Target gains 1 + TT/3 Minor Action Pool.

Target 1 + TT

3 + TT rounds
Boost: Their position in Priority becomes before the creature before them. This does not allow a creature to act again this round.
Gain +2 + TT/2 on Break rolls if the target is not Immune to Acid.


1 + TT minutes
Boost: Count as having the right tools to make rolls benefiting from this with a Free Limb.
Requirements: Poise Proficiency 9, Magic Proficiency 9
Speak 1 task. If target creature dies, they instead become a ghost and try to complete the task and then die. If they complete the task, they die.

Target 3 + TT

1 + TT minutes

Boost: They can spend 1 Energy as a Major Action to stop Phasing for 1 minute.
Requirements: Athletics Proficiency 9, Nature Proficiency 9
Target does not fall. They can use movement to lower their elevation.

Target 3 + TT x 3

6 + TT x 6 minutes

Boost: The creature also cannot take or cause Collision damage while not carrying more than double their Bulk Limit.
Requirements: Tools Proficiency 9, Nature Proficiency 9
After target creature takes physical damage, they roll 1d12, DL equal to the damage + TT/3. On failure, Alchemical objects in their gear activate. If a container in their possession takes damage, this affects Alchemical objects in that container.

Target 0

3 + TT rounds

Boost: Manipulating Alchemical objects requires a Major Action.
Requirements: Athletics Proficiency 15, Zeal Proficiency 15
Choose up to 1 + TT/3 limbs. Gain the chosen limbs.


6 + TT x 3 minutes
Boost: Gain a distal on 1 + TT/2 limbs.
After target creature suffers Grit Injury, they suffer Tier 1 + TT/6 Trauma.

Target 3 + TT

3 + TT rounds

Boost: After they fail defense against Trauma, they suffer Tier 1 Sickened.
Deal 4 + TT/2 Mind damage.

Target 3 + TT

Boost: 3 Energy: Cause Tier 1 Wounded to their head.
Reduce Enraged, Frightened and Sickened afflicting target animal 1 + TT/2 Tiers.

Target 1 + TT

Boost: After removing Tiers, improve its Social Opinion of you by 1 + TT/3 Tiers.
Cause target creature to reroll the next Skill roll they succeed and lose 1 + TT/4 d12 on the reroll.
Boost: If they succeed the reroll, cause Tier 1 + TT/3 Weakened.
Requirements: Guile Proficiency 15, Nature Proficiency 15
Cause target creature to have Tier 1 + TT/6 Exhausted.

Target 0

3 + TT x 3 minutes

Boost: Cause Tier 1 + TT Weakened.
Cause target to add 1 + TT/6 face value 1 to each Skill roll they make.

Target 3 + TT

1 + TT/4 rounds

Boost: If they reroll a roll, they suffer -1 on the reroll.
Spell - Illusion
Requirements: Realistic Mode
Cause a Tier 1 + TT/4 Sanity event.

Target 0

Boost: If the Sanity event is successful, they act and function as an animal for 1 + TT/3 rounds.
Requirements: Nimble Proficiency 21, Guile Proficiency 21
Dominate target creature. As they attack, the attack fails.

Target 3 + TT

3 + TT rounds

Boost: Instead of the attack failing, they are affected as if attacking themselves.
Target creature has a 2 + TT/2 penalty on non-defensive Tools rolls.

Target 3 + TT

3 + TT minutes

Boost: After the creature uses an object, attack Tools with 1 + TT/4 d12 to cause them to Drop the object.
Requirements: Guile Proficiency 15, Poise Proficiency 15
Understand all spoken languages for their literal meaning. You may miss things that would be clear if you knew the language.


6 + TT x 3 minutes
Boost: You can read all written languages.
Requirements: Magic Proficiency 21, Nature Proficiency 21
Any Disease target creature has is exposed by contact with the creature in addition to its normal exposure.

Target 3 + TT

1 + TT minutes

Boost: Reduce the Latent and Incubation Period of diseases afflicting the creature by half 1 + TT/3 times.
Cause Tier 2 + TT/2 Deafened.

Target 3 + TT

Boost: Cause Balance, DL increased by their Deafened Tier.
Cause a 1 + TT/3 penalty on Grit Pool.

Target 3 + TT

3 + TT rounds

Boost: Increase the penalty by their sizes above 0.
Deal 1 + TT/3 damage to Resolve.

Target 3 + TT

Boost: For 3 + TT x 3 minutes, after the creature suffers Grit Injury, deal 1 damage to their Resolve.
Know if there is a creature other than yourself with an Affinity in an Aura 6 + 3 x TT.


1 hour
Boost: 2 Energy: Creatures with Affinities have a dim purple glow around them. You can roll knoweldge as if sensing an effect of their Affinity.
Know if there has been any magical effect during the last hour in an Aura 6 + TT x 3.


1 hour
Boost: 2 Energy: See a dim purple glow in spaces that contain remnants of magic. You can identify effects as if you could see them being Manifested or activated.
For each Spell that was Manifested in 6 range in the last 6 + TT x 3 hours, if the caster is within 1 + TT miles, see a straight line to the caster.


1 + TT hours
Boost: You know what miles each subject is in away from you.
Know if there is a diseased creature in an Aura 6 + TT x 3.


1 hour
Boost: 2 Energy: See a dim yellow glow in spaces of diseased creatures.
Know if there is another creature that has held an object you have Gripped in an Aura 3 + TT.


