Magical gear comes in many forms. As a result of the enchantments on them or contents stored within, magical objects have 3 Reduction against damage. The cost of these objects is based on their Craft Tier.
Magical objects are presented at their Base Tier, though they can be crafted at any higher Tier. You can Enhance the Tier of an existing object by Crafting as a new object, except reduce the cost of the object by the cost of its current Tier. If you fail the project, reduce the object 1 Tier, destroying it if it was its Base Tier. The cost of the object becomes the cost of its new Tier, only using the Base Tier to determine the value of ET. ET modifies the effects of an object where shown by using the number of Tiers the object is above the Base Tier.
Artifacts each specify how they are used and their Bulk. Magical weapons count as Artifacts. If the effect has a cost, the effect only takes place after you pay the cost and while you are Gripping or Grabbing the object and are Focused on it. Paying a cost does not use an action, but can only be done during your turn. After paying a cost, objects have a dim glow while their effect is active. The effect ends if you Drop it or another creature activates the object.
Each Artifact is an enchantment on a specific object. When crafting an artifact, you can place the enchantment on objects of different materials or quality, though you must possess that object before crafting. Artifacts made of body parts can only be made from that body part.
An Inlay is an N3 Bulk glowing orb of refined magic. An Inlay will Meld into a non-Inlay object after it is placed against that object for 1 minute unless there are already Inlays Melded equal to the object's Inlay Limit, granting its effect to the object. Inlays in weapons with load also apply to ammunition when used.
Once Melded, you can spend 6 minute Focused on a Gripped object to extract an Inlay. While an object has an Inlay Melded to it, the object becomes magical and counts as having a Craft Tier equal to the highest Tier of Inlay Melded for the purpose of identifying its effect. Each additional Inlay increases the Tier by 1. While Melded, if the object it is Melded into is Dispelled, the Inlay also becomes inactive, though the Meld remains in effect.
Alchemical objects can be created by extracting magical energy from natural plants and materials and mixing them properly. You can Drink, apply, or Throw them as defined or break their container to cause their effect. They are consumed when used and stored in vials. Objects with Area Tier 2 or higher modify Area value by 1/2 the size of the creature they are mode for. Their cost is affected by size.
Ability Replication
There are a number of ways to create magical objects that replicate the effects of abilities. The Craft Tier of these objects is the number of Trainings and boosts applied + the total Pip cost to Manifest the replicated ability. This includes any Augments and Intensity applied. Increase the Tier by 3 if the ability requires a 9 or lower Proficiency, by 6 if it requires a 10 - 15, or by 9 if it requires a 16 - 21. You cannot replicate abilities with requirements other than Proficiencies. Each type has restrictions on what abilities they can replicate and their own way of being used. When identifying these objects, determine the Craft Tier without including Training.
Potions are the raw energy of Spells stored in vials. The liquid is thick and has a dim glow colored based on the effect of the Spell. Drinking the entire potion gains the effect of the Spell targeting yourself.
Potions can be made of Spells that affect only a single creature, could affect the creature Manifesting it, and do not cause an immediate physical action with the effect or Boost, including Augments. Potions can be made of Talents that meet these requirements by increasing the Craft Tier by 1. Any decisions that must be made for the effect are made at the time the potion is crafted. If a creature defends against the effect, their defense has DL 6 + Tier/2.
Infusion Tattoos can be crafted onto a creature of any non-root Aspect, Talent, Trick, or Response onto a creature. The creature knows the ability while the Tatoo remains. A Tattoo of an Aspect disappears after 1 hour. Other tattoos disappear after they are used once.
Infusion Etchings
Infusion Etchings can be crafted onto an object of any non-root Aspect, Spell, or Talent onto an object. Objects with an Etching count as Artifacts.
A creature Gripping an object can activate an Etching on it as a Major Action for 1 Resolve + any costs of the ability. If the ability is an Aspect, the object gains the ability for 1 hour. Otherwise, the object uses the ability with 1d12 to Manifest it and you choose all options of the ability. You can take your time to affect the Manifest roll. You can increase the Aspect duration and Manifest dice by 1 each by increasing the Craft Tier by 2 any number of times.
Spell Gems
Translucent stones are considered to be precious gems. Some precious gem have properties that allow them to be a used as a Spell Gem, granting them increased value over normal stones. Spell gems are rated in Tiers like magical object with the same cost and are N1 Bulk.
Any Spell that does not have any added Soul cost can be crafted onto a Spell Gem as long as the Craft Tier is lower than the rating Tier of the stone. The Spell can be Augmented. If the Spell has choices to be made other than the target, they must be made at the time of Crafting. You can use Daily Magic to store an Energy in the stone if it does not already have an Energy stored. While an Energy is stored in a Spell Gem you have Gripped or worn, you can pay 1 Resolve as a Major Action and expend the stored Energy to Manifest the Spell as if you know it.