Boost: 2 Energy: See a dim purple glow in spaces that contain remnants of magic. You can identify effects as if you could see them being Manifested or activated.
Arcanist Scout Umbral Potion
Spell - Illusion | Connected Skills - Tools and Observe
For each Spell that was Manifested in 6 range in the last 6 + TT x 3 hours, if the caster is within 1 + TT miles, see a straight line to the caster.
Range Self   Duration 1 + TT hours
Boost: You know what miles each subject is in away from you.
Decay Naturalist Necrotic Potion
Spell - Illusion | Connected Skills - Magic and Nature
Know if there is a diseased creature in an Aura 6 + TT x 3.
Range Self   Duration 1 hour
Boost: 2 Energy: See a dim yellow glow in spaces of diseased creatures.
Senses Time Potion
Spell - Illusion | Connected Skills - Guile and Observe
Know if there is another creature that has held an object you have Gripped in an Aura 3 + TT.
Range Self   Duration 1 hour
Boost: 2 Energy: See a dim blue glow in spaces that contain a creature that held the object.
Scout Senses Space Potion
Spell - Illusion | Connected Skills - Endure and Observe
Know if there is an invisible creature or object other than yourself or your gear in an Aura 6 + TT x 3.
Range Self   Duration 1 hour
Boost: 2 Energy: Invisible does not affect your senses.
Hero Mind Senses Potion
Spell - Illusion | Connected Skills - Guile and Observe
Know if there is a creature rolling Guile or benefiting from an effect they rolled Guile for in an Aura 3 + TT.
Range Self   Duration 1 hour
Boost: 2 Energy: See a dim yellow glow in spaces that contain a creature that is behaving in this way.
Arcanist Senses Umbral Potion
Spell - Illusion | Connected Skills - Elude and Magic
Know if there is a magical ability that you did not Manifest ongoing or being Manifested in an Aura 6 + TT x 3.
Range Self   Duration 1 hour
Boost: 2 Energy: See a dim red glow in spaces that contain these effects allowing you to attempt to identify them.
Arcanist Senses Umbral Potion
Spell - Illusion | Connected Skills - Elude and Nimble
Know if there is a magical object not in your possession in an Aura 6 + TT x 3. This does not detect Souls or Shards.
Range Self   Duration 1 hour
Boost: 2 Energy: See a dim white glow in spaces of magic objects.
Mind Scout Senses Potion
Spell - Illusion | Connected Skills - Endure and Observe
Know if a creature that used Awareness as an action senses you in an Aura 6 + TT x 3.
Range Self   Duration 12 minutes
Boost: 2 Energy: You can identify if you are sensed directly or through magic.
Scout Senses Space Potion
Spell - Illusion | Connected Skills - Athletics and Nature
Gain +3 on rolls to find secret doors in an Aura 6 + TT x 3.
Range Self   Duration 1 hour
Boost: 2 Energy: See a yellow glow around secret doors in range.
Earth Scout Senses Potion
Spell - Illusion | Connected Skills - Nature and Observe
Know if there is a living plant in an Aura 6 + TT x 3.
Range Self   Duration 1 hour
Boost: 2 Energy: See a dim green glow in spaces of plants.
Scout Senses Water Potion
Spell - Illusion | Connected Skills - Nature and Observe
Know if there is poison in an Aura 6 + TT x 3.
Range Self   Duration 1 hour
Boost: 2 Energy: See a dim purple glow in spaces that contain poison.
Mind Senses Umbral Potion
Spell - Illusion | Connected Skills - Magic and Observe
Sense if a Scry effect targets or senses you. If you would be seen through a Scry effect that does not target you, the effect attacks your Magic. On failure, it does not sense you.
Range Self   Duration 1 + TT hours
Boost: 2 Energy: Gain +1 + TT/3 on defenses against Scry effects.
Athlete Body Senses Potion
Spell - Illusion | Connected Skills - Athletics and Zeal
Know if there is a Talent that you did not Manifest ongoing or being Manifested in an Aura 6 + TT x 3.
Range Self   Duration 1 hour
Boost: 2 Energy: See a dim grey glow in spaces that contain these effects allowing you to attempt to identify them.
Mind Senses Shadow Potion
Spell - Illusion | Connected Skills - Poise and Observe
Requirements: Poise Proficiency 15, Observe Proficiency 15
Hear telepathy being used in an Aura 3 + TT x 3.
Range Self   Duration 1 + TT minutes
Boost: 2 Energy: See a dim violet glow round creatures using Telepathy.
Earth Scout Senses Potion
Spell - Illusion | Connected Skills - Elude and Tools
Know if there is a non-magical trap in an Aura 6 + TT x 3.