1 hour
Boost: 2 Energy: See a dim blue glow in spaces that contain a creature that held the object.
Know if there is an invisible creature or object other than yourself or your gear in an Aura 6 + TT x 3.


1 hour
Boost: 2 Energy: Invisible does not affect your senses.
Know if there is a creature rolling Guile or benefiting from an effect they rolled Guile for in an Aura 3 + TT.


1 hour
Boost: 2 Energy: See a dim yellow glow in spaces that contain a creature that is behaving in this way.
Know if there is a magical ability that you did not Manifest ongoing or being Manifested in an Aura 6 + TT x 3.


1 hour
Boost: 2 Energy: See a dim red glow in spaces that contain these effects allowing you to attempt to identify them.
Know if there is a magical object not in your possession in an Aura 6 + TT x 3. This does not detect Souls or Shards.


1 hour
Boost: 2 Energy: See a dim white glow in spaces of magic objects.
Know if a creature that used Awareness as an action senses you in an Aura 6 + TT x 3.


12 minutes
Boost: 2 Energy: You can identify if you are sensed directly or through magic.
Gain +3 on rolls to find secret doors in an Aura 6 + TT x 3.


1 hour
Boost: 2 Energy: See a yellow glow around secret doors in range.
Know if there is a living plant in an Aura 6 + TT x 3.


1 hour
Boost: 2 Energy: See a dim green glow in spaces of plants.
Know if there is poison in an Aura 6 + TT x 3.


1 hour
Boost: 2 Energy: See a dim purple glow in spaces that contain poison.
Sense if a Scry effect targets or senses you. If you would be seen through a Scry effect that does not target you, the effect attacks your Magic. On failure, it does not sense you.


1 + TT hours
Boost: 2 Energy: Gain +1 + TT/3 on defenses against Scry effects.
Know if there is a Talent that you did not Manifest ongoing or being Manifested in an Aura 6 + TT x 3.


1 hour
Boost: 2 Energy: See a dim grey glow in spaces that contain these effects allowing you to attempt to identify them.
Requirements: Poise Proficiency 15, Observe Proficiency 15
Hear telepathy being used in an Aura 3 + TT x 3.


1 + TT minutes
Boost: 2 Energy: See a dim violet glow round creatures using Telepathy.
Know if there is a non-magical trap in an Aura 6 + TT x 3.


1 hour
Boost: 2 Energy: See a dim red glow in spaces of non-magical traps.
Know if there is an undead creature in an Aura 6 + TT x 3.


1 hour
Boost: 2 Energy: See a dim black glow in spaces of undead creatures.
Cause Tier 1 + TT/2 Sickened.

Target 3 + TT

Boost: Cause Tier 1 + TT/3 Slowed.
Requirements: Guile Proficiency 21, Nature Proficiency 21
Target creature or corpse becomes Soulbroken.
Boost: Deal 2 + TT/2 damage to each Energy and Resolve.
Requirements: Guile Proficiency 9, Nature Proficiency 9
Deal 2 + TT/2 Space damage and cause Tier 1 + TT/3 Weakened.

Target 3 + TT

Boost: If you cause Injury, deal 1/2 Injury damage to Resolve.
Deal 1 + TT/2 damage to their Energy.

Target 0

Boost: 1 Resolve: Heal Energy equal to half Injury.
After you cause Grit Injury to target creature, heal 1 Grit.

Target 1 + TT

3 + TT rounds

Boost: If they would move away from you, they count as Tier 2 Held by you.
Requirements: Zeal Proficiency 21, Nature Proficiency 21
Target creature has a 1 + TT/3 penalty on defenses against Diseases of the Body, non-Magical poisons, and all effects from the environment.

Target 6 + TT x 3

12 + TT x 3 minutes

Boost: The also suffer this penalty against abilities attuned to Naturalist and Environmental and their effects.
Requirements: Poise Proficiency 9, Observe Proficiency 9
Reduce penalties on Awareness with hearing rolls by 1 + TT.


6 + TT x 3 minutes
Boost: Treat Sound as a Primary Sense.
Lock 1 + TT/2 Material Elements. Choose a Locked Element. You can use a Free Limb to attack with the Element as a Tier 1 ranged weapon with 3 + TT/2 range that deals 4 damage and has Lightweight and the Locked Element.


3 + TT x 3 rounds
Boost: The weapon gains the Connected Ailment of the chosen Element.
Requirements: Elude Proficiency 15, Magic Proficiency 15
Reduce Injury you would take by 1 + TT/4. After reducing Injury, pay 1 Energy.


3 + TT rounds
Boost: After reducing Injury, roll 1 + TT d12 to remove the Energy cost, DL 12.
Requirements: Magic Proficiency 9, Observe Proficiency 9
Cease to exist.


Up to 3 + TT rounds.
Boost: As this ends, Warp in 3 + TT range before reappearing.
Requirements: Athletics Proficiency 15, Nature Proficiency 15
Lock 1 + TT/4 Enhanced Senses. Target gains the Locked options.

Target 1 + TT

3 + TT x 3 minutes
Boost: Gain +1 range with the Locked Senses.
Target gains Tier 1 + TT/2 Concealment against sight.

Target 3 + TT

3 + TT rounds

Boost: If they end their turn without moving, they gain Tier 1 Concealment against sight for 1 round.
The creature appears to fade in and out of existence.