Range Self   Duration 1 hour
Boost: 2 Energy: See a dim red glow in spaces of non-magical traps.
Arcanist Necrotic Senses Potion
Spell - Illusion | Connected Skills - Magic and Nature
Know if there is an undead creature in an Aura 6 + TT x 3.
Range Self   Duration 1 hour
Boost: 2 Energy: See a dim black glow in spaces of undead creatures.
Body Tactician Time Potion
Spell - Suppression | Connected Skills - Athletics and Guile
Cause Tier 1 + TT/2 Sickened.
Range Target 3 + TT   Defense Zeal
Boost: Cause Tier 1 + TT/3 Slowed.
Despair Umbral Potion
Spell - Transference | Connected Skills - Guile and Nature
Requirements: Guile Proficiency 21, Nature Proficiency 21
Target creature or corpse becomes Soulbroken.
Range Target 0   Duration 1 round   Defense Nature
Boost: Deal 2 + TT/2 damage to each Energy and Resolve.
Arcanist Chaos Space Potion
Spell - Elemental | Connected Skills - Guile and Nature
Requirements: Guile Proficiency 9, Nature Proficiency 9
Deal 2 + TT/2 Space damage and cause Tier 1 + TT/3 Weakened.
Range Target 3 + TT   Defense Athletics
Boost: If you cause Injury, deal 1/2 Injury damage to Resolve.
Arcanist Decay Radiant Potion
Spell - Transference | Connected Skills - Guile and Nature
Deal 1 + TT/2 damage to their Energy.
Range Target 0   Defense Magic
Boost: 1 Resolve: Heal Energy equal to half Injury.
Arcanist Curative Necrotic Potion
Spell - Infusion | Connected Skills - Endure and Martial
After you cause Grit Injury to target creature, heal 1 Grit.
Range Target 1 + TT   Duration 3 + TT rounds   Defense Nature
Boost: If they would move away from you, they count as Tier 2 Held by you.
Decay Naturalist Earth Potion
Spell - Mutation | Connected Skills - Zeal and Nature
Requirements: Zeal Proficiency 21, Nature Proficiency 21
Target creature has a 1 + TT/3 penalty on defenses against Diseases of the Body, non-Magical poisons, and all effects from the environment.
Range Target 6 + TT x 3   Duration 12 + TT x 3 minutes   Defense Nature
Boost: The also suffer this penalty against abilities attuned to Naturalist and Environmental and their effects.
Scout Senses Shadow Potion
Spell - Infusion | Connected Skills - Poise and Observe
Requirements: Poise Proficiency 9, Observe Proficiency 9
Reduce penalties on Awareness with hearing rolls by 1 + TT.
Range Self   Duration 6 + TT x 3 minutes
Boost: Treat Sound as a Primary Sense.
Arcanist Potion
Spell - Elemental | Connected Skills - Nimble and Zeal
Lock 1 + TT/2 Material Elements. Choose a Locked Element. You can use a Free Limb to attack with the Element as a Tier 1 ranged weapon with 3 + TT/2 range that deals 4 damage and has Lightweight and the Locked Element.
Range Self   Duration 3 + TT x 3 rounds
Boost: The weapon gains the Connected Ailment of the chosen Element.
Arcanist Imagination Umbral Potion
Spell - Transference | Connected Skills - Elude and Magic
Requirements: Elude Proficiency 15, Magic Proficiency 15
Reduce Injury you would take by 1 + TT/4. After reducing Injury, pay 1 Energy.
Range Self   Duration 3 + TT rounds
Boost: After reducing Injury, roll 1 + TT d12 to remove the Energy cost, DL 12.
Arcanist Space Time Potion
Spell - Infusion | Connected Skills - Magic and Observe
Requirements: Magic Proficiency 9, Observe Proficiency 9
Cease to exist.
Range Self   Duration Up to 3 + TT rounds.
Boost: As this ends, Warp in 3 + TT range before reappearing.
Body Scout Senses Potion
Spell - Mutation | Connected Skills - Athletics and Nature
Requirements: Athletics Proficiency 15, Nature Proficiency 15
Lock 1 + TT/4 Enhanced Senses. Target gains the Locked options.
Range Target 1 + TT   Duration 3 + TT x 3 minutes
Boost: Gain +1 range with the Locked Senses.
Imagination Shadow Space Potion
Spell - Illusion | Connected Skills - Nimble and Nature
Target gains Tier 1 + TT/2 Concealment against sight.
Range Target 3 + TT   Duration 3 + TT rounds   Defense Magic
Boost: If they end their turn without moving, they gain Tier 1 Concealment against sight for 1 round.
The creature appears to fade in and out of existence.

